Portion Pinchas - ALL Children forever need...Prayers
- פרטים
- קטגוריה: Parashat Hashavua
- פורסם בשבת, 27 יולי 2024 18:47
- נכתב על ידי Super User
- כניסות: 557
Portion Pinchas - ALL Children forever need...Prayers
How could Pinchas be blessed by the Almighty
After killing the Shimon tribe Magistrate
And the Moabite Princess?
Even the Kabbalists say they were soul mates-
So What has that got to do with
Fires disrupting the Paris Olympics etc???
What will be the Time of World Peace?
In my humble opinion which I hope is not too off
"To every thing .... there is a Season..."
As King Solomon wrote
(And as in the song Turn Turn Turn).
Jewish World View is needed by EVERYONE!
After the bris this week of my new grandson
Why was I so happy to see my daughter crying?
Standing next to her husband holding the baby
With such a loving look in his eyes,
I was so happy to meet their extended family !
Context is best from words of Reb Shlomo:
Reb Shlomo Carlebach on Parshat Pinchas
"Friends, let me ask you. How much do you pray to G-d that you should find your soulmate?
What happens after you find your soulmate? You don't pray so hard anymore.
Before the (Jewish Wedding)chuppa,
the groom covers the face of the bride and says
'I'm praying for you like before I met you. I promise you my whole life I'll pray for you like before I met you.'
Listen to this:( the Wedding of the Almighty
Withe the Israelites:)
Before the forty years in the desert, we were praying to get into Eretz Yisrael.
The forty years are over, so we thought automatically that we're going into Eretz Yisrael.
(And Zimri the ShimoniteMagistrate acted thus)
Pinchas realized we'll never go in this way.
Pinchas got up from amongst the people and began to pray LIKE before the forty years.
And it is mamesh Pinchas's prayer which brings us into Eretz Yisrael.
I want you to know something so strong. I see so many young people come back to Yiddishkeit. How much did they pray to find their way to Yiddishkeit before they found it?
What we have to do is pray again ...
We have to pray for everything new again...
I always say, Eliyahu Hanavi Elijah the Prophet
is making PEACE between parents and children because the question is always the same.
How much did you pray for children before you had them?
And once we have them, we don't pray so much anymore.
So you see what it is, Pinchas
(Who we say Comes to Every Bris as Elijah)
is bringing back ... "V'heishiv Lev Avos Al Banim",
,(the hearts of the parents with the children)-
you have to pray for your children after you have them even more so, mamesh even more so!
Good Shabbos
So I (AE)bring from the Kabala that
Zimri and Cuzbi should have brought PEACE
Instead of playing roles in the WAR AND
Balak Bilam portion of cursing from last week!
May we all be proud and loving
Of all children - HOPING TO END WAR THINGS
Even as today the train system in france
is being sabotaged by some poorly brought up "children"!
Maybe its finally TIME to stop the Madness?
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz