
Portion of Naso – after Shavuote‏


 Portion of Naso – after Shavuote‏


This week I was learning at Rabbi Segal’s shul in Staten Island and one of his assistants stated that 

“The Vilna Gaon claimed you could learn out each of the 613 Mitzvot (Commandments) from the first sentence of the Torah – that says “in the beginning…BEREISHIS…)” 

Try it and see how DEEP is the Torah -– like 

CaN WE LEARN OUT “the mitzvah of bringing 2 wheat loaves on Shavuote –? 

the FIRST WORD in the Torah says “Bet Raishis” – 

“2 at the beginning-“ 

with a meaning “at the Bikurim – First Fruits Festival (Bikurim!)! – 

you shout bring 2 (loaves)!!! 

AMAZING how many levels there are to learning/studying the Torah! 

If you studied this Shavuote night – KEEP IT UP 


If not 


Love and Shabbos 

Rabbi Andy Eichenholz 
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