Portion Shemote - after 230 days of reserve duty for a school principal?
- פרטים
- קטגוריה: Parashat Hashavua
- פורסם בשישי, 17 ינואר 2025 09:26
- נכתב על ידי Super User
- כניסות: 110
Portion Shemote - after 230 days of reserve duty for a school principal?
Portion Shemote
What do we know, what do we know?
That's what
My teacher Rebbe Shlomo Carlebach
Used to often say.
And this week we understand that wisdom...
An agreement ? 15 months after the kidnapping (and murders)
There May be an Agreement to free others...
On the Portion of the
From Egyptian slavery (SHEMOS)
WHO does understand?
this father and husband who after 230 days of reerve duty goes on his days home to visit former students in the army - serving RIGHT NOW
And the Nachal BRigade general-
who went to all 18 funerals of his unit killed in Gaza during this war - who is still fighting to protect Israel?
I only understand here ñow at the BRIS and naming of a friend's first grandson - see below -
So I bring here what Reb Shlomo once said:
Reb Shlomo Carlebach taught on this Parsha Shemos - Holding on to Your Name
The whole story of our exile in Exodus is called Shemos, 'Names'. In order to go into exile and come out alive, you've got to hold on to your name... (it's so deep; very, very deep...
What keeps us going in exile? What's the whole thing...
(All rights, including copyrights, derived from the articles herein are reserved to the authors identified. For educational purposes only. )...
What this about exile? The whole world wants to tear us away from the Land God gave to us. How come Israel is called Eretz Yisrael? (The
Land of Israel) Because this is mamesh OUR name. ...
Shabbos is only once a week. My connection to Eretz Yisrael is even deeper than Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur.
You know something even stronger? It's even deeper than the Torah because the Torah - sometimes I'm learning,
sometimes I'm not learning.
The holiness of Israel is it's so much connected to my name...
And what happens to us in exile? The whole world wants to tear us away from that holy name. You know friends, there is
tremendous evil going on in the WORLD.
Right now evil is concentrating more than ever before Mashiach is coming. The Baal Shem Tov says, that by the last
battle, evil wants mamesh really to tear us out once and for all.
So first physically they want to tear us out. And now the new thing is
that the world doesn't talk against Jews, they talk against Zionists. They cover it up.
Or they come to you and say listen, you can
go to here, you can be this, you can do that, you can belong to all other religions and you're still a Jew. ...You know what they mean? They want to tear out your NAME...
And then they say to us Jews, 'Listen, we have nothing against your religion, you just shouldn't live in Israel because Israel belongs to the Arabs.' Things like that.
Everything has to do with the name. At this moment the concentration is on the name, on the name, gevalt. And they
say Israel's name is not Israel, it's Palestine.
That's the whole thing. They want to tear out the name from the Holy Land. Everything
is against the name.
So right now how do you get over this? Everyone has to get for himself - my weapon is Divrei Torah ( Words of Torah) on the level of a name. You have to mamesh dig so deep and find holy words which are mamesh on the level of your name.
Maybe that's the profound meaning of Anti-Semitism. Anti shem . . . Against the name.
Good Shabbos! - Am Yisrael Chai 

(Unfortunately could have been written today, but it was written 1987)
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz