Parashat Hashavua

Portion Kedoshim in Israel / double Portion in Diaspora - about Yom HaShoah

Portion Kedoshim in Israel / double Portion in Diaspora - about Yom HaShoah
today Thursday is Yom Hashoah in Israel - holocaust remembrance day.- with special programming and political speeches.
However I saw something interesting about teaching children about the holocaust in this generation - using Ice Cream!
Kids cannot understand the horrors of the holocaust.
But there was one Italian gentile who - for a frew years - hid a number of Jewish children - and the fascists never guesed!
He was recognized by Yad Vashem as a Righteous Gentile.
What did he do ?  He kept the kids in the Basement of-
you guessed it-
his Ice Cream Factory!  Holy Gentile Gellato!
Tell your kids - imagine being in an ice cream factory for three years - and not being allowed to eat the ice cream!
It's a far cry from most holocaust stories - but it gets the senses working!
In the Portion Kedoshim we read the commandment to Love One Another
And with Counting the Sefirat HaOmer we are reminded that Rabbi Akita's students perished in a plague because of not respecting one another
How did that happen? We don't really know - but we DO KNOW:
All the Rabbis got together with Rabbi Akiva to fix the problem after the plague -
But we must be Specially Careful to check ourselves before  we criticize other Jews 
Sometimes it's hard - but talking out issues can make it easier!
Lots of Love and Shabbos from Jerusalem
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

Portion in Iisrael Acharei & in Exile : Passover 8 th Day

Portion in Iisrael Acharei & in Exile : Passover 8 th Day
Drama in the Talmud
The Ceasar in Rome used Rabbi Yehosua Ben Chananya as a wise advisor - but
what Started with their discussion of whether since the Garden of Eden story - if
The snakes are the Most Cursed ...( bring death and eat live animals too)
Ended up with Ceasar Sending him off to debate the wisest of the world - In Athens
and the Loser dies - either in Athens or Rome!
One example of the debate - the Athens Scholars asked the Rabbi to prove -
which eggs come from Balck chickens and which from White chickens!
What does a Rabbi do - showed them some goat cheeses and asked THEM
which came from a Black goat and which from a White!
Based on MaHarShah ... and Rav Kook - the debate was REALLY about the world -
Is there a holy SPIRIT that can't die! Where do we come from - and where do we "go"!
The Exodus of Israel (Passover) ... is proof there is POTENTIAL redemption of the world!
And there is Life after Death
A holy prediction - that the WORLD needs to learn!
According to Rav Abergil - 
that is the kabbalistic view of the four sons and the four questions! (from the seder)
And the Answer from the Seder?  That the
Wise son and Wicked son Must eventually sit at the Seder together
 to Fill the Voids of Spirituality in the World!
What is the biggest "life after death" question?
 This portion Acharei speaks of the passing of Aron's 2 sons in the Temple in the desert!
Like my grandfather (aged 93) asked me after his two sons passed away before him (3 daughters survived him)
Is their spirit still alive? My uncle Mo and my uncle Irving!
Based on the teachings of the four sons from the hagada 
and the next 49 days of Omer Counting - our tradition and history would say
Some day we will ALL sit together at the Seder of the Moshiach and G-d
Happy Holiday and Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

Portion we read this week is the Passover Portion - and what about having Passover on a deserted island?

Portion we read this week is the Passover Portion - and what about having Passover on a deserted island?
"I am a rock I  Am an Island ..."simon.n garfunkle ...
If you are shipwreked on a desert island,
And some Matzas and horseradish was airlifted  on to you - a portend of maybe a rescue ....
Are you there with me?
And think about the Red Cross package my grandfather sent  - 

Can you imagine how my cousin Itzik in Auschwitz felt when the Nazi guard told him

"we got the Red Cross package for Passover that your uncle sent, so we are giving you a little more food forkeeping you alive a little longer."

What a little seder he must have had 

Think you could have been with our Israeli soldiers - 
 Jewish soldiers  - watching guard in Gaza to prevent terrorists from tunnels from attacking...eating their seder in the mud in the dark ?

Are you maybe with me and with the American soldiers who had a seder in WWII after conquering part of Gernany 
or our soldiers in vietnam or kuwait
Tonight we are in Egypt .. ALL OF US -
the place in the desert where I was arrested and imterrogated a whole day ...

Near Where our forefathers were enslaved 100-200 years ago
but thinking "we are going free in the morning!
Tonight : We Are All in Egyot and Going Free with Rabbi Moshe and Kohain Aron And Batya the Daughter of Pharoah -

going to freedom - and to Israel - SOOOO
Read That Hagada with a littke Reverence tonight!

Love and Shabbos and Prayers from the Holy Land of Holy People of Israel
Rabbi Andy Eichebholz

Portion Metzora: Cannibalism Slavery Destruction and the Passover Hagada

Portion Metzora: Cannibalism Slavery Destruction and the Passover Hagada
Last week I re-discovered Rabbi Zolti.   He was the Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem and gave a weekly  class when I studied in yeshiva.
Actually I discovered his son where I sometimes pray ( and say Kaddish  ) - at his synagogue/yeshiva in Jerusalem. His son is a genius like the father. He is always interesting, too.
It is customary to read the Hagada this Shabbat to prepare for next week-Passover-as Rabbi Zolti was teaching (mostly by explaining ideas from Maimonides ).
If you don't look at the Hagada before the Seder you miss the context of the world at the time of when Israel  miraculously left Egypt - and left the world in chaos!
If Israel had not been redeemed from slavery and accepted the Torah, the world would probably still be a world of degradation slavery destruction and worse.
What's that to our portion in the Torah this week?
Purity purification and re dedication!
When coming out of a degrading disease the person is to bring offerings in the Temple - to re-dedicate themselves
 and the priest is to mix some oil and some blood and put a touch:
On their
Ear (  so we will ALL listen in holiness  ) and
Thumb (    to remind us to DO holy things ) and the 
big Toe. (To remind us to go to holy gatherings    )
So get ready for Passover and read the Hagada THIS Shabbat.
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

Portion Tetzaveh and Who does G-d Really Protect

Portion Tetzaveh and Who does   G-d Really Protect
In class this morning after Talmud study the Rabbi discussed  whether G-d's Divine individual protections over people extends to the idea of holy protection also of diversity of life forms.
He based it on the RamBan (12th century   ) at the end of this portion and the Minchat Chinuch
(   probably 16th Century) view of that RamBan.
He said the question has been reigniting debate because of a Jewish Pop hit by Avraham Fried!
Divine Hashgacha means our two-way connection to G-d. How does the Almighty look out for individuals and living creatures and for preserving Nature!
Our portion describes the " Kohain as Doctor and Doctor  of Spirit " role.  But where is the spirituality of G-dliness here?
I believe we need to appreciate how the portion starts with childbirth - and our Connection to the holy Temple because of the miracle of birth.
Then it goes to infection-leprosy and the Priestly role in declaring a person healed.
What is more important to us than health?
Then it deals with ( the part where the RamBan chimes in ) with non human infection needing  to be healed  .
Childbirth and health should remind us all how important prayer can be to healing as well as our connection to the Almighty.
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

Portion Shemina va Yidom and Aron was Silent

Portion Shemina va Yidom and Aron was Silent
In the  portion  we read how the older and holier two  sons died during  their  first Temple  service .
Based on question and thoughts of the Lubavitcher Rebbe with my thoughts added
How could they have made all the mistakes ascribed to them?
And if on Purim we can ALL be the highest and holiest ...
Why were they taken from us
And my further question
Why did TWO priests/sons have to be in this sad but important lesson?
So ... I think we need to answer these by asking ourselves
Are you  YOU or just  Half You? 
Are YOU a Real Whole -
Not " potential  you " but a spiritual  you. ?
In brief ...
Purim we need to drop our masks
And get to be real ... see Two Sides of ourselves
By getting a little Drunk on G-d
In order to get to the Exodus of Passover
In both emotional and spiritual ...
Freedom ...
and build a holy Temple in this desert of a world
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

Portion Tzav Priests and Love and Order Or Jealousy and Resentment?

Portion Tzav    Priests and Love and   Order   Or Jealousy and Resentment?
So how did the Relationship between Kohanim and Levites express itself over the thousands of years of our history?
And what about today?
I'm Israel today the priests bless everyone at morning prayer!
Rabbi Miller suggested that maybe in our past there was sometimes resentment against the Temple Caste who were supported by everyone else.
I believe on the other hand
 that since the Priest -     jobs in   - was also the Doctor and maybe also the scribes (lawyers)    
And also since the tithes  like modern taxes were equal 
and Based on how much your farm produced 
and Equality was the General Rule!!!
that except under crooked rulers ... 
things were probably pretty positive!
And Today what does that point to?
We need to act and Work on the side of love and order 
Between Each Other!
And avoid whatever negatives are broadcast from political disputes that
Look for ways to raise our blood pressure 
so that
Politicians can act on us like Media Moguls to their own enrichment!
Spread the love and order like it says of Aron the High Priest.
Question is based on an idea from Rabbi Avigdor Miller as discussed with  H Baron on Purim.
Shabbat Shalom from Rainy New York
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

portion Vayikra - Calling to Us? To Remember to get ready for PURIM

 portion  Vayikra - Calling to Us? To Remember to get ready for PURIM
This Shabbat in Shul we read the beginning of the third of the Five Books of Moses- 
 and also to "Remember (ZACHOR) Amalek (and their attacks on us)"

In my review of the portion this morning I had a lot of questions - but will toss around just three of them.
Last night waiting in the POURING rain
 for the bus from Jerusalem to home -
 I couldn't decide to dance - or to cry.

So what do you do ?  You sing! Getting-ready-for-Shabbat-and-for Purim songs!
Fifty people crowded into this bus shelter - and everyone was making room for this older person and that baby carriage!

All the busses came late (One person complained that their 630 bus never arived at all!)

I just moved out of the shelter to make room for a baby carriage and a couple - 
and the father called out to me (Vayikra means "calling out" to us - to Moshe - to the world!-

"someone just got on a bus and there's room now!"

Family lives up north in Tzefat.
Made my evening! What sweet American-Israelis!
So the portion uses the word "Nefesh" - a SOUL.
Why did the L-rd create people with SOULS? 
Who uses the SOUL side of their personality?
WE DO! And it really ticked off Haman!
And it ticked off the Amalekites so bad that they attacked us in the desert. Because it 
THREATENED their ABUSIVE REGIME. So Moshe and Joshua had to fight them to protect our way of life.
The third Aliya tells us when we sacrifice in the Temple we must ALWAYS HAVE SALT on the ALTER.
What does SALT remind us of?  The ocean, maybe -
but on a more PERSONAL level it reminds us of TEARS!
Your sacrifices should touch your soul to the point of tears!
The end of the portion orders a leader who sins to also bring a sacrifice.
I don't see the Chinese or Korean - or most American - leaders - or Putin shedding too many tears.
Forget about the Arabs and the Europeans - and all the LACK OF SOUL they evidence.
Maybe that's why WE read "Portion Zachor (Remember)" every year -
And hopefully remind the World that it should have a little more SOUL too...
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

DoublePortion?VayakhelPekudei? ...Art and Altruism

DoublePortion?VayakhelPekudei? ...Art and Altruism
Nothing new here? Really a TON in this portion - but this shabbat let's talk about CASH
I often try to bring in some great thinkers so people who read this blog have SOME idea of
The Greatness of Torah Giants and their insights into Today - and Yesterday - and Tomorrow!
The Whole people - men and women - contribute (cash and materials)  to building this Tabernacle in the Desert
This "Mishkan" in the desert is built by Artists working with Moshe Rabaynu
For a while nobody complained about anything - maybe a first since the Egyptian Exodus friom Slavery?
This Shabbat we read the Rule that EVERYONE contributes a Half Shekel toward Temple Upkeep each year.
What has that to do with Purim coming up?
Purim - when the exiled Israelites had to deal with Haman - and his paying the silly king 10000 silver pieces for the right to kill all the Israelites!
So I interpret what Rav Kook's student Rav Neria taught with a quote from the Medrash that 
(gladly like they contributed to BUILDING the Tabernacle
and because the Purim story was the BEGINNING OF THE RETURN TO ISRAEL
(and because "money talks" as they say ...)
THOSE (past and FUTURE) SHEKELS were able to CONTRADICT (in heaven)
 the evil shekels (the bribe ) of Haman (down below)-
And turn the disaster of Haman into the Blessings of Mordechai and Esther!
Let's get ready in every way for ALL the elevating mitzvas of Purim!
Shabat Shalom
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

Portion TeTzaVeh

Portion TeTzaVeh
Before we get too far let me remind us all that the Lubavitcher Rebbe said we should all have festive meals on Purim like before Yom Kipur including candles on the table.
But on Chanuka and Shabbat we  make blessings on the candles so why not Purim too!
And basically why did last week's portion Teruma describe the making of the Menora yet the Torah separated the commandment to make the oil into TeTzaVeh - this weeks portion?
And what is the difference betwen the Medrashic discussion of the Almighty showing the design of he Menorah in a real pillar of fire ( and making the Temple menora for Moses)  versus the view of Kabbalist RAMChaL Rabbi Luzatto that he design was shown in Moshe's Mind but not actually?
And how is it the symbol of Israel and Israel's Knesset Today
A Menora even though so many Israelis are not observant?
So just a few short ideas while I am freezing here outside in New York while trying to prepare for Shabbat and the upcoming Purim
We know the Temple Menora of the second temple is depicted on he destroyer Titus's Arch in Rome
We dont know where the First Temple's menora is
At the beginning of Megila Esther we know that Ahashveyrosh the wicked showed off the utenils stolen from the First Temple ...but it says nothing about the .Menorah or the ARK of he Torah
I believe the Ramcha"l  and theKabala wanted us to always have the VISION OF the menora before us
Today in Israel it is EveryWhere!
And just one idea ... that the Almighy in the Torah maybe separated the oil prep from the menora building design 
We can ( should   ) Always have the menora visual in iur mind...
But how and why visualize OIL? So no...
Some mitzvas are closer to us at some times and not at others
So the Menora is a Specialty of Chanuka
But should always light up our prayers
And Purim Joy should light up every day 
...but especially NOW when we read the portions of Temple Design we should rememeber that
Purim Paved the way for Building the Next Temple
And Purim is coming
And may the Third Temple be built soon in our days
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz