Portion Balak in USA
- פרטים
- קטגוריה: Parashat Hashavua
- פורסם בשבת, 16 יולי 2022 21:55
- נכתב על ידי Super User
- כניסות: 664
Portion Balak in USA
As Rabbi Carlebach used to say (and teach us to appreciate) , "what do we know"?
Only when Pinchas the grandson of Aron stood up to those Misleading from Within the Israelites
He knew the Inspiration of Evil was from Without
But just as we see in
Portion Balak and Portion Pinchas
While the vile plots of Bilam and Balak we're uncovered ,
Their righteous gret great granddaughter Ruth
Still was sent to be the great grandmother
Of King David!!!
And other Righteous Gentiles and Converts?
In The Talmud in
Ketubot page 6,
Is the story of
Heleni Hamalka the Queen
Who promised a vow of a Nazirite for
7 years IF
her son return ed safely from war ...he did,
And she did it.
But when she later moved to Israel
The Rabbis ordered
Another Nazarite Vow
And she complied
Written in Florida and Texas
Sorry for the rush
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz