Parashat Hashavua

Portion Vah Aiy Rah Getting out

Portion Vah Aiy Rah Getting out
I can PROVE 
Everything in the Torah is for US 
and for right now and for TODAY (and every generation)
Like I was on a bus yesterday in Jerusalem and an
Old Russian guy starts talking to everyone near the front saying
"you know I came here (Israel) as a kid years ago from White Russia -
 where the Russians were afraid of us -
 not like how they do whatever they want in the Ukraine ...
but there was no work in industry (like today) so I went back!
But I ended up a soldier in Afganistan!
If anyone looked suspicious to us we killed them.
Yes we had casualties - but probably less than 10000 -
while maybe we killed a million that were out to get us.
But here I am - I don't know how - back - 
and I wish I could teach the government to let the soldiers protect themselves..."
In this portion we start off with the ALMIGHTY telling Moshe
"Five Ways to get out" (Of Egypt - And for us - forever)
HeVeyTee (I Myself will bring you to Israel)
So open your hearts how this portion spoke to the Russian guy
1 The old man as a kid got out of Russia
2 He left Israel's unemployment
3 as a soldier he had to use his weapon - but it kept him alive
4 He got out of Russia again with a little pension from years of work
AND like 5  HeyVey Tee (the Almighty says "I will bring you myself to ISRAEL!)
he is now back in Israel - more appreciative I think!
And it reminds me of how some Rebbes escaper the Nazis in WW II:
the Gerer Rebbe - came before the war  and got some property
Lubavitcher Rebbe sat in a Russian prison ...but was so strong the Russians Needed to release him ...and send him away!
Bobover Rebbe knocked off a Nazi officer - and  came out fighting them - and escaped
The Belzer Rebbe was smuggled from here to there until he got out to Haifa
Rabbi Carlebach's family was saved by a former worker  .... because they kept her out of jail!
And here we are in Israel today waiting for the whole people of Israel to be connected here!
Let's all get out of our binds and be elevated in spirits
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

Portion Shemote – Jacob and I were in Egypt with King Tut AND the Beggars

 Portion Shemote – Jacob and I were in Egypt with King Tut AND the Beggars

And there arose a new pharaoh who did not remember Joseph
In the Portion of Shemote Jacob and family have come down to Egypt.
 I love that "Fostat" – the name for the city of Cairo of King Tut and Mohammad and Maimonides and the Nile. The city is a never ending street festival! If it weren't for all the crazies there nowadays its 24/7 action and its few remaining minorities could probably propel the country to the lead Africa (it is part of Africa) into the 21st Century.
When I used to go there, I shopped in both Moslem and Coptic stores. I could sit and talk openly to the shopkeepers. Then the last time I was caught in a crossfire between  two rival groups of security police. (I hopped a cab that dawn and never asked anyone why the different sets of cops were shooting at each other)..
Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach never put down our Moslem cousins. His quote about 1967 (after the Six Day War) was "I asked the government to let me bring some of my followers from California to go around the Old City and hug every Arab cousin and we would have had peace from then on – but they didn't think that way".
It seems in 1967 and now …the world still resists the Israelite prophetic vision of bringing peace to all the world. 
Back In 1993 I was thinking more like Reb Shlomo - that maybe some progress was happening on that dream, so I went to Cairo for the first time.
(Not exactly like my "peace mission during the Gulf War" – but that was a somewhat related story – so read later on).
Cairo - ? What Kind of Mitzva is That??
 I studied archaeology in Tel Aviv for one summer and thought it made me an expert.
No I didn't dream of discovering something from the past to enlighten the future – I just wanted to see King Tut at the museum and the Maimonides Synagogue where all the manuscript pieces were discovered.
Getting sick in Luxor and being arrested in Taba and having to give my hat to a bus driver in Sinai – did not deter me from a few return trips – but back to the portion of Jacob and Moses and Pharoah.
Obviously for a while the Egyptian people were happy – with Joseph and the Israelites being there. That's how I felt walking around Cairo too.
It was a fantasy come true to visit King Tut in the Cairo Museum. According to some, maybe he was the Pharoah who was friendly to Joseph and his brothers!
The night before going I stayed up to practice my minimal Arabic in preparation for the great Shabbat morning I expected. Of course in the morning I went to synagogue to be with my sisters and brothers!
The Maimonides Synagogue was "closed for renovations", and the Great (main) Synagogue had been heavily guarded and not used all week (the soldiers always said "bukra" (tomorrow)). On Shabbat (my third try) I was allowed in and prayed there with some old Jews in that magnificent marble main Shul and got a little update from them.
Later on I joined a Russian tour group. That way I didn't have to pay on Shabbat to see all the Tut sarcophegai (there were a few – one larger than the next) and his jewels laid out as if he were lying right there in the Tut exhibit chamber – and some other great stuff in the museum.
Some say Tut lived around the time of Joseph, and others say he may have been the last Pharoah to be good to the Jews. I can say he was good to me – because on my visit some good things happened in my life.
Little things - like a few beautiful smiles (except for that guy in the bank.).
In Cairo there was the Coptic guy who sold me the drum. Then there was the girl studying art who was painting in the street.
At midnight I got on a train with a couple I met – the night train to Luxor. There I met the guy who gave me a free ride on his sailboat in the Nile.
What was the most important learning on that trip? It's a toss up.
What could be the most important – that walk down the tunnel into some ancient tomb. I saw myself clearly drawn on a giant wall! It was someone's tomb in the Valley of the Kings (depicting Israelite? slaves working for Pharoah).
That proves for me that Ashkenazi Jews can call themselves part of the original Israelites (not like some Anit-Semites say).
It also proves that I must have had some famous forbear if my exact portrait is painted right up on that wall, and preserved for some thousands of years
the beggars and the "Midnight Train Ride

Then again the most important thing might be the beggars I met in in Luxor.
Rabbi Shlomo often would visit the homeless near his Shul in Manhattan. He even taught other local Rabbis how to befriend and give charity to those poor souls living in Riverside Park.
In Egypt many many people live on the streets. They have nothing but the subsidized pita breads the government is careful to provide for the masses so they don't (or didn't?) revolt.
 In Luxor I met the beggars at the Wall.
Not the Western Wall. Not the Holy Wall. I met them at the place I would least expect to meet them.
As the sun started to set I remembered I had to pray the Mincha (afternoon) prayers.
There must be millons all over the world like the millions of poor people in Egypt. It's too bad there don't seem to be Rabbis talking to the homeless people of Luxor and Cairo like Rabbi Shlomo did in New York – and in South Africa – and wherever he went
In Luxor I found maybe the only quiet a place to pray. I climbed high up on a wall of some ancient ruin in the center of town – and I said the silent prayer while my American friends who I had met in Egypt (not Jewish ) waited below.
When I came down there was a little 4 or 5-ish-year-old raggedly dressed girl waiting there with my friends (who spoke no Arabic)..
She was saying "Our mother said that man is a holy man – said you must come have tea with us."
Naturally we had tea and talked (as well as I ould) – and left them some money and a couple of pairs of shoes! (Maybe that was part compensation for the story that the brothers old Joseph for some shoes?).
How can our hearts not go out to the Coptic victims of the constant harassment and terror in their country of 2000 years.  They are descended from the original Egyptians – not the conquering Arabs and probably not from the Roman and Greek conquerors..
Still, I have never heard a good word from their leaders about the Jews – but probably they are afraid that the Moslems would just put an end to them. It is a very sad situation – just as what the Egyptians did to the Israelites.
The face of ISIL and evil has reared itself in Egypt and not just in Iraq – so I guess we just have to keep praying and acting for peace (and carefully watching the Gaza and Lebanon and Syrian – and maybe the Jordanian  borders – and fight the lies of the UN agencies.
Shabbat Shalom

Portion VaYeChee – And there was (still) Life

Portion VaYeChee – And there was (still) Life
As Jacob blessed his children for the last time
The Torah says he asked them to Gather Round
To tell them how in the end the World would be
Because maybe he knew that good times with the ruling Pharoahs were not going to last
And he knew the promise made by the Almighty to Abraham that his family would sojourn for hundreds of years before they would come back and rule in Israel!.
I was in the hospital this week and we were three guys in the room with the same doctor and the same hernia operation
And we all three woke up about 2 AM and decided to have some tea or coffee
One of the guys broke out some rice cakes and we shared some thoughts on this week's portion.
I had picked up a book one evening this week that told the story of a follower of Yisrael the Rizhiner Rebbe
You know hard times had come when the Rebbe was about to be thrown in jail by the Czar (he did escape later)
So the follower asked if things were ever going to get better?
The Rebbe pointed to this week's portion
Where Jacob says to the kids "Gather Round (so) I (can) tell you what will happen in the "end of Days".
The Rizhiner Rebbe said – you will be saved from the travails of the future of the world if you just get together and gather round the people the family the ones you love…
One of the other guys spoke about his testimony that helped a woman to convert to Judaism (the Rabbis in Israel are sometimes very hard on would-be converts).
The third guy spoke about how the Shema Yisrael prayer is defined to bring the mercy of the Almighty into the world.
Eventually we all went back to sleep and woke up for the Morning Minyan in the hospital.
So try this week to gather round the souls you feel close to;
Help someone who is trying to improve themselves; and
Pray for the mercy of the Almighty to reveal itself more in this world – and also for healing for all those stuck in hospitals and rehabs and nursing homes or home bound
Shabbat Shalom

Portion VAYIGASH Kever Yosef - my brother's tomb - is Burning

Portion VAYIGASH   Kever Yosef - my brother's tomb - is Burning 
Because of my brothers and friends 
because of my sisters  and friends ...
Peace to you!
Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach sang that because he recognized everyone as his brothers and sisters and friends!
I was once where he gave a concert to Lodz Poland and there were about 1000 people in the Opera House there. They all got up and danced with him - about 200 Jews - and 800 supporters - EXCEPT TWO!
I am sure they were the spies that the communist government sent everywhere to watch us!
(The tour leader was better - he loved us because he changed money for us - 3000 zlotys to the dollar instead of the banks who gave us 600!)
Bnei avraham yitzchaq v yaakov Bnei
Saera rivka rachel v leah - the children of our forefathers and foremothers
as the current hit Israeli song goes
So why the conflict with his brothers still happening 20 years after Joseph is down in Egypt 
and a few years after becoming viceroy - second to the king!
Yosef and his brothers did not make up for 20 years! Why?
And the Arabs 70 years after Jerusalem becomes the capital of the reborn state of Israel?
This last week they were still burning tires and throwing stones
to try to keep the Israelis who want to pray at Joseph's tomb away!
What is their problem with Jerusalem and with Joseph's tomb?
Ressler in his weekly Torah blog says:
"To this day We (ALL HUMANITY too)
 can learn SO much from  Yosef today,
 if we could just memorize and adapt one line (he - Joseph -said) into our lives
  "it wasn't you that sent me here; it was G-d"
(thus) - we'd all be closer to   all our "brothers",and the world!
The truth is the locals are destroying Herod's palace in Jericho to remove any proof that the Jews lived there 600 or more years before Mohammed was born!
No one prays at Herod's palaces or tomb!
Rabbi Carlebach said:
( via yeshivat simchat shlomo)
now it's very clear why when Moshe Rabbeinu went out from Egypt he took the coffin of Yosef with him. 
... Moshe Rabbeinu wanted Mount Sinai to be on the level
 that the words should shine into us, 
how can you go without Yosef? 
Yosef (Joseph) , this is the expert, Yosef is the man. Yosef Hatzadik is the man. 
The holiness of Yosef is that it (the Torah) shines into him."
Even when his brothers come down to Egypt 20 years after they didn't even send him a postcard! Or a birthday present!
Rabbi Carlebach again : "
 You know how deep this is? ...
 What does it mean that we learn something and it's mamesh the foundation of our life?
 It means it reached me to the deepest depths of my being. It reached mamesh the deepest depths of my being, it's my foundation. Can't move from it, right?"
Joseph really believed everything was from the Almighty - and he felt he had to shine that realization into his brothers.
And that's what we see in this week's portion.
Keep that Chanuka Light shining from you all!
Love from Israel
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

Portion VaYishLach was Dina a girl or what?

Portion VaYishLach  was Dina a girl or what?
   In this portion Dina ... Daughter of
   Lea...gets in trouble and her brothers  save her by knocking off the kidnappers
   So who was she?
   Some Rabbis wrote that she was really supposed to be the daughter of Rachel
  But Lea prayed her sister should not  be embarassed by not having a boy and the son reserved for Lea was born to Rachel
  And Lea got Dina ...a daughter with   some male strengths that got her in  trouble with the local Canaanites
   So whatever you teach your daughters  ... teach them to protect themselves
  And may we all be blessed with close  knit happy family relationships
  Shabbat Shalom
  Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

Va yey Ttzay - A kiss is not Just a Kiss

Va yey Ttzay - A kiss is not Just a Kiss
Last week  we read about the "Revolving doors"
Isaac couldn’t stop blessing Jacob –so Rebeca had to call Jacob outside to keep his nasty brother Esav from walking in on Jacob receiving all those blessings…
But anyway Jacob has to run away (this portion) from his angry brother with 3 pagan wives
But Jacob has nothing to write home about? Even though
all of a sudden angels are following him,
and he is rescued from a murderer,
and meets his cousin and falls in love?
Maybe his protective MOTHER Rebecca gets secret reports back from her brother Laban who gave Jacob his first real job?  Probably not since Laban is an abusive employer.
And Where did Isaac Disappear to? We never hear about him any more!
Jacob in our portion meets and falls in love with his cousin Rachel – and the Torah says he kissed her!
Did people kiss 3000 years ago? It says so!
Rachel his cousin will be his future wife – but he ALSO MARRIED LEAH! (and 2 others!)
What does that have to do with world history and Jacob's struggle with Esav?
Esav has 3 pagan wives worshipping idols in front of holy Isaac and Rebecca.
Jacob has 4 holy wives raising 13 children who will (with all their struggles)
 Bring Holiness .... and Prophecy …. And hopefully healing to the whole world!
That's history! Read about it every day as the media tries to distort our story…
But the Soul of Israel struggles on and brings light to the world!
Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach used to teach:
A real kiss needs you to close your eyes
Because a real kiss is LOVE, BELIEVING and TRUSTING – as we see that
Jacob meets his holy cousin – and believes and trusts and knows his future will be just
as in the Prophetic  Blessings from Isaac (last week's portion) – 
and that is our future too.
May this Shabbat be a Shabbat of Belief Blessing Trust and Love
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

Portion Chayei Sarah - What a Weekend

Portion Chayei Sarah - What a Weekend
  This weekend is one of those Shabbats
  that tie up loose ends in the story of our PEOPLE
And the portion puts it all together for those seeking continuity with the past
and ties to the future
and clarity from the   constant turmoil which we get if we are
reading or watching the   news media who seem to always try to make the Hebrew People look like less than the Muslem Masses   ...  for whatever reason.
1.  Many young Jews of all types will be in   Hebron this Shabbat - 
(like Judy Goldman who was there with me last summer)
celebrating the First PURCHASE of land   in Israel by our forbears
This portion tells us Abraham
purchased a cave and a  field.
FROM     the Hitites!
The tribes living there 
who came out of the north who had killed those who were there before...
And they sold the land to Abraham  -what they had inherited by force....
But Abe the Hebe paid COME VISIT!
And this past week AGAIN the US congress held hearings about =
? moving the US embassy from Tel Aviv (near the beach - to JERUSALEM!
Maybe after 3000 years it's time the world knows we built it and rebuilt it -
3. Last wekend was the memorial for Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach' s passing
But as things are crazy in this world -
The Manhattan celebration memorial at his Synagogue 
was put off because of some marathon
This weekend it is being celebrated at the Rabbi s Shul on 79 th Street -
to connect to the music the teachings and the people from all over
who were connected down here - and to the up above - by Rabbi Shlomo!
Oh - there's also a lot to read in this portion -
  But he clincher is that so many people
  will be at the castle on the cave (look up Tomb of the Patriarchs on google or
Arutz Sheva website -
and connect to Abraham and Sarah like you never did before!
  Shabbat Shalom
  Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

Portion Vayera - turn turn turn

Portion Vayera - turn turn turn

 Abraham tried to save the wickedest people of rhe world. Why?
 Rabbi Hirshler explains it wasAbrahams  
World View -  (that made him the father of the Israelite Nation)
thatAll People can be Turned on to GOOD

So he prayed that if there wereA FEW RIGHTEOUS people in SEDOM
With ALL the people who read the Bible in the world- 
YOU SEE MANY GOOD PEOPLE - but if only they would put th kind of effort into it
we could see the whole world turned around
the new media reporting how many people helped others
how many countries were helping others
and how the Irans and the North Koreas turned their atomi research into transportation so
we could all be CLOSER RO ONE ANOTHER
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz
(Thank you Rabbi Hirschler - and Michaels internet connection)

Portion LechLecha

Portion LechLecha
 How did our Father Abraham come to trash idol worship And believe in One G-d?
 I saw an article this week about how  in  the fifties  The Lubavitcher Rebbe  taught that atomic theory
 Teaches how to believe in G-d I a nutshell I extrapolate from what he said -
 something like You think you see a wooden desk
 But it really is a bunch of atoms
 mostly energy but 
 Just empty space 
 And a few tiny particles
 (creating that energy)
 Which looks like a continuity
 But its empty space 
 If you can imagine atoms you
 can know there is an unseen G-d...
 The energy of the univrse
  Making empty space beautiful (my interpretation)
  Soז Abraham theorized atomic physics 
 And read between the spaces
  So if maybe you think you
 DON 't SEE G-d...
 But all you see is created by G-dly energy
  Let's pray for a lot of that energy
 Shabbat Shalom from Jerusalem
 Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

Portion Key TayTzay - where we Goin' Out

Portion Key TayTzay - where we Goin' Out

Key Tay Tzay means "when you go out"
Rabbi Malka the Rabbi of my town gave an idea from these words
Which are Starting out in the Singular form
That the Almighty speaks to us all individually and WANTS us to always START AFRESH.
Rabbi Carlebach used to say ...
 you get where you have to be - But you must know what you have to do!
Last night at a wedding I was speaking with a
Mother of a five yr old down syndrome girl... 
and was able to tell her of a special program in Bar Ilan University
working with such kids on a one-on-one basis,
Was that why I was at the wedding? Chance?
Later I was speaking with a Child Psychiatrist -
and when I got home I got an email about the need to help a family wih a troubled child.
Was that why I was at the wedding? Not Chance?
HOW to put the results of these "chance meetings" together...?
The portion Key Tay Tzay talks of punishing a very willful son -
but the Talmus says there never was such a case! 
But our sages taught - the CONCEPT of the punishment
Is written to MAKE US Look ahaead to the end result -
And quite obviously to deflect the problem - 
as historically the Talmud says there never was such a bad child!
How do we nip child problems in the bud? 
How do we try to fix serious issues like those stated in the Torah?
With our families and with the joy of weddings and the friendships that grow from these!
That is the Jewish Way!
Shabat Shalom
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz