
Portion Tetzaveh - Glorious Clothes, Baby Clothes?

Portion Tetzaveh - Glorious Clothes, Baby Clothes?  
I was at a Bris this morning and the father spoke about why "the baby wore white"! Like a BRIDEGROOM (they do that in Israel)!
So this week's portion is why!  That the child should dress like a priest in the Holy Temple - which is to show:
 the Glory of G-d. The WHOLE TEMPLE was for that purpose! All Creation is for that purpose!
Okay, so the portion discusses clothes - is that the whole story?
This week we ALSO read (at the end) - PORTION ZACHOR - REMEMBER.
In this case - we are told to REMEMBER AMALEK - who attacked the Israelites FOR NO REASON!
And the Almighty is forever at war with Amalek, Hatred, and Destroyers!
The Temple is ALL ABOUT the OPPOSITE of these!
It is about the glory of G-dliness, holiness of children who should emulate the Priesthood that Serves the Almighty.
Not Haman, who we are told is a descendent of Amalek.
And the Purim story -that proves the Almighty gets things done the Almighty Way -
Even if it takes us a while to see it and to emulate it.
Shabbat Shalom and Good Purim
Rabb Andy Eichenholz