Portion Shoftim and the Greatest Wedding Ever
- פרטים
- קטגוריה: Parashat Hashavua
- פורסם בשבת, 07 ספטמבר 2024 20:25
- נכתב על ידי Super User
- כניסות: 349
Portion Shoftim and the Greatest Wedding Ever
The Portion - actually Moses - speaks to Israelites about to enter and conquer Israel -
about kings judges and police
so whybring in stories from the Talmud?
From the Talmud today...
Fables and Facts from BabaBatra pages 73-4
The rabbis were sailing and in the water they saw a sunken treasure of jewels, so
One jumped in to fetch the jewels and was almost swallowed by a whale
so they hauled him in - and
A voice rang out from heaven -
These jewels are for the
Wife of that holy man - Chanins ben Dosa - in the future.
What can we learn from this?
What's the purpose of a wedding?
(See picture below from tonight Thursday).
I think it is to fix the world. By FAMILIES JOINING TOGETHER - with a couple!
Reb Shlomo onoften spoke how Moshe danced at his last 5 weddings
before he left the world.
What? Weddings? Yes! (Bnos Tzelafchad)
What words of wisdom did he share with them?
Let me asķ you first...
Is it possible that all Israel werent there - At the weddings -
and to hear Moses give his last speeches
For the 30 last days of :
And of
Exile (before coming into Canaan)
Didnt all the dancing and singing scare all the Canaanites across the River Jordan?
Tonight Thursday I am at a wedding
On the Abraham Side of the Jordan-
High above the same Jericho whose walls fell
Probably weakened by the Israelites dancing and singing and music!
But from Jericho - Rachav was saved - why?
She was probably dancing with us.!
If only the whole world would send 100 people each
To the Gaza Border Villages
And dance with us Israelites
They would learn - and all Israel would learn -
It MEANS "MAKE HUMANS out of haters and killers".
And on that note The portion
teaches us - “Cause we all need each other, well you know it's true”
And quoted by Shlomo Ressler -
"We can’t help everyone, but everyone can help someone." — ron regan
Right now I need to get ready for a Great Shabbos - and you all too!
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz