Parashat Hashavua

Portion vaYikra :Leave your baggage (and your chametz) behind

Portion vaYikra :Leave your baggage (and your chametz) behind 

Who wants to talk to a sour puss?
Sometimes I find myself after a year of dental work working hard to smile
But I try.  So it was a JOY talking to my mechanic yesterday.
He heard that I was a student of Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach and said:
I was in Russia during the end of Communist riule I heard about that Rabbi so I bought some tapes.
After hearing the tapes I heard he was going to Poland - so I decided I must drive to Poland to meet him! 
It didn't work out but after 20 hours or so of listening to those tapes I decided I must go to Israel-
and here I am years later.
His smile brought me  great smile.
The portion starts with the Almighty calling out to Moses -
And the Almighty calls out to each of us!
So let's make the effort to reach out back to G-d - and leave the chometz and the sour-ness and the silliness in the world behind!
Love and Shabos
Almost Passover!
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

Portion Vayakhel Pekudei Hachodesh

Portion Vayakhel Pekudei Hachodesh
This Shabbat we bless the month of Nisan - may it see the revival of the spirit of our people Israel
and a renewal of all the Goodness the world has ever seen - rolled up into a Blessing of Passover!
The Hebrew word for month is CHODESH from the root CHADASH meaning new.
Passover can mean "passing over" but you can look at the word to
as we can every day learn new things even from old friends and what looked yesterday 
like "the same old thing" really is NOT - but may be seen in a whole NEW LIGHT
May we bless each other as we bless the month - and all the gifts we have from the Almighty
Shabbat Shalom from Lakewood NJ
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

Portion Keep tee Sah - The Challenge

Portion Keep tee Sah - The Challenge

Why a Challenge?    
  Many years ago (I was 15) a friend of mine asked me to read this
  Torah portion in two synagogues where he was employed as
  Bal Koreh - the Torah Reader
  I had read in public small portions but never one as long
    and as diverse as this portion
  I have to thank you Karl once again for throwing down
  the gauntlet and challenging me with this portion
  Moses the Master Teacher was challenged as well  -
With All  the Goings On in this portion
    AND WE ARE ALL TOO - that is, challenged by the events
  and the opportunities in this portion
The Golden Calf - and we all have to deal with various
  money issues
And the Sabbath - we are challenged to bring PEACE into
  our   lives
And how did Moshe Rabeinu deal with
 teaching and reaching  the hearts and souls of the people?
Rabbi Salomon Carlebach taught us that the Almighty gave us arms to be able to Reach Above our Limitations

And gave us Hearts to Reach out to Others

And we see in this portion that

Moshe and Aron were the Greatest Examples of these principles
And we are reminded of the rewards of the sweet smelling incense and the joy of Service
May we all realize the potential in the challenges we face
  Shabbat Shalom
  Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

Portion Tetzaveh - Remember (Zachor) and PURIM - Jewish Time Travel ?

Portion Tetzaveh - Remember (Zachor) and PURIM - Jewish Time Travel
For 3000 years we Israelites are all Time Travelers – we are eternal -and we are told this Shabbat REMEMBER!
Remember the good – leaving Egypt is a part of us – and remember the scary –
Like being attacked by Amalek and the threat of Haman in the Megilla which we 
will  read Saturday night
 There is SO MUCH that connects us through these generations and these themes this Shabbat!  But here is one thought:
Installation of Aron as the High Priest forever for Israel –described at the end of the Portion where the ceremony is described that ordains
his children are to be priests forever; and bring sacrifice when they join the priestly ranks – and to offer incense  …
So then the Torah says it will be like Yom KipuRIM … FOR YOUR generatons …
To make it short and sweet -  here is the connection to today because
The end of the portion uses the phrase Kipurim – Ki Purim Meaniing "Like Purim") and says
 the customs mentioned are "for the generations to remember" –
 and like the Rabbis have taught
 "the people fulfilled on Purim what they received at Sinai"
It reads like a prophecy that PURIM will happen –
 and will be REMEMBERED by us FOR GENERATONS (the Almighty  saving the Jews in a stream of hidden miracles)
So much will be with us forever – so much to celebrate this Shabbat and Purim right after!
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

Portion Teruma -Trump and the TaRaRump

Portion Teruma -Trump and the TaRaRump

In the megilla it says that messengers were sent to the Jews all over
to tell them that Esther had save them from Haman-
But that the messengers were "sad and  confused"!
How is that related to this week's portion?
AND WHAT ABOUT TRUMP? (Huh?) so many so sad and so confused?
How come right after the spiritual and civil laws we heard at mount sinai in last weeks porttion -
Now the Almighty says they have to build a temple - 
WHERE -in the desert? The Egyptians built great temples all over - using slaves -
but WE built everything BY VOLUNTEERS!
So what?

How they gonna take a building to israel? G-d promised them the promised land! Not the Sinai!
Who needs a building (except for Bar and Bat Mitzvas?)

And whats that got to do with Trump and Purim?

Okay so they got gold and vessels after 200 years of slavery from the egyptiams

Where did they get all that oil for the Menora for next 38 years in the desert?

Its all about Purim!

Sad and confused messengers - but doing the Will of the Almighty

Thats the story - 

A temple in the desert? All new vessels crafted in the desert?

Why didn't they take some of the stuff from the Egyptian priests?
The Hebrews NEVER take any stuff from Idols or Idol Priests!
Haman wrote "kill the Jews and take their stuff!"
Mordechai and Esther wrote "No Taking STUFF" (like in the desert!)

Oil for the Lamps? Maybe They brought some with them - 

and Maybe BOUGHT some from the desert tribes and

Maybe found some olive trees that Jacob planted along they way down to Egypt!

All these are Plans of the Almighty - NEVER BE SAD!

Get ready for a Happy Purrrrrim!

Gutt Shabbos...

Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

Portion Mishpatim: Who Cares if there are laws AND there are Jewish Laws?

Portion Mishpatim: Who Cares if there are laws AND there are Jewish Laws?

Whats the difference? AND TO ME?
What country has laws DEMANDING you be HAPPY at least SOME times?
What country or town has laws that YOU MUST HELP OTHERS?
South Africa? Saudi Arabia? FRANCE? the UN?

Do not oppress the widow or the orphan!

DO NOT BRIBE (and to judges - do not decide based on the politically correct!)
And G-d sent Moses into the clouds above Mount Sinai ... while the elders were put on hold ...
    no more "that's how it has always been done" - BUT HOLY LAWS

There are laws with feeling and there is wisdom in how to apply them

AND no one may hide behind the ALTAR OF HASHEM - if they commit perfidy!
(May Im Mizbe hee tekach - a murderer ...  ISIS ... the UN ... the League of Nations and those who try to steal ISRAEL
by claiming YUDENREIN - the peoples who conquerred the Middle East by murder and forced conversions -
and still aspire to continue ...)

NOBODY IS PERFECT - BUT STRIVE FOR JUSTICE our portion shouts to us.
(and tells us to get ready for PURIM in 2 weeks with JOY!)

May the Almighty guude our actions and spread love of justice to the world -
and the Almighty love of JOY and THANKS

Love and Shabbos and PURIM WISHES
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

Portion Yitro – Jethro the Judge – how Smart was he?

Portion Yitro – Jethro the Judge – how Smart was he?
The portion of Mount Sinai (actually described in a few places) starts with Jethro the Convert to Judaism hearing about the miracles which the Almighty did for the people of Israel.
He brings to Moses the boys and the wife he left in Midian with Jethro (Yitro – the grandpa) for safety lest Pharoah punish Moses by hurting his family.
Was Jethro a smart guy? He had 7 daughters – and it seems they and their husbands joined the Israelites and helped them during the 40 years in the desert! Did that make him smart?
After getting to know Moses and Aron – Yitro starts GIVING ADVICE. Is that smart?
Why does the portion start "and Yitro heard …" – and the portion is NOT called after the first word – "Shama" (hearing) which is so important to us all? 
The portion is called after the SECOND word "Yitro" (or YISRO in Ashkenazi Hebrew).
Jethro is called "the (high) priest of Midian" – and yet he gives advice to the Israelites on how to  organize the 12 tribes – judicially – but also for daily functions – through the  warfare needed to return Israel-Canaan to the Abrahamic peoples after 210 years of slavery!
How to pick (honest) leaders! How to bring an end to quarrels! How to bring organization to 12 tribes about to wander in the desert 40 years. AND IT WAS ACCEPTED AND IT WORKED.
Smart – and holy – and helpful. Why did he bring his family to Israelite life? Why did he help Moses and the tribes?
The Rabbis who knew his great grandchildren were to become Jewish Judges in Jerusalem said of him:
Jethro had a bit of prophecy – a great degree of holiness that he yearned for and struggled to achieve. 
He was Moses' father on law – and the two achieved their greatest achievements for Israel with the help of each other.
May we be blessed to know such people, recognize such people, and may such people be among those sharing paradise in the world of the eternal Almighty. 
And don't forget to study the portion and the 10 Commandments this Shabbat!
Love and Shabbos
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

Beshalach - My Grandchildren Said: Don't Get Wet Moses!

Beshalach - My Grandchildren Said: Don't Get Wet Moses! 
The Torah is ALL MODELS OF LIFE - as
Every week we can gleam a G-dly model of existence - 
planned to bring the world together into a state of light holiness and loving kindness - 
Last night my 3-year-old granddaughter Tamar said "We went to a hotel and I stayed in the kiddie pool
 but Sari (8) can swim so she went in the deeper water."
The Israelites got out of Egypt - but were chased by the army until they were facing the Red Sea - 
and the Almighty said "why scream at me, Moses ? Tell them to just go forward!"
Okay - you were happy to get out of trouble (Egypt)
And now there is a NEW STEP TO TAKE
We make decisions - and sometimes scream "G-d why this? why now?"
And the wisdom of the Almighty says "JUST GO FORWARD" - to ISRAEL to JERUSALEM.
and we will all get to the Holy Jerusalem 
and the Temple of the Almighty can be rebuilt-
one stroke at a time.
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

Portion BO - 10 Whacks or 10 Smacks? (I mean kisses)

Portion BO - 10 Whacks or 10 Smacks? (I mean kisses)
Two Parts or Ten? Last week's portion told of the first 7 plagues in Egypt
while this week we read of the "last Three the Alighty sent to "fix" Egypt!
So this week we will have a two-part ten-part single message from the Torah
10 Whacks or 10 Smacks? (I mean kisses)
Rabbi Eliezer Melamed wrote this week quoting the Zohar (Kabala) 
based on a prophecy in the Book of Tzefania) that
the 10 plagues were a Punishment to Egypt (for corrupting G-d's world)
but a HEALING for Israel (who had gotten too used to Egyptian ways!
So why break the 10 down into 7 and 3?
A quick answer is that 7 is the way the Almighty created and loved the world-
hence the Shabbat is the seventh - 
and so many other things G-d loves.
Most of the Israelites got in tune with the Almighty by the seventh plague!
Even SOME Egyptians yelled at Pharoah
The three (as it says in Ecclesiastes by King Solomon)
"three together doesn't unwind" - 
and the last three MIGHTY plagues
were a lasting reminder to Egypt - and even Pharoah "got it" - for a while
Whacks to the Wicked and Smacks (kisses) to the Israelites!
The second part of this week's message was sent me from Dr. "Mo Rothkopf" 
(the holiest eye doctor in the universe)
and I quote a bit of it here:
The definition of a slave is that even his time belongs to his master. 
The first mitzva that HaShem gives the Jews (in Egypt) is 
"Hachodesh hazeh lochem",
 that you are now becoming masters over time ... 
so that when you declare the new moon 
even the bais din shel maaleh the heavenly courts 
abide by your decision as is seen Rosh Hashana...
May we all use our power over time to utilize it for good and to be free from the constraints of time, amen.

The parsha goes on to tell us the laws ... 
"Guard the matza, it means watching it to make sure that it doesn't become chametz and...don't read matzos but mitzva 
so when a mitzva comes to your hand, do it right away and don't let it become chametz....
The Torah alludes to this by preceding the laws of Pesach by the plague of darkness.
 The darkness was so thick that a man could not see his friend. 
Galus (exile) is when there is no sensitivity to our friends needs. That is darkness.
(Redemption) The Geula comes about by opening our hearts and hands to the need of others. ...
May HaShem bless all klal  Yisroel (the people of Israel)
with abundant wealth on the level of matza,
 to appreciate our freedom is based on the freedom to act on behalf of others 
knowing there will always be enough matza to perform our own needs. Shabbat shalom 

Love from Israel
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

VA aiy Rah on Moses the Magic Man?

VA aiy Rah on Moses the Magic Man?

Why so much Moss and Aron in the Second Book of the Five Torah Books?


We need to fix the Cain and Able problem - OIY was that bad! Oiy what a world!

So the Torah teaches us:
Moses and ARON taught us how to be non-jealous and non-argument!

So what about the Eve  thing?

Miriam their sister is a fixing - but only partial.
Because later on the GOSSIP thing happened.
She helped save Moshe but maybe didn't like his wife?
So what? But there are vibes when we tell tales -
BUT THE TORAH teaches us:

Rachel and Leah are a fixing - no bad talk no arguments -
But Adam and Eve - how to fix the loss of respect?

SO later on Joshua and Rachav - had so much respect
The Torah teaches: There is a fixing for everything.

The Israelites had no strength to listen to Moshe - they were slaves!
But when the Almighty appears and says:
and judge the those who abused you
and then in MERCY - ah Doe nai - will
SO Pharohs magicians were dismissed
Moses and Aron channelled down the plagues on Egypt
(not magic - but Divine Acts
and the Egyptians we will see what happened to the non-believers - and how some who believed were able to survive 
May we ALL see the mercy and the divine in this Shabbat of the New Month Shevat 
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz