Portion Ru Ay - Oiy vey - Dont Mess with G-d or the Holi-day!
- פרטים
- קטגוריה: Parashat Hashavua
- פורסם בשישי, 26 אוגוסט 2022 12:11
- נכתב על ידי Super User
- כניסות: 543
Portion Ru Ay - Oiy vey - Dont Mess with G-d or the Holi-day!
As Moshe continues his 40 year review,
He warns the nation of Israel to
Stay away from False Prophets
Like the
Putin? china?
Pelosi and her drunk-driver husband?
former governor Cuomo?
Atomic wanna-bees? Who are they kidding?
Greed and jealousy ruin lives - and The World
so the portion starts "take a good look"
and our sages say - it could be simply intellectual
LOOK AT YOURSELVES - and get ready for the Highest Holidays
coming up in 30 days!!!
So we are told to leave a gentle "footprint"
On the Earth,
with our
Kosher laws that restrain some exceses
And the portion gives us a
Holiday calendar review - TO REMIND US TO BRING JOY TO OTHERS
(I just gave 200 shekels to a family with 4 kids who couldn't
afford shoes for the school year starting next week
nobody I know - just saw the trunk of a neighbor I trust
and it was filled with food - so I asked "for who?"
so anyone who wants to donate $10 or so to them -
or the families of the 3 fellows who were "hacked" by axe -
can get me the money when I get to New York in 3 weeks
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz