Portion Korach - Disputes versus Cookies
- פרטים
- קטגוריה: Parashat Hashavua
- פורסם בשישי, 05 יולי 2024 08:24
- נכתב על ידי Super User
- כניסות: 544
It's the quintessential dispute...who will be the boss?
In Parshat Korach
To quote Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach
Friends, it has to be clear to us that the whole story of Korach is mamesh the deepest depths.
Korach is someone who never did anything wrong in his whole life.
Until …he fought Aron over the high priest position
What was the whole thing with Korach? Open your hearts to the deepest depths.
Everybody wants to be the holy of holiest,
but maybe G-d doesn't want you to be the holy of holiest.
Maybe G-d needs you to be less holy and serve him on that
level. What do we know?
, Korach wanted to serve G-d but he mamesh wanted to be the holiest.
Aaron was ready to serve G-d even if he was the lowest,
and you know what? So therefore he was really the holiest
You cannot be a high priest unless it doesn't matter to you who it is,
only that is done! So only then it could be you.
Good Shabbos
And from
Rabbi Goldscheider at the OU who
had another take on the dispute between Korach and Aron,
'where he quoted the father of Rav Kook – the Chief Rabbi
of Israel until his passing in 1935s
-in the portion the dispute is resolved by almonds!
Rabbi Kook said, one type is sweet on the tree but bitter when you eat them
Some are bitter on the tree
But sweeterwhen you eat them
and so too disputes that look valid at first
but after a while you know it wasnt right to fight
so wednesday morning I gave 3 chocolate chip cookies to aN
homeless fellow at 5AM on the way to the Jerusalem bus I take.
and listened to him for 2 minutes
and hopefully made his day a bit sweeter
sometimes its that easy
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz