Parashat Hashavua

What do you do with a Leper? Portion of Metzora

What do you do with a Leper? Portion of Metzora


What do you do with a Leper? Portion of Metzora 
Of course - you CURE them! 
And when it's time for them to return to the community - 
the Torah says "you take for them 2 birds ..." 

Later in the Portion Metzora - about other sacrifices - 
it says "They will take" - 

so the secret of the DIFFERENCE we can only learn from Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach (zatza"l) 

Who's more a leper to society than the people roaming the streets? 

One of the Rabbis of Manhattan once told me 
"Rabbi Shlomo took us on a tour of Riverside Park- 
at midnight last night- 
and he taught us how to do the Mitzva of Charity- 
we went around and talked with all the HOMELESS people 
sleeping in the park 

and gave them some money - 
but the most important was to talk with them" 

Because the Torah says "take for them 2 birds" 
the Kohen helps them in the process of returning to the community ... 

Let us all be a part of the redemption as we prepare for Passover 

Love and Shabbos from Israel 

Rabbi Andy Eichenholz


Portion Noah in the Times of Corona -Klal and Prot for the Whole World - What's That?

Portion Noah in the Times of Corona -Klal and Prot for the Whole World - What's That?
Klal means "in General" and Prot means "for the Individual"
Portion Noah is A Message for Today direct from the Almighty!
I just raised today's question "what's that" with one of my kids - asking
Why is the portion called Noah  -
and the First Portion - BeraySheet is NOT called "Portion Adam and Eve"?
And the next one is NOT  called Portion Abraham
And the last one is NOT called Portion Moses?
I just got an email from an intermarried couple - Jewish mother with a question
(and the father is a great guy I really like)
but I haven't heard from them in a while.
BuraySheet is to teach the Whole World - the KLAL -
and the Jews must Teach That -
that it must get
Closer to the Almighty to defeat the anti-G-d murderous virus!
By Holding and communicating with each other more closely
And Noah is to teach the world - YES EVERYONE - that
the Jews must Teach - That Each Individual (the Prot)
must get in there -And dance around the Almighty -
And follow - Torah and Mitzvos
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

Portion BuRaySheet where Adam makes a Left Turn and Gets Everyone Lost!

Portion BuRaySheet where Adam makes a Left Turn and Gets Everyone Lost!
Greetings again from beautiful Jerusalem-
- could this  be the gateway to the
Garden of Eden of this weeks portion?
Ahhhh, we are Starting to read the Torah again from the first portion, and
While some rabbis promise blessings for the whole year from participating jn this
First Portion of the Year
Let's just Take it down a notch
And try to just learn some of life's lessons from the beautiful text
I will limit to one thought - but everyone can get a lot out of each teaching in the portion.
We read about how
"In the Creation" - like many things in Life - the
Good starts from some murky depths
BUT - it can start with one little spark - of LIGHT
We can all touch off the Light in the world
with adding little Spark of Kindness, or a Word of Light!
And the opposite?
I always wondered - Did the primordial snake come from
those very same depths (as the Spark of Light)?
Instead of giving a Word of Light to the new Residents in Eden
He makes as much murky trouble as he can 
Between Eve and Adam
Until Adam doesn't even know
what the Right Thing to Do  is! And they both get kicked out.
There are so many timely questions...
like - Where do viruses come from?
and how do some "paradise people" - like on Fiji and Samoa get "there"?
How did they know when to turn ledt or right to get to  paradise? And Us?
Take some INSPIRATION from the Torah hints-
thoughts for igniting renewal
and protecting each other - and thinking of getting back to the Garden.
Start Anew Each Day with some Light - for yourself and others
Avoid snakes
Thank the Almighty (instead of avoiding G-d)
for all those places or islands of refuge from daily difficulties
(And beware of floods in the future - like in next week's portion).
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

Portions of Shabbat and Simchat Torah - with Yizkor and Radzik Abdul Hader?

Portions of Shabbat and Simchat Torah - with Yizkor and Radzik Abdul Hader?
Interesting news today - brush fires because it's very hot here - and
"Remembering Dov Golan" on Israel. - who was a friend of Prime Minister Yitzchak Shamir.
So - what's there to celebrate this Shabbat? Limited dancing with the Torah?
I have ALWAYS celebrated Shabbat and also Simchat Torah - from childhood.
Back in Manhattan 1975-98 or so - at the Carlebach Shul,
Simchat Torah day was prayers and dancing from morning to almost night...
Even though in Israel it is combined with "Yizkor (Remembering) Day - Shemini Atzeret".
It was also Neshana Carlrbach 's birthday - so we did
All day dancing ... and then as the sun was setting - birthday cake!
Is that all?
To keep this short and not hold anyone in suspense -
Dov Golan was none other than - Radzik Abdul Hader!
He was from the royal family of Algeria - who were taken over by the French colonialists.
He hated them, loved his brother Algerian Muslims - and the Jews!
Dov Golan in his later years always had a Mezuza on his door!
Radzik Abdul Hader worked as an Anti-French revolutionary - but in the end,
Dov Golan was a spy for Israel for many years. Bless his soul.
So does the Almightu have his ways ??? To protect the Jewish people?
Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach gave out HOLY books to dance with on Simchat Torah.
First he would bless each person who would come up and promise:
to dance with the book at our celebration, AND
study from that book DURING THE YEAR!
He also blessed all the holy gentiles who helped the Jews -
but I don't know if he ever met Dov Golan!
There is so much to learn each week from the Torah reading,
and this week should not be just a sad "memorial look back".
We read the end portion in the Torah - and then start again from the FIRST PORTION -
BeRaySheet - meaning "in the beginning".
So remember to read a little Torah
dance a little jig every so often on the weekend
thank the Almighty for all those holy messengers he sends us - Jewish and other -
and - as my Doctor friend (thanks WW) I bumped into when I snuck out a little to pray this morning told me,
the famous   Chatam Sofer (1769-1832?)  
predicted this coming year would be a much better upcoming year than the last.
We never know how it happens - BUT TRUST IN THE ALMIGHTY- he has ways! 
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

Portion Nitzavim Vayelech - With all the Great Gifts we have today?

Portion Nitzavim Vayelech - With all the Great Gifts we have today?
Gifts? Corona and Elections with self serving politicians? Putin? China?
Lockdowns ... Masks ... People afraid to go out ... OIY VEY!
In this double portion the Almighty says "Today I give you Life and Good - (or the opposite)
Is that OUR Reality? or just some Philosophy?
Really now,  what are the Greatest Gifts of Today?
Isn't Corona making this year really more like a holocaust out there?
Moses tells the people "Be strong ... Joshua will lead you into Israel ...
Fear not...
Just as G-d defeated Sihon and Og ... FEAR NOT because the Almighty protects you..."
So many people have no idea what was the big deal about "defeating Sihon and Og".
While there is SO MUCH Torah and Power packed into these 2 little portions,
Let me just explain those 2 names - in a way to understand this election year in the USA
Sihon - relates to the word Sachitah- to EXTORT
"OO L Og" - relates to putting down or mocking you
These are crimes committed by words - and so are the crimes of political leaders -
Putin ... Iran ... even the UN ...etc
What is the Calming and yet Powerful antidote to their threats and verbal wars?
And indeed all the false complaints about Judaism from so many corners of the planet?
We have been shown by our sages that SHABBOS is the greatest Gift to the World.
Chapter 30 of Deuteronomy uses the letters of SHABBOS  שבת
in a few ways -
with meanings like
"You will Return" to G-dliness
and the Almighty will "Return you from exile"
Just like Joshua defeated Sihon and Og -
Our Shabbos has kept our people safe for thousands of years-
SO - Teach the World to "Play Shabbos"  this week!
And Next Shabbos will begin a wonderful NEW YEAR for the World!
Shabbat Shalom - Blessings from the Torah and the Almighty
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

Portion Key Tay Tzay and the 3 Gates to Hell

Portion Key Tay Tzay and the 3 Gates to Hell
Dancing with kids now while the radio is playing -
"Mach a Brocho" - meaning "make this blessing and that one...."
In the portion there are a bunch of mitzvot - commandments
That you Dont Make a Brocho On!     Why?
You should really look that one up ...
But one note hear  ... Amalek (the anti-G-dliness)....must be destroyed -
so when the 10 henchmen of Hitler were hung - or Eichman - was a blessng required?
No - yet ...
we bless  on the reading of the Purim megila - because it is a mitzva WE ALL DO - TELLING of the
ruin of Haman and then the return and rebirth of Israel! Much Cause for a Blessing!

So what about the 3 openings (Petachim) to Hell the Talmud was talking about in this morning's class (Masechet Eiruvin)?

One - it says - is in Jerusalem! Is that possible?From the Holy City to ???

Anyway, the portion starts with women and discusses wonen in the middle ///
Remember the 5th of the 5 Books of  is partially a re stating of Mitzvas at the 40 year ending of desert wandering
So it repeats the mitzva to wipe out Amalek
But the "Women related Mitzvas" are different (look 'em up in the Good Book - this portion)
Yefat Toar
Yibum Levirate Marriage
And the woman who tries to protect her husband when he is in a fistfight ... right or wrong...

Wait - is that an insight to the openings to Hell ?
Just one quick thought ...

We sing Friday night to the Eishet Chayil - Woman of Valor -
whose husband trusts in her wisdom and her actions -

Maybe the non-blessings on these mitzvas - is because it's often a value decision -
and the Torah is not SOOO clear what the required action is - so we can't make a blessing-
and sometimes our actions lead us to heaven - and sometimes to the opposite place;

Only by study and working on these mitzvas can we be in a heavenly mode

Of course Shabbat helps ... giving us heavenly strength and direction
Have a good healthy sweet and empowering Shabbos

Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

Portion Shofetim - a New Month (Elul) and a New World

Portion Shofetim - a New Month (Elul) and a New World
Police and judges "within all your gates". Huh?
The Torah Portion here starts out with police and judges - and ends with - murder?
Aren't police and judges supposed to prevent - murder?
On one level we need order and safety "in ALL our communities"
In Israel there are a lot of fire bombs and rockets from Gaza lately as part of a Hamas attemot to destroy Jews instead of improving the lives of their people.

Are there no sane judges in Gaza?
On an individual human level we learn in the writings of -Reb Elimelech of  Lizensk
Bechol shearech means "Within all your gates"
Meaning withing your PERSONAL "gates" too - your senses (of all types).
He also writes "Every mitzva too "opens a gate" - a spiritual gate.

Rav Lasry speaks about the month of Elul - the 30 days leading up to Rosh Hashono - being the time most appropriate to "open spiritual gates"
The Lubavitcher Rebbe also taught that, clarifying:
Sometimes your mitzva opens "gates" for another - and you should be glad.
Another Rabbi wrote this week the famous rabbinic question brought to him":
Snake bit a person. The doctor said after treating him for a few days:
You should thank the guy who let the snake loose.
Why, asked the guy who wanted to sue the sanke's owner!

The Dr. said "because you came in here we discovered you had a malignant caner which we started to treat.
So the snake's owner actually saved you from an undetected murderous cancer.

The guy called hi Rabbi who said: "don't sue! Drop it! The snake saved your life!"
So too - with mitzvas - you know something good is going to come out of it! We just don't always know where.
Have a Healthy and Happy new month of Elul
And the whole month before Rosh Hashono
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

Portion Ru Aiy - Legitimate or Not?

Portion Ru Aiy - Legitimate or Not?

The portion speaks of the choices the Israelites - and we - are enjoined t make
about our connections

Right now my computer is giving me some hassles with its connections - so I will keep this brief

Some of this is based on the Talmud Class this 5AM of Rabbi B. Miletzky - the rest is from me

King David had to deal with his detractors most of his life
Doeg Haedomi was one (Doeg means "you better worry" in Hebrew)
Who pushed in public to de-legitimize David who had plenty of other worries from King Saul etc
Eventually David's public image was saved by proving in public

That Samuel the Prophet had validated David's lineage and made him fit -the
noting that David's lineage from Ruth was acceptable since the Time and Laws of Moses
Today international conspiracy to de legitimize Israel is an easy way for
Anti Semites to attack the Jewish people - and allow physical attacks - just
as most Arab nations and people would like Israel to disappear

Their despotic rulers want that so they can control nations and steal the wealth of the people-
rather than letting Israel help their people

And the populations who listen to religious leadership afraid of the Faith of Abraham want that -
probably not knowing the truth that Israel and Jews help millions around the world -
because the Jewish Way does not recognize or allow brutality or abusing the masses for the sake of the few

So don't be afraid to fight the Anti Semitism
Just be clear in public and on social media and in your own mind

That same way as above -
that Judaism since Moses' time and laws - are a major factor for truth and kindness in the world
Shabat Shalom and Health and Blessings

Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

Portion EyKev - The Beirut Blast and the Bronx Bombers?

Portion EyKev - The Beirut Blast and the Bronx Bombers?
I was back praying in the Great Synagogue - actually OUTSIDE the Great Synagogue in Jerusalem.
They still don't have fnds for a Corona Cleanup and the cintinued cleaning - it's just too big.

There used to be a couple of "good old guys" who grew up near me and Yankee Stadium
who I used to pray with in that synagogue..
Sadly they passed away recently.

The Sephardi 6AM minyan pray OUTSIDE 6:45 so I joined them this morning

The elders of the group are from Irq Egypt Morocco - and I think one is from Syria and One from - yes - Lebanon!

One guy spoke to me out there on the street saying - you know who the eplosives were meant for? US.

It's a miracle that some idiot probably lit a match there and ... the Almighty saved us again.

Most Rabbis on this portion - EyKev - say the first line in the portionis-
to remind us about the little mitzva things we ignore but should be doing - as the people of G-d.

Today I think it's to remind us about the little MIRACLES
that are really BIG MIRACLES - that we ignore we should be thankHE WORLD -
 as the people of G-d.

Stay well
Shabbat Shalom

Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

Portion Devarim and Tisha Bav - Holy Jug Handles Batman

Portion Devarim and Tisha Bav - Holy Jug Handles Batman


On destruction, rebirth, and Moses' version of 40 years in the desert.

But first about Margo and Jealousy:
It was in the desert near Beer Sheba - summer of 1970 - when I studied archaeology in Tel Aviv University

6 feet away from where I was digging on the ancient city mound - I heard shouting

It came from Margo and one of the profssors - about 6 or 7 feet down in their slice/cut of what was once the southern border city

They unearthed the storehouse of king Josiah - with many storage jugs 100% INTACT (some with traces of grains still in them)

and on each clay jug handle was imprinted in the word "LA ME LECH" - for the King.

I had my own find that summer - but I was a little jealous of all the pictures and publicity Margo was getting

Fast forwatd to Jerusalem 200 yards from my apartment - in Jerusalem 2020 - last week - there was a discovery -
They unearthed the storehouse of king Josiah - with many storage jugs 100% INTACT -

from the time of Hezekiah the King - grandfather of Josiah
and on each clay jug handle was imprinted in the word "LA ME LECH" - for the King.

The Tisha B Av fast happens next Thursday.
We read this Shabbat Portion Devarim - like every year the week of the Tisha B Av fast day

describing the speeches from
the last 30 days of Moses ...  reminding the Israelites of the mistales of their parents.
Why talking about rebukes for things Not from this portion?
Why do all the "Ultra" rabbis this week talk about the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem

and the need to refine all our characters?
My first Talmud Rebbe in Jerusalem -Rsv Tzukerman - told us once that
when his wife was about to deliver, he drove her on the Shabat in the sidecar of his motorcyle
with his Talis flying in the wind
as the ultra-Orthodox down the road were demonstarting against people driving on SHABBOS.

Yesterday I got  call about my Jerusalem Persian Plumber's parents who came to Israel in the 1950's
and how they gave up a good business to join with our people struggling to build a safe haven for ALL

Today there are still kids in isolation kept from going out
and adults in danger for health reasons who cannot take a chance of even walking outside
Friends and Family and Community are so important and necessary to them -
and we can so easily spread a lot of joy and comfort by making that extra phone call
sending that extra little gift

praying that extra little prayer for deliverance from the hard times we face.
So everyone religious in Israel is hoping for deliverance and a Moshiach
To save the World from Corona
European cynics and abti semites bribed by Arab money and oil
Moses left us 3200 years ago but reminded us to think of everyone

King David wrote his reminders 3000 years ago

Kings Josiah and Hezekiah left us reminders 2600 years ago -
That we had a Temple for the WHOLE WORLD and didn't try like the Romans and Babylonians
to enslave the world - so

Stay healthy, call a shut in, maybe even fast a little Thursday
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz