Portion Shemee Nee - What kind of Wedding was That???
- פרטים
- קטגוריה: Parashat Hashavua
- פורסם בשישי, 25 מרס 2022 11:06
- נכתב על ידי Super User
- כניסות: 457
Portion Pekuday - who Remembers the Waltz of "Russia in Afghanistan"?Why should we study Portion Pekuday about how the Temple in the desert was set up?Especially as a war is raging and people are running and hurting!The waltz -dance in my lifetime was always:"Russian in ... Russian out .... America in .... and then Drop Arms and Run Out"And the Russian Crushin' of Hungary? And all eastern Europe.Who in the Stupid State Department is telling Biden to Pay the Iranians to fund rocket attacks on the Gulf States and from Lebanon and Gaza?And we built temples in the desert in our minds eye?So the question is often asked, why in the world did there have to be sacrifices in the Temple(s)?And animal rights activists get frothy about innocent animals being offered on the altar.But then in our portionThe Almighty says the people donated EVERYTHING for the Templeand Jewish Artists formed the Desert Temple exactly as G-d's Plan,And the Temple in the desert was considered a microcosm of the Total Universe andThat we need to relate all the portions of the Temple Services to OUR UNIVERSE!!!And indeed the world keeps offering up innocents in so many ways - no just animals -BUT NOT TO FULFILL THE WISHES OF THE ALMIGHTYBUT TO FUEL THEIR EGOs and to SATISFY THEIR GREED!The sacrifices of our TEMPLES WERE OF 2 KINDS -LIKE THE PASSOVER OFFERING - MEANT TO BE SHARED IN JOYORthe Olah sacrifices - which were to be burned - TO TELL THE WORLD toSEE - this is what you are ALL doing -And sacrificing PEOPLES' LIVES on your ALTARS OF GREED!I think there is much to teachFrom This Portionthe world about how to plan out a better world!Shabbat ShalomRabbi Andy Eichenholz
תשובהתשובה לכולםהעברה
Portion VaYakHail :OUR Temple from the Desert to FIX a Bully-style World ? FRIDAY AM
Ukraine? Russia? EU? Biden? Come on guys - what's really going on?
In the Holy Spheres - who knows?
But Rav Yaskil - based on Rebbe Nachman -brings a Parable
All his soldiers rebelled against the King - except ONE.
When that ONE saved the kingdom-
The RULER appointed them all Dukes.
Rebbe Nachman says,
MOSHE stands between Destruction - and G-d's WILL
Heavy Kabbalistic stuff - but to take a STAB at it -
I think:
If the Mishkan - the Tabernacle in the desert
Is supposed to be a microcosm of the world
How do we -
After destructions of ALL our temples -
Work to fix our world?
Things are moving very fast in Ukraine - and
as an Israeli teacher friend of mine
(Sefaradi - not related to holocaust sufferers)
noted a couple of days ago - about the holocaust -
The Ukrainians murdered over 100000 Jews before the Nazis took over -
So he feels this war is not our concern.
Except on a MACRO HISTORIC level -
as another friend of mine noted -
Putin is a gangster acting like ALL the other historical gangsters -
who cause useless death and destruction. (Stalin was no nice-guy).
which served us 40 years - and then was moved to SHILOH
and served us another 369 years
Are we supposed to ask: IS studying it a help to
keep Russia out of "our little desert" - and the whole world?
Or are we supposed to invite Putin and Zelensky to
the Western Wall for a Peace Conference?
PORTION VAYAKhEL Starts Out with - yes - SHABBOS!
The Zohar (Kabala) in talking about King David
Amon and Moav - desert kingdoms near Israel -
which fought the early ISRAELITES
contributed to the Eternal Royalty
Of the House of David!
OIY! But it happened over generations -
and we probably don't have that much time.
So the whole world OBVIOUSLY needs - you got it -
Shabbos !
Maybe the Chief Rabbi of Russia (or Poland?)
can invite Putin for a Shabbos Dinner -
(I do not think that historically "Peace Movements"
HAVE ANY RELATIONSHIP to lasting peace-
but I DO think that SHABBOS in every way
can have a lasting impact on PEACE.
So here's another little item:
One of my friends actually came to Jerusalem,
brought some good stuff to the Great Synagogue Kolel,
and I got some things as well, and
During a break between classes all the participants at my Kolel
made blessings -
over the fruits and nuts and burekas and halva we brought,
and after some words in memory - a few of us drank a short "L Chaim",
in memory and for uplifting of the soul of
Aharon Layble
Harrow Of Barrow ("street" -how I like to remember him) )
And May The Peace of Shabbat
and Peace of GOOD MEMORIES
soon FIX the WORLD!
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz
Portion Key TeeSah - the Calf and Us - Rabbi Nachman on Eating Crow
As I wrote to a friend, this was the first WHOLE Torah portion I read at age 15 because my bar Mitzvah was on a Thursday so no guests would have to travel on Shabbat -and that means only 3 Aliyas
Each of the first 2 Aliyahs in the portion is long enough and complex enough to rival some whole portions in the Torah!
And included is the story of making the Golden Calf ...
Now jumping over to one of my weekly study sessions:
In a story by Rebbe Nachman, a crippled businessman is left by robbers to die in the forest after his helper runs from the robbers.
Having no other survival plan, he lives a few days by rolling on the ground and eating grass (eating "crow").
Seeing some good looking plant, he rolls over to eat it for lunch, and when he pulls it up, he finds a diamond tangled in its roots!
You might ask, what's a HUNGRY cripple to do with a diamond in the middle of a forest where Robbers Run Loose?
Leaving that open ... and Moving right Along, we learn from
Zohar (kabalah) which brings this teaching at the end of this portion:
Moses - the most humble human- goes up Mount Sinai to receive the 10 Commandments.
(You might ask who is more humble than a cripple surviving on grass in a forest?)
So any way, Moshe Rabaynu, Moses,
Encounters - and is stopped by - angels who dont trust Humanity with the Holy Torah!
The Almighty himself gives Moshe strength to get past them, to the "place of 40 days and 40 nights" of learning the Whole Torah.
And then the Golden Calf infects the camp below, causing a little riot - and G-d is displeased -
As opposed to: (and this is still the Zohar)
While at the red Sea EVERYONE saw the hand of G d!
But then,
After the Calf incident, and
After the Almighty sends Moshe back down with the words:
"Your People Destroyed (G-d's plans which WERE a GOOD thing)"
The people were all too ashamed to even look Moses in the face-
Even with getting the second set of 2 Tablets of Torah commandmentsè ...
But Moshe knew it was still his job to teach them for the next almost 40 years
Dealing with Angels as well as with sinners - humble Moshe just did his jòb!
And the humble Moshe built a "Jewel of a Temple" in the desert ... for us to read about -
With the allegory in Rabbi Nachman's story adding a dimension -
about humility,
and how the Almighty takes care of things for ALL.
And in next week's portion - my brothrs bar mitzva portion (- so Be Well Joe! Thanks Sheryl!) we learn more about the mishkan!
Questions about cripples and diamonds can be addressed to me in NY please G-d in a couple of weeks
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz
Preparing and Packing for Purim
תשובהתשובה לכולםהעברה
“I mainly remember inexplicable physical sensations throughout that evening,” he said. “I guess the events affected me more than I thought.
“Anger was definitely there, mostly because of the humiliation. There was humiliation in a few senses – because of the very act of being apprehended, which included things like the body search, prevention of freedom of movement, the confiscation of personal belongings, and the very unempathic treatment at the hands of the arresting officers – not answering simple questions such as asking for the name of the policeman or why we were being picked up, feeling as if facing an impenetrable wall.
“In retrospect, I can understand that the police were under a great deal of stress, and it makes sense that they avoided talking to us, perhaps they directed their energies to other thoughts about how to manage the situation in general.
“But the fact is that we had come to support the residents, to do something good, and in the end we were the ones arrested.
“At the same time, there was anger regarding the lack of justice there, not for us, but for our fellow Jews, the Jewish residents of Lod and Ramla.”