Parashat Hashavua

Portion Shoftim and the Greatest Wedding Ever

Portion Shoftim and the Greatest Wedding Ever
The Portion - actually Moses - speaks to Israelites about to enter and conquer Israel -
about kings judges and police
so whybring in stories from the Talmud? 
From the Talmud today...
Fables and Facts from BabaBatra pages 73-4
The rabbis were sailing and in the water they saw a sunken treasure of jewels, so
One jumped in to fetch the jewels and was almost swallowed by a whale
so they hauled him in - and 
A voice rang out from heaven -
These jewels are for the
Wife of that holy man -  Chanins ben Dosa - in the future.
What can we learn from this?
What's the purpose of a wedding?
(See picture below from tonight Thursday).
I think it is to fix the world. By FAMILIES JOINING TOGETHER - with a couple!
Reb Shlomo  onoften spoke how Moshe danced at his last 5 weddings
before he left the world.
What? Weddings? Yes! (Bnos Tzelafchad)
What words  of wisdom did he share with them?
Let me asķ you first...
Is it possible that all Israel werent there - At the weddings - 
and to hear Moses give his last speeches
For the 30 last days of :
And of
Exile (before coming into Canaan)
Didnt all the dancing and singing scare all the Canaanites across the River Jordan?
Tonight Thursday I am at a wedding
On the Abraham Side of the Jordan-
High above the same Jericho whose walls fell
Probably weakened by the Israelites dancing and singing and music!
But from Jericho - Rachav was saved - why?
She was probably dancing with us.!
If only the whole world would send 100 people each
To the Gaza Border Villages
And dance with us Israelites
They would learn - and all Israel would learn -
It MEANS "MAKE HUMANS out of haters and killers".
And on that note The portion
teaches us - “Cause we all need each other, well you know it's true”
And quoted by Shlomo Ressler -
"We can’t help everyone, but everyone can help someone." — ron regan
Right now I need to get ready for a Great Shabbos - and you all too!
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

Portion RuhAiy - a story of Krakow via Rabbi Ginsburg

Portion RuhAiy - a story of Krakow via Rabbi Ginsburg
A young man comes to the Krakow burial society and want to buy the plot next to the famous rabbi nicknamed the Mega leH  Amukos (means revealer of secrets)
(He died about 200 years ago)
The burial boss says no - who are you to want that spot? But the man Won't say
still the boss Takes his money, figuring by the time the young man dies who knows what will be...
And he needs the money for the burial society... But
Crazy has it - the man dies the next day!  So the boss
Buries him somewhere else. But he feels a little  bad so he goes to the Rabbi - "the Bach (bayit chadash) named after his book"
the Rabbi says - let's see what the
MegaleAmukos says (huh?) ... but
In the morning turns out that the grave had 
Moved itself next to that Holy Man!
So the Burial boss is besides himself
And what the BaCh says and writes down is  - this was Elijah the prophet ...
Who once answered a Kabbalistic question for the Megaleh Amukos- 
And so they are together forever!
What was the questìn?
A question very apropos of Today!!!
A question about "what moves some human beings to carry the Almighty's Truths to the world (kabbalistic concept of "G-d's chariot")
Its all about 
Abraham Isaac Jacob - and who else?
Historically the Bach was a great grandfather of Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach who I sometimes quote here...
So here is a thought from Rabbi Shlomo on this portion Ruh Aiy:
Start of quote:
The world always thinks that in order to fit into society, you have to give up your individuality. The more you become a bagel, the more you fit. 
But in G-d's society it's the other way around. 
 If you want to be part of  (the Almighty's gifts) "Nosein Lifneichem Hayom" (it says in the Portion) 
(that is) if you want to be part of all of Israel,
 you mamesh have to connect to your own self.
You know friends, the greatest evil in the world is if you take away somebody's hope, or taking away somebody's vision –
 telling them that they will never be what they wanted to be or what they set out to be...
I want you to know. The highest vision in the world is that we can mamesh (ALL) turn the whole world on to G-d. 
Why was Israel given to Avraham and not to Moshe? 
(because) the greatest expert on knowing what us Jews need to do is Avraham Avinu. Our father Abraham.
End quote
Late news: Israeli army stopped a Hamas gang from robbing a convoy of humanitarian food delivery Thursday night.
US forces destroyed some Houti military site.
And we still get rocket attacks etc.
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

Portion Eykev and the Arrest of Rabbi Benaya

Portion Eykev and the Arrest of Rabbi Benaya
A story from the Talmud BabaBatra 58
Banayah was known as a wise Jew, so
When a rich gentile died , his wife told
Her 10 kids to go to Banayah
To dìvìde the inheritance.
But she added
"Only One of you were children of
The deceased!"
So they went to Banayah and he told them ",
Go pray at the grave for guidance."
9 went and prayed for money- 
(and fought amongst themselves- but
One stayed home and wept)
Banayah decided that the one who
Did Not Go was the true child òf that father.
(And the mother of 10 was happy).
So the 9 other brothers plotted,
And got Banayah arrested.
His wife found out and came to the prison, crying. So
The guards asked her why.
"I had a dream last night that my head was eaten by a beast - etc etc - and I dont know why!"
The guards answered,  not knowing who she was,
"we have a wise Rabbi here - maybe he can interpret your dream"
Banayah said, " lady - if you have a sheep at home
Have a bar b que - 
and bring some of it here for the guards"
And she did,
And the guards said 
" what a wise Rabbi, lets
let him out! (And they did)
"But first lets have him answer some of our own questions..." ... read further in the Talmud...
These portions before Rosh Hashono
Teach us wisdoms
That the outside world doesn't know... like
Maybe they should appreciate the Jews-
And maybe the Jews need to ALSO!!!
Get ready for Rosh Hashono!
(And Thank you Stuie for the following):
Reb Shlomo Carlebach on Parshat Eikev
The Hebrew word Eikev is translated as -
 the literal translation -
 reads, “And behold if your heel will listen to these laws and keep them” 
Defined as:
the Mitzvahs you might trample on.
There are a lot of things in life that even if I don’t do them, I’m also okay. But
Here I want to share something very deep with you. 
The truth is that the most important things in life are the things which we don’t really have to do.
Also in serving G-d .
The most important things between me, my wife, and my children are always the things I don’t have to do. 
If I don’t do it – it’s also okay, but gevalt are they important.
So I want to say a gevalt Torah.
 It says "Vehaaya Eikev"
  the greatest joy will be when finally, 
 ‘Eikev’ you will mamesh understand what G-d wants of you...
 when you will finally hear THESE mitzvas’.
We are talking about mitzvahs which I don’t HAVE  to do.
 Let me ask you something. I see a poor man and I give him ten dollars, do I have to smile at him? I don’t have to. 
So the Helige Ishbitzer (rebbe) says the deepest depths, Vehaya Eikev. .. a word used about
The primordial
It says by the Primordial snake :
he will bite you in your heel. What does that mean? 
 The snake doesn’t come to you with something that has to do with your head. 
The " snake doesn’t say to you to go to a non kosher delicatessen and buy ham. That much a snake knows,
 but you know what the snake does?
The "snake  " shows up when it comes to mitzvas you don’t have to do."
 Do you know what the snake leaves you with? 
the snake got one thing through to you. 
There are things which are not important, you don’t have to do them-
 you don’t have to do them - you can get away with everything!
I bless you and bless me back, that we should do the Mitzvah’s that we don’t have to do, 
and we should do them with Joy!
Good Shabbos!"
Love and Health-
Shabbat Shalom from Israel
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz
הוספת תגובה

Portion Pinchas - ALL Children forever need...Prayers

 Portion Pinchas - ALL Children forever need...Prayers
How could Pinchas be blessed by the Almighty
After killing the Shimon tribe Magistrate
And the Moabite Princess?
Even the Kabbalists say they were soul mates-
So What has that got to do with
Fires disrupting the Paris Olympics etc???
What will be the Time of World Peace?
In my humble opinion which I hope is not too off
"To every thing .... there is a Season..."
As King Solomon wrote
(And as in the song Turn Turn Turn).
Jewish World View is needed by EVERYONE!
After the bris this week of my new grandson
Why was I so happy to see my daughter crying?
Standing next to her husband holding the baby
With such a loving look in his eyes,
I was so happy to meet their extended family !
Context is best from words of Reb Shlomo:
Reb Shlomo Carlebach on Parshat Pinchas
"Friends, let me ask you. How much do you pray to G-d that you should find your soulmate? 
What happens after you find your soulmate? You don't pray so hard anymore. 
Before the (Jewish Wedding)chuppa, 
the groom covers the face of the bride and says
 'I'm praying for you like before I met you. I promise you my whole life I'll pray for you like before I met you.'
Listen to this:( the Wedding of the Almighty
Withe the Israelites:)
Before the forty years in the desert, we were praying to get into Eretz Yisrael. 
The forty years are over, so we thought automatically that we're going into Eretz Yisrael.
(And Zimri the ShimoniteMagistrate acted thus)
 Pinchas realized we'll never go in this way.
Pinchas got up from amongst the people and began to pray LIKE before the forty years. 
And it is mamesh Pinchas's prayer which brings us into Eretz Yisrael.
I want you to know something so strong. I see so many young people come back to Yiddishkeit. How much did they pray to find their way to Yiddishkeit before they found it? 
What we have to do is pray again ...
We have to pray for everything new again...
I always say, Eliyahu Hanavi Elijah the Prophet
 is making PEACE between parents and children because the question is always the same. 
How much did you pray for children before you had them? 
And once we have them, we don't pray so much anymore.
 So you see what it is, Pinchas 
(Who we say Comes to Every Bris as Elijah)
is bringing back ... "V'heishiv Lev Avos Al Banim",
,(the hearts of the parents with the children)-
 you have to pray for your children after you have them even more so, mamesh even more so!
Good Shabbos
So I (AE)bring from the Kabala that
Zimri and Cuzbi should have brought PEACE 
Instead of playing roles in the WAR AND
Balak Bilam portion of cursing from last week!
May we all be proud and loving
Of all children - HOPING TO END WAR THINGS
Even as today the train system in france
 is being sabotaged by some poorly brought up "children"!
Maybe its finally TIME to stop the Madness?
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

Portion Balak Talking Donkeys and False Profits

Portion Balak Talking Donkeys and False Profits
Profits. Spelled correctly!
Balak promised a house full of gold to Bilam-
Just for one curse against the Israelites
And his donkey leads him to a failed plot.
So -Where was the gold from?
The last few weeks the portions talk about wars
Of Edom and Moav and Midyan - stealing from each other
And the haftaras and prophets warn those peoples they will be punished for fighting us
Micah the prophet left us lines which we are supposef to recite at Tashlich (his Chapter 7)
And in this week's Haftarah his words are
Do Justice ...
And walk humbly before the Almighty.
How can there be peace in our homes
When ' thou shalt not steaĺ "
'There shall be no gods - greed? - before me' -
Such simlle rules - are ignored?
The whole world should stop listening to Talking Donkeys-
And read the truths of the prophets
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

Portion Chukat - time to Weep or time to Move

Portion Chukat - time to Weep or time to Move 
Rabbi Godscheider gave a talk this week in Jerusalem on the portion, and said (I paraphrase)
'how sad it is that Moses' brother and sister die in this portion, 
and the the Almighty tells Moses he will not enter the Holy Land after leading the Israelites 40 years in the desert! How sad!"
But, the Rabbi agreed when I added "Yes, but this is a Portion of Tansition!
The 40 years' time in the desert is almost over - and at the end of the Portion -
the Israelites begin to conquer Israel! 
Transitioning from Tribes of the Desert - to BEGIN the Almighty's job 
of ridding the world of Idol Worship and Human Sacrifice.
And beginning 3000 (so far) of Educating the World to consider G-dliness"
From this portion, see also what
Reb Shlomo Carlebach  taught  about Parshas Chukas
"This Shabbos we are learning about the Para Aduma, ...
(Red Heifer) -
Let me ask you friends, when a person G-d forbid gets defiled by a dead body, how does he purify himself?
 In a nutshell, death is when there is no one to receive what I want to give you...
 Imagine you pour out your heart to somebody, you want to you say something so beautiful, 
and you see after the whole thing is over, they didn’t hear what you said. 
It’s like a feeling of death...
When someone says 'I need your advice', most of the time they mean 
'have rachmanus, ( pity) and listen to me a little bit'. ...
 So friends, do you know what happened at Mount Sinai? Moshe Rabbeinu brought down the Torah from heaven. ...and  
the first person he gave the Torah over to was the high priest Ahron Hakohen....
(who had) ...
 vessels to receive and give them over to someone else... both together. 
Do you know how much purity this brings down to the world
I bless you and me that when you give over, there is always someone ready to receive it, and may it be received with such purity.
Good Shabbos!"
Yes there is a lot of work to do: like
yesterday coming home from Jerusalem I opened the door to see
A Wheelchair with a little paraplegic boy in it,
And my 2 daughters feeding and talking with him!
My older daughter does a lot of volunteering
And I have met this boy and his parents,
So I joined in a bit,
And let the girls carry on.
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

Portion Korach - Disputes versus Cookies

 Portion Korach - Disputes versus Cookies

It's the quintessential dispute...who will be the boss? 

 In  Parshat Korach

To quote Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach

Friends, it has to be clear to us that the whole story of Korach is mamesh the deepest depths. 

Korach is someone who never did anything wrong in his whole life.

Until …he fought Aron over the high priest position

What was the whole thing with Korach? Open your hearts to the deepest depths.

Everybody wants to be the holy of holiest, 

but maybe G-d doesn't want you to be the holy of holiest. 

Maybe G-d needs you to be less holy and serve him on that

 level. What do we know?

, Korach wanted to serve G-d but he mamesh wanted to be the holiest. 

Aaron was ready to serve G-d even if he was the lowest,

 and you know what? So therefore he was really the holiest


You cannot be a high priest unless it doesn't matter to you who it is, 

only that is done! So only then it could be you.

Good Shabbos

And from 

Rabbi Goldscheider at the OU who 

had another take on the dispute between Korach and Aron,

'where he quoted the father of Rav Kook – the Chief Rabbi

 of Israel until his passing in 1935s 

-in the portion the dispute is resolved by almonds!

Rabbi Kook said, one type is sweet on the tree but bitter when you eat them

Some are bitter on the tree

But sweeterwhen you eat them

and so too disputes that look valid at first

but after a while you know it wasnt right to fight


so wednesday morning I gave 3 chocolate chip cookies to aN

 homeless fellow at 5AM on the way to the Jerusalem bus I take.

and listened to him for 2 minutes

and hopefully made his day a bit sweeter 

sometimes its that easy

Shabbat Shalom 


Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

Portion Shlach - Trusting Leaders or media Influencers

Portion Shlach - Trusting Leaders or media Influencers
What did the 10 spies tell the Israelites?
"You cant beat the Canaanite nations"
So why did Moses send 10 spies to check out
The Promised Land, and then,
As an Australian friend of mine used to say
(He said that was an acceptable local phrase)
Uh Oh! Bad Day for the Abos!
He didnt know
It would
 cause the Sociaĺ Media Influencers-
The 10 spies complaining about
The land of canaan
בא to adopt unhealthy views of G-d and themselves, and to breed insecurities, and encourage rebellion.
Oiy! Significant Dissonance with the Almighty!
And Moses and Joshua said
"Just dont rebel and G-d forgives other sins"
But they bought the whole "scared as a bunny rabbit" thing! 
And they didnt get to Israel -
Only their CHILDREN!
See below pictuŕe:
Leah asked me to take that picture on her way to school.
That ISRAELI rabbit 
That we see some mornings
is not afraid of anything!
Only of the Almighty.
As it Should Be.
Shaɓat Shalom
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

Portion BHa ah Lote cha- Coins from the Gallus revolt in Lod

Portion BHa ah Lote cha- and Coins from the Gallus revolt in Lod Why did Israel keep trying to get the Romans off their backs (until someone else conquerred Israel)?

This week's Portion highlites candle lighting, Shofar blowing, and respect for Moshe (who even shared his prophetic powers with the elders of the tribes - yet was still being gossiped about)!

The Jewish Temple and traditions are and always were always about celebrating Human. Connections to Holiness

All the other ancient civilizations were about
And forced conversion - all anathema to Judaism

And today? Russia? China? Iran? North Korea?

Honest economics are not against Judaism. Jews have always faced challenges to surviving various attacks - even from socialism

So see the beĺow- coins hidden by the Jews of Lod, during a rebellion against Rome which sadly did not ŵork according to plan.

These coins displayed just this week - they treat us to a new insight into the constant Israelite struggle for holinèss to free itself from totalitarian mentalities and opression.

As it says in the Portion - The priests the sons of Aharon - have to learn to

It's time for the world to get onto the program.

Shabbat Shalom

Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

Portion Nasoh - relationships catapulting us to the forefront

 Portion Nasoh - relationships catapulting us to the forefront
This Portion depicts relationships - on a national level
And interpersonal 
And between the Jewish People and the commandments !
Husbañds and wivès somtimes suspect each other...
And have to work thñg out.
But the 12 Prresidents ofçþwhen giving offerings to the building of the Mishkan in the desert
Were not jealous of one another! 
They each brought the exact equal gift!
And how do we relate to the 613 Commandments of Tòrah?

Rabbi Carlebach used to say:

Mamesh (MEANS : in Reality) the Rebbe of Chortkov hardly ate, hardly slept, but he mamesh when it came to Hagba ( the honor of lifting the Torah) he picked up the heaviest Torah with ease. So he said “ When is the Torah heavy ? Ŵhen you are carrying it,  but  when you let the Torah carry you, it's not heavy, it’s Mamash, light.
What a gevalt.
Good Shabbos

Shabbat Shalom
 Rabbi Andy Eichenholz