Parashat Hashavua

Portion VaYeeGash - or Love and Listening

Portion VaYeeGash - or Love and Listening
If Joseph loved his father why did he not contact him when he became Viceroy in Egypt?
If Joseph loved his brothers why did he arrest them and not tell them who he was until this portion?
The WORLD could learn a lot about LOVE from Joseph - and from Maimonides!

How close are you really to those you love?

Did Adam love Eve?

How about Noah and the Mrs?

In this portion we see the love of Joseph for his brothers- despite everyrhing they did years before.
And we see the love of Jacob for Joseph - so that even an old father took the dangerous trip to Egypt to see him.
And in next weeks portion the love of Joseph for his two boys
And last week Jacob revealed his great love for his wife Rachel

So where is the Torah going with all this?

Maimonides wrote so much - including "The Book of Love!" It has many chapters but in a nutshell
Just by the Headings of the Sections we learn (I extrapolate from them):

Reciting Shema - love is listening
Holy Writing like Tefilin Mezuzas and Torahs- writing a little note can bring us close to a loved one
(Years ago I should have fired an employee but I found work for him ...
which gave him confidence to eventually get a better job and get married ...
and years later I bumped into him and he gave me a big hug to thank me - and told me how his wife would write little love notes and put them in his lunch sandwich for when he went off to work! They were a happy loving couple!)

If you love someone you do sily things to make them happy.
If you love someone you are willing to experience pain that sometimes happens in life.
Etc from Maimonides
Joseph was the genius of his generation - and he saved the world.
Maimonides was the genius of his generation - and protected his people under the Egyptian Caliphate.

All the Mitzvot are to show the love between us and the Almighty
Joseph did everything to re-set the family love between the boys and the Dad (Jacob)

The Shabbos is the Mitzva that teaches us to take time off....

Love from Israel

Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

Portion Vayeshev and Chanuka : Jealousy Dementia Depravity Hatred and - the Technicolor ELEPHANTS?

Portion Vayeshev and Chanuka : Jealousy Dementia Depravity Hatred and - the Technicolor ELEPHANTS?

Did Joseph have elephants in Egypt? Probably not.
But 8-900 years later the Syrian Greeks used elephants in the Chanuka Wars - 
that the Maccabbees eventually won.
Those Syrian elephants were probably Asian elephants - 
that Alexander the Great got FOR them in his wars in India-
because th Syrians were still at war with the Egyptians and probably could not get African elephants!
What's that got to do with the weekly portion and story of Joseph?
His hating jealous brothers sold him into slavery in Egypt.
Potiphar's wife tried to seduce him.
Judah had a tryst with his forMer daughter in law.
Jacob went crazy with sorrow for losing Joseph (he thought).
There's so much to write and study and be THANKFUL FOR THIS CHANUKA-
but in a nutshell
In Israel they caught an Arab Knesset member passing cell phones with terrorist links-
to iSRAELI-interred security prisoners this week - and he is now in jail. A MIRACLE
The US President Elect called the Egyptian President and got him to pull an anti-Israel motion out of the UN- another MIRACLE
Joseph and his brothers introduce us to the issues of Chanuka::
brothers fighting each other
A hateful crazy Syrian King bent on destroying Judaism
And who became the symbol of potential Israel victory? 
Decorated elephants
who we thought were going to crash through our people-
who were tamed by the Maccabbees - 
5 brothers who OVERCAME JEALOUSY and worked together
Speaking of miracles:
Purim is the holiday of "upside down" - 
but Chanuka is the holiday of "the light of Redemption"-
the kind that can HEAL THE WORLD-
Light some Shabbos Candles
Light some Chanuka candles
Spread some happiness to the homebound - and to ALL OUR PEOPLE
12 tribes dispersed thoughout the world
Love and Shabbos and Light from Israel
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

Portion Vayishlach - A LITTLE evil anyone?

Portion Vayishlach - A  LITTLE evil anyone?

What do this portion and Chanuka have in common? STAY AWAY even from a little evil -

Jacob sends gifts to his brother Esau hoping to calm down the guy who is after him with armed escort

And it works and Esau (the Epitamy of Evil) says
We can accompany you on the trip back to Dad and Mom - and still STAY FRIENDS
How bad can that be?

But Jacob says no thanks

In a nutshell that was the Syrian Greeks in the Chanuka story 
The Syrian Greeks wanted to be "friends" with the Judeans – because they were always at war with the Egyptian Greeks and wanted allies. And to suck the Jews into their wars!
A hundred years the Syrians and the Egyptians fought back and forth and finally the Syrian Greeks who paid for schools and sports and all sorts of things in Israel won– and many of the Judeans fell for it!
Friends and allies? NO! Not friends and not allies –But the Evil of culture Controls.
The Syrians outlawed SHABBOs and a lot of Jewish things – and it took the Maccabees many years to restore the Jewishness of Judea!
Esau wanted to accompany Jacob's cool kids – and get them to be part of the Esau Gang.
Jacob was wise and watched over the kids – well most of the kids most of the time – after all there were a LOT of kids …
These few portions which show the goofs are a MESSAGE to the JEWS forever –
Watch and teach the children well and forever the Almighty will protect you eternity – and celebrate the Chanuka – the re-birth of Jewish  Freedom from Greek Syrian tyranny
Live and Learn from the trials and tribulations of Jacob and the Family of Israel.
Buy gifts from ISRAEL!
Visit with family and the congregation – sing a little – dance a lot – and make your Shabbat a Beautiful One!
Shabbat  Shalom
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

Portion Toledot - Friends Friends Friends

Portion Toledot - Friends Friends Friends

BASED ON A teaching of Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach
The portion says it is the story of Isaac son of Abraham and t hat Abraham was progenitor of Isaac
Rabbi Shlomo taught that they were BEST FRIENDS
Really - who else in rhose days could be best friends with such firebrand monotheists? In a world of idols?
They had "BAALEI BRIT" - people in agrement or believers or supporters of "One G-d".
But who really wanted Abraham to fulfill his dream?
And who prayed harder than reality that Isaac would be the blessing to the world hat the Almighty had promised?
So Rabbi Shlomo tauht that to be REAL FRIENDS is to want what your friend wants as badly as they want!
So that your souls are  traveling together,  riding the same wave,
and inked in a bond that is higher than the highest wall separating people.
And that it is possible - we learn from he opening of the portion
"Abraham and Isaac" and "Isaac and Abraham" - with the same dream to be close to theAlmighty.
May we be blesed to have such friends and be such friends
Shabbat Shalom from Rainy (thank G d) Israel
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

Portion of Chayei Sarah – the LIFE (force) from Sarah

Portion of Chayei Sarah – the LIFE (force) from Sarah
The Torah said Abraham brought with him to Cannan/Israel (out of Iraq and out of Syria) a number of souls – attracted to monotheism.
The Medrash said Sarah was the main teacher of the women that came along with them.
Look at the pictures of the people in Syria and Iraq today – now imagine 3000 years ago, the abused and unappreciated women doing all the work at home and in the fields – and appreciate the inspiration Sarah sewed into their souls. She was the nurturing mother to all of them for 25 years in Israel before she had her own child!
At the end of this week's portion of Chayei Sarah it tells us that Isaac was praying in the evening. Then he saw his future bride riding towards him on a camel next to Eliezer's (Abraham's main servant's) camel welcomed Rebecca and brought her into the tent of Sarah his mother – and the candles re-lit themselves and from that time there was always light in that tent !
Our Masters teach that each of our forefathers and foremothers had something special they brought to our people.
Araham was the outside person and taught the world how to come close to the Almighty.
Rabbi ShlomoCarlebach taught that Isaac was the INSIDE – sunset prayer person – who gave hope to those who despaired that they had not accomplished what they wanted during the day. Just pray that tomorrow will be a day of fulfillment.
And Rebecca? She re-lit the hope and imagination and light that Sarah was able to instill in all the women hoping for closeness to the Almighty.
May we be inspired by them – and never lose that hope.
Love and Shabbos from Israel
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

VYera the story of the fat chasid and the dancing chasid

VYera  the story of the fat chasid and the dancing  chasid
Yes its nicer to say portly than fat - and to relate to people in a nice way.
So I saw a SHORT CHUNKY chasid at the cemetery yesterday. Huh?
And what about the the portion of the week?
Father Abraham sees these three lowlifes -
But its not nice to say low lifes so -
Lets call them street people that Abraham runs to 
and says "My Masters come to me to rest up and to eat" - his MASTERS?
(It was well known that Abraham invited EVERYONE to eat by him) -
And in the end they turned out to be ANGELS direct from the Almighty - with GOOD NEWS for Abraham and Sarah.
Were there any portly chasidm in the time of Abraham?
Are there any street people today?
What do you think when you see a chosid dressed like the old days? Nice thoughts? Maybe ...
What do you think when you see street people?
A friend of mine used to take me to a restaurant in Boro Park he called "the Portly Chosid" 
because a chunky chasid was the owner and greeted you at the door.  The food was excellent -
like any child of Father Abraham should serve!
Yesterday was the Yahzeit of Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach pasing 22 years ago
So as usual I went to he grave and as usual there were was a crowd of nearly 2000 there-
Hippies college kids Israelis Ameeicans and a few black hat and black coat chasidim
But as we sang he Rabbi's tunes and read King David's psalms one guy stood out in the crowd
He was dressed in blue and white striped hasidi jerusalem coat
He was fiftyish and looked like an extremist in a caftan and a very big round black hat
I watched as thecrowd danced hora like - but he did not
Until a couple of college kids grabed him and he danced with them!
I went over to him after and asked if and how he knew Rabbi Shlomo.
He said - "I was not religious but a friend invited me to go see Rabbi Carlebach "the singing Rabbi"
After the concert I went over to speak with him - like a hundred others did.
When he saw me he said 
"Brother you need to spend Shabbos with my Chevra (group)"
Then we talked a few minutes - and he knew my soul inside out - you could tell he had a holy approach to everything!
and I started studying and eventuallybecame religious.
A young girl next to us yelled at him "Stop Talking! You are disturbing the ceremony!"
I never saw a chosid walk over to a young girl like he did so sweetly and said gently
"You know why I'm here? Do you know why you're here?
Because Rabbi Shlomo's soul had a spark of the Moshiach! 
He touches your soul today like he touched my soul years ago.
You and all these kids here weren't even born  when he passed on - 
but here you are mourning - and celebrating that GREAT SOUL.
She then said "I'm sorry for yelling at you. You are right and 
we all have a lot of things to FIX in this world-
and we learn from the Torah together how to do it. 
And she ended with a perfect Yiddish -THANK YOU FOR TALKING TO ME!"
And we all left appreciating that it's not what you look like -
But it's how we relate to the ANGELS that the Almighty sends to us like he sent to Abraham and were welcomed by Sarah!
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

Lech Lecha In Honor of Abraham and Sarah and Trump and Clinton

Lech Lecha In Honor of Abraham and Sarah and Trump and Clinton
Really more in honor of our father Abraham and mother Sarah and Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach whose Yahrzeit is the next week
Vision is a rare and great thing which proves there is a G d and that we each have a soul
Rabbi Shlomo taught us and sang to us the vision of the Prophets
"We are all going to Jerusalem he sang
Let there be peace they said"
Abraham and Sarah left Iraq with Terah the father of Abraham but Terah died in Syria on the way and before reaching Canaan- the future Holy Land
Abraham and Sarah taught visions of Holiness from Iraq through Canaan and on into Egypt where beautiful Sarah helped save Abraham and their joint vision
Rabbi Shlomo reminded us of the vision of a Messianic time when there would b no mor war
And childten and parents could communicate
And inspired us to wotk and live  towards those ends
And pumped into us the energy of Shabbos renewal
Let there be true peace in this world between opposing visions -
However G d decided to take us to the next level
Gutt Shabbos Tata Abraham and Moma Sarah and Rabbi Shlomo and all the people of the world 
With visions of peace and caring for one another
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Andy Eochenholz

Portion of Noah: Turkey Temperance Tragedy - and Time

Portion of Noah:   Turkey  Temperance  Tragedy -    and Time
Where did the ark land after the flood - IN TURKEY! (Just in time for Thanksgiving? Maybe not ...)

Rabbi Lasry mentioned this wek on the radio that
 We all live in an Ark - and all the ANIMALS within come out at different times!
And part of his lesson this week was - that we need to know which animal is coming out at what time -
so we can keep from letting the animalism control us
Rebetzin Yemima Mizrachi said on the radio this week 
That Noah got drunk because 
after the flood he could NOT DEAL WITH THINGS
Her lesson this week was:
That we have to deal with tragedy at times in our lives  - and Noah's children did so
So I ask -
Was Noah depressed 
or was he overwhelmed by the tragedy of human destruction?
We see hundreds of thousands succomb to tragedy all over the world

Rabbi Erez Moshe DoRON asked in a class this week
Are we the reincarnation of the generation of the flood? Are we in a TIME WARP of the past and the Torah.?
The  spiritual Masters say we can BE THE FIXING of what confronts us
if we listen to the lessons from the past and live the lessons of the Torah in the present.
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

Portion of Braishis and Why World Diplomacy is Hung Up on the Jewish People!

Portion of Braishis and Why World Diplomacy is Hung Up on the Jewish People!
So the world is created - and the portion describes "the Beginning" - BUT
In a few different ways, Because as we all know -LIFE just Ain't that simple!
So the masters explain One Important descriptions which starts out with
(This is MY ROUGH TRANSLATION of the Torah Language)
"This is the story BEHEE Baram" (when CREATED)
The masters point out: BEHEE Baram is the same letters as "Abraham"
Just a little moved around - MEANING
That the continuation of the world STORY evolves around ABRAHAM
(And his descendents - Us!)
Keep that in mind when the news always talks about the Middle East -
Because whatever we do or happens to us - we pave the way of world progress - 
May it be for Good and for a Great Shabbos
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

Portion of Ha Ah Zee Noo - look at the ight please ...

Portion of Ha Ah Zee Noo - look at the ight please ...
At - Almost the end of the 5 Biiks and 
almost the end of Moses' 120 years
Moshe RaBaynoo is writing and singing again!
According to the Hursch Chumash explanation this song of Moshe -
after the song of the Crossing the Sea
and the Song of the Whole Torah
This song is ALSO for the NATIONS of the WORLD =
"Lookout" he says "because the Almighty will not suffer the abuses of nations 
who watch closely when Israel is sometimes out of favor - perhaps to attack"
like the evil Amalek -
And may the world PLEASE wake up to this concept -
that Israel IS a light to the nations - and all they have to do -
to be the best nations they can be - 
is to
FOLLOW THE LIGHT (as WE should).
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz