- פרטים
קטגוריה: Parashat Hashavua
פורסם בשישי, 26 אוגוסט 2022 12:11
נכתב על ידי Super User
כניסות: 509
Portion Ru Ay - Oiy vey - Dont Mess with G-d or the Holi-day!
As Moshe continues his 40 year review,
He warns the nation of Israel to
Stay away from False Prophets
Like the
Putin? china?
Pelosi and her drunk-driver husband?
former governor Cuomo?
Atomic wanna-bees? Who are they kidding?
Greed and jealousy ruin lives - and The World
so the portion starts "take a good look"
and our sages say - it could be simply intellectual
LOOK AT YOURSELVES - and get ready for the Highest Holidays
coming up in 30 days!!!
So we are told to leave a gentle "footprint"
On the Earth,
with our
Kosher laws that restrain some exceses
And the portion gives us a
Holiday calendar review - TO REMIND US TO BRING JOY TO OTHERS
(I just gave 200 shekels to a family with 4 kids who couldn't
afford shoes for the school year starting next week
nobody I know - just saw the trunk of a neighbor I trust
and it was filled with food - so I asked "for who?"
so anyone who wants to donate $10 or so to them -
or the families of the 3 fellows who were "hacked" by axe -
can get me the money when I get to New York in 3 weeks
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz
- פרטים
קטגוריה: Parashat Hashavua
פורסם בשישי, 19 אוגוסט 2022 04:13
נכתב על ידי Super User
כניסות: 532
Portion Eikev – What Moses and all great Torah Scholars for 3000 years are teaching us
As we learned together-
for my friends' son's Bar Mitzva this Shabbat
from this Portion What the Almighty wishes for all of us
The portion starts out with
And that if we preserve the covenant between our forefathers and G-d
(Abraham Isaac Jacob Sarah Rebecca Rachel and Leah)
That G-d will also be merciful to us – even in a difficult world - and
Our parents and their parents have carried on that covenant – and the Almighty has been merciful to us
G-d will never forget the Covenant with our forefathers and mothers
So we should not forget that covenant either
And the Almighty does Chesed - loving kindness
And so shall we
Live doing kindness –
because that is the Jewish way of living and
We shall receive holiness in those blessings
And children
Like my wonderful family
Who are all blessings to the world and
Health – we have got to thank G d for that too
(And for all our friends and teammates) and
Later in portion when G-d tells us to
Teach to your children…. ...
We learn from that – as taught by
Rav Druck -at the great synagogue kolel who wrote in TIFERET MORDECHAI
One of his books
That when the Portion says
... "and teach your children" it means four ways of Torah teachings:
1 to keep the Torah
As the important part of our souls
And to
One Must Not be afraid to work and study on understanding all of the Torah books
Rather than only talking with others about basic things- share Torah thoughts
And don't keep holy thoughts only to yourself-
learn the joy of sharing Torah thoughts
and study
4 "the inside ...the secrets of the torah - the lights from the Torah" that guide our lives also
So Ely on Shabbat will say (and we should always remember)
Dad and Mom – thanks for loving and teaching and working with me (us) always and
I want to thank all the family
Who are also like those lights from the torah that we all need
And my grandparents, and everyone here – for keeping that covenant with the Almighty who has protected our people and our heritage for these last 3000 years,
And which it is my great privilege to continue
Shabbat Shalom to all
Rabbi Andy Chanoch Eichenholz
- פרטים
קטגוריה: Parashat Hashavua
פורסם בשישי, 12 אוגוסט 2022 11:03
נכתב על ידי Super User
כניסות: 489
Portion Va Et Cha nan - Moses pleads, Hamas Attacks the Ten Commandments, and Politics
Lets make this quick because I write this on a fast day (9 AV)
Moses left Egypt - and Moses Maimònides too -
(Also from Egypt? YES but now buried in Tiberias
where I was this week)
So what are Moses pleadings right from his first words?
(This Message Completed Friday 15th Av - a Holiday)
But Wait! Quick is not in the cards for this Portion of:
Ten Commandments (repeated in the Torah again -
now to seek World Holiness)
Shemah Yisrael (yes there IS a G-d)
And Answers (it says) you MUST teach to your Children -
Or grandchildren -who must get the points of WHY we LEFT EGYPT
Okay - quickly - the portion teaches us HOW
to love G d love wisdom love the way we are
to Love children and Shabbos and Holiness.
Is this a little much to absorb for a summer weekend? Okay...
Certainly Hamas doesn't get it! Who are those terrorists anyway?
So why is there NO HOLIDAY CALLED HOLINESS DAY? In ANY country!
Today is "15th of Av" - sometimes called the Holiday of Love
but it is really (see the Talmud) the Holiday of Making Matches -
In the 10 Commandments is says
Do Not Kill - is that SO hard for nations to swallow?
How Stupid Not to end lies like UN accusing Israel every week,
and ignoring Random Missles shot at civilians by crazies in Gaza
( with a taste for blood - and money)
And the propaganda from Putin ?
and Communist China is just Testing Missles - why?
Not to frighten people into enslavement by the
Peoples Republic of Chinese Manufacturism?
WHY do cartels and drug lords stoop to terrorism and gangsterism?
Arent there any smart honest leaders in the world to stop their abuses?
So Moses pleads right from the first words of this Portion:
asking the Almighty:
I listened,
I didnt attack Edom
I only Defended when attacked by Amalek and Moav and Og
I set up Honest Courts in the desert
Let me please - Almighty - go into Israel
And teach the world by example
How to set up a Sane Society
The answer he got was ... it seems ... the world wasn't ready yet
Are we finally ready on this year's 15 of Av - ready
to share a HOLY vision FOR ALL
the same as we read in the Torah
"Hear oh Israel ... yes there is an Almighty -
Whose NAME is ONE?
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz
- פרטים
קטגוריה: Parashat Hashavua
פורסם בשישי, 05 אוגוסט 2022 12:05
נכתב על ידי Super User
כניסות: 458
Portion Devarim and Tisha Bav - going thru Red Lights
The Torah Reading before Tisha Bav is always Portion Devarim, and it's
A quick review by Moses - who was to "be leaving the world in 30 days"-
And who reminds the Israelites - and us - of 40 years of issues,
and reminds them to
not attack relative-tribes-
But when they attack us -
Moses reminds us how the Almighty helped us win each battle -
and Remember- all of what is now "trans jordan " - the kingdom Britain created to fight the Jews - was ours for over 300 years!!!
How are we being attacked now?
The imams in Israel are telling their supporters to kill with axes and knives and car rammings! What a combination!
So now, today, just before commemorating our TEMPLES' destructions:
Daily lies in the media about Israel (from UN Jew-haters)
And make believe "palestinian history" created by burning
Jewish Archaeological history
and Arabs who are killing Jews on roads -
as well as each other with family fights and killing girls
when the family doesnt agree on boyfriends -
As I read in daily and
The local weeky articles)
Politicians are fighting and
Palestinians are Shooting and throwing heavy rocks at cars
And Russia is murdering
And China is practicing for an attack on Taiwan
So what are YOU praying for this weekend?
Some Relatives came over yesterday and asked ..
Do you really eat no meat this week (before Tisha B'Av)
So I explained to them about the
Rules of Mourning - and asked them:
don't you know , that about a mllion Jews were killed
with the First temple destruction
and the
Same or more with the second temple (by the Romans)!
(Dont believe it? Hitler wiped out 6 million 1900 years later!)
So we don't eat meat for a week - and we mourn all our losses
Another relative asked about washing dishes
So I tried to explain A Torah Rule:
Why I don't was dishes in hot water
and always put soap right away on dishes in the sink -
because that way I don't have to worry about someone
mixing up Dairy with Meat or Pareve silverware!
So does "The Exile" end with JOY (as one Rabbi explained here 445 AM on the radio (before my 5AM class)
and everyone can INCREASE JOY -
like - do a couple of favors for others and enjoy the smiles!!!
Or like a different Rabbi was quoting:
"the exile Ends with teaching Torah"
Like the above rules on keeping meat and dairy dishes from mixing up.
My Kabbalistic Rebbe taught recently that a BIG STEP would be
if rich people would stop using their clout to abuse the less fortunate.
AND Maybe praying for WORLD LEADERS
and writing to them
TO BE ACCOUNTABLE - really helps?
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz
- פרטים
קטגוריה: Parashat Hashavua
פורסם בשישי, 29 יולי 2022 14:32
נכתב על ידי Super User
כניסות: 487
Portion Mas'Aiy of Murders and Marriages Mixed
Our Torah Portion this week deals with killing - and it's Very "Today"!
CRIME sounds like it's built into America - but Mass Murder Shootings?
Murder. It sounds so evil - and it IS!
On Thursday a Palestinian Arab rammed his car - while driving on the other side of a solid while line - to hit a car
which was
Driven by a Jewish woman with her 4 kids inside,
killing the 6 year old boy,
and putting his family in the hospital .
With his baby brother in pediatric intensive care - a boy was murdered -
While the two in the ramming car got away in the "palestinian territory".
We all know that huge stipends are paid by the PA to terrorists who kill Israelis - and to their families -
And American tax money pays for some of this - with European partners , despite the Taylor Force Act passed by Congress!
This is murder.
The Torah is lenient in accident csses - But Not With Murder.
In our Portion,
Jewish Judges are adjured to utilize models for deciding who is a murderer and Who is Guilty And - what is truly accidental.
I just got a long article on that of Rabbi Neriya's,
About who The Torah says is to investigate murders, and
Who who to bring to court ,
And how to decide on those who were not premeditating.
And how sometimes,
our ancient justice system decided on execution of murderers.
So the Torah is NOT out of date!
So what do we ALSO find in our Portion that
is the Jewish Opposite of what we discussed above?
On returning to Israel last week, one of my two study partners greeted me and said, He was very hapy after he had
Just come back after a week stuck home with Covid,
BUT he was SUPER happy as he
Said his Daughter just got engaged!
And speaking of Traditional Marriage
I was so happy that well...
We All Need To Celebrate More Simchas -
Joyous Jewish Happenings.
Putting it all Together to Finalize this SHABBAT reading of Book 4 of the
5 books of Moses this Shabbat
Rabbi Carlebach taught us that
Moses' last Official Duty,
Was to precide at what the ending of our
Portion Ma'Say depicts-
The Weddings of the 5 Daughters of Zelafchad!
May this summer turn into a
Great Time of Joy - for all good SOULS
Shabbat Shalom
- פרטים
קטגוריה: Parashat Hashavua
פורסם בשישי, 17 יוני 2022 10:50
נכתב על ידי Super User
כניסות: 732
Portion Shlach but the Spies didnt hit the Beaches!
Moshe sent the spies to "check out the land".
Go to the South he said. Check out the grapes. Dry wine or sweet?
Why didn't Moses tell our people there would be NATURAL GAS off the coast?
Funny, but the Lubavitcher Rebbe did 50 years ago!
WHAT ABOUT fishing rights?
The people complained that fish were "free" in Egypt (as if really...).
There was no Canaanite sea trade the Israelites could deal with (nothing I know was ever discovered).
My theory is that the Phoenicians from Greece and the Syrian Hittites dumped people they didnt like - criminals and abusers -into Canaan,
Like Egypt did 100 years ago - dump CRIMINALS into Gaza!
Ancient Egypt did sea patrols - but did they do commerce besides fishing the Nile? I don't know of any.
Greeks and Romans did commerce ...while conquering and destroying - and the Iraqis and Chinese ... silk trades...etc?
Africa - not likely they did sea trade ... maybe a little with Arabs -
so the spies were sent to see if the agriculture would support the Israelites.
So why were only 2 of the 12 spies smart? Why did 10 fear leaving the Sinai for the land of Israel?
Combining ideas and bringing innovation is a Jewish thing...
Was there ever a Scottish navy? Or a Pakistani people (just tribes like in Afghanistan)? (And why did Bangla Desh split off from them, anyway?)
America was founded on individuals trying to get by.
Israel was founded because one of 2 reasons
1 The Almighty loved our ancestors
2 the worl needs a place where holiness can reach out to the world
and get the world off the vicious cycle
Fake Socialism
False gods
How many nations just want to develop and help others like Israeli doctors volunteering in Africa whom I have met?
And bring Shabbos to the world!
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz