Portion VayehRah – It's About Inspiration and Vision and Cease Fires
- פרטים
- קטגוריה: Parashat Hashavua
- פורסם בשבת, 25 ינואר 2025 16:59
- נכתב על ידי Super User
- כניסות: 94
Lack Inspiration and Vision?
If you look at the end of last week's Portion , Moses tells the Almighty
"It looks like my return to Egypt has just made things worse
Was it because Moses lacked vision?
Do we ALL need to get onto the "Almighty form of Vision?"
then in this portion we start off with
The Almighty – still speaking to Moses –
with those around him PROBABLY not hearing -
I will show everyone" and then it says
I shall take Israel out of Egypt... and bring them
all this was. h
- Needed to inspire Moshe
-And give him the VISION
He went on with this clear vision to lead Israel for the next 40 years
Through the harsh desert and many wars - etc -
To the Promised Land
So what vision and inspiration do we all need today
Let's see
Reb Shlomo Carlebach
On Parsha VaeiRa
- We Can't Stand Exile
You know my sweetest friends, when we read about
leaving Mitzrayim (Egypt) the first thing G-d says is "Vehotzeisi Eschem Mitachas Sivlos Mitzrayim",
I will take you out from being able to stand Egypt.
"Sivlos Mitzrayim"... also means to be able to put up with, tolerate...
You see, the first thing about redemption, to get out of exile is that you have to
stop liking the exile.
Imagine I am
in exile but I like it in exile, then nobody can take me out.
At one time I told someone about the holiness and beauty of Yerushalayim, Jerusalem,
they said to me listen, I'll tell you the truth, I like the Bronx.
So what can you do with them? The Messiah will come and give them a free ticket to Israel but
they like the Bronx. They will never move, there is nothing you can do.
Everybody talks about freedom,
but you know something?
It's a very heavy thing to be free.
So the first thing of redemption is that G-d will take you out from being able to stand being in exile, you won't like it anymore....
See what happened when Moshe comes to the yidden, they suddenly couldn't stand it anymore. This was the first sign first step of redemption.
I bless you and me that we should (have the vision to)hear the footsteps of the ultimate redemption and run towards them!
(from Rabbi Shlomo)Good Shabbos
In Israel there are people trying to understand this new cease-fire
And others are trying to understand October 7
Amd Many people are looking for who to blame
Where is their vision?
So I want to share something here from my daily Talmud
Tractate Sanhedrin – "The Ultimate Courts"
Talmud Section... yerushah rules about - transfering inheritance-of a person who is ill to family or friends
the question is
What are we,. You , all of us, leaving to the next 2 generations or more?
Lets all get inspiredAnd
All the Best
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz