Parashat Hashavua

Portion of Vayayshev - Jacob Back in Israel - and - OIY VEY what Happens!‏

Portion of Vayayshev - Jacob Back in Israel - and - OIY VEY what Happens!‏


I still have these 2 stories I want to tell you - but I woke up 5AM in NY and - like Rav Kook wrote - 
when you leave Israel (even for a holy purpose) - some of your spirit goes back to G-d the first night you sleep abroad - and it only comes back when you come back to Israel - and get to sleep in that holy Land! 

So my "extra Israel soul" left me and I woke up worrying!
Jacob comes home to Israel - and his sons are FURIOUS with Joseph - and SELL him as a slave!
Judah becomes depressed, marries a girl - and his kids are SO bad - that - oh -you can read the portion!

And here's the sad part about losing my extra-Israel-soul - because I think -
What should Jacob expect?
Abraham had Ishmael (still giving US trouble),
and Isaac had Esav - whose FIRST 2 wives were no hit with the family-
and then he marries a THIRD - a daughter of Ishmael no less!

Where's my sympathy? My feelings for our forbear Yakov (Jacob) Avinu?

Joseph - OIY Yosele - HE ends up in PRISON - for doing the RIGHT THING!

So I quote - or paraphrase - to you from what my friend Rabbi Sholom Brodt (student of Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach) wrote:

Hashem Yisborach please open my heart, please help us to open our hearts..... to Yakov Avinu..... to Yosef and his brothers......
on one very special level 
these stories are about opening our hearts to our children 

opening our hearts to our brothers and sisters 

it’s the story about what happens when 
‘chas v’shalom’... may Hashem protect us and Bless us with ‘shalom’ 

when we close our hearts and ....
(and forget) the part of me which is an essential 
“cheilek Elokah mi’ma’al, mammash”..... part of Hashem "
So I went to visit a sick person this morning after 6:30 AM prayers,
did a few mitzvas - and now pray my "extra shabbos spirit" comes back tonight !
Because I know that what happened to Jacob and OUR family worked out well in the end - as Joseph tells them later on in the Torah "it was the All-mighty" that PLANNED all this - so that WE CAN SAVE THE WORLD"


Rabbi Andy Eichenholz


Portion of Vayayshev - Jacob Back in Israel - and - OIY VEY what Happens!‏

Portion of Vayayshev - Jacob Back in Israel - and - OIY VEY what Happens!‏


I still have these 2 stories I want to tell you - but I woke up 5AM in NY and - like Rav Kook wrote - 
when you leave Israel (even for a holy purpose) - some of your spirit goes back to G-d the first night you sleep abroad - and it only comes back when you come back to Israel - and get to sleep in that holy Land! 

So my "extra Israel soul" left me and I woke up worrying!
Jacob comes home to Israel - and his sons are FURIOUS with Joseph - and SELL him as a slave!
Judah becomes depressed, marries a girl - and his kids are SO bad - that - oh -you can read the portion!

And here's the sad part about losing my extra-Israel-soul - because I think -
What should Jacob expect?
Abraham had Ishmael (still giving US trouble),
and Isaac had Esav - whose FIRST 2 wives were no hit with the family-
and then he marries a THIRD - a daughter of Ishmael no less!

Where's my sympathy? My feelings for our forbear Yakov (Jacob) Avinu?

Joseph - OIY Yosele - HE ends up in PRISON - for doing the RIGHT THING!

So I quote - or paraphrase - to you from what my friend Rabbi Sholom Brodt (student of Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach) wrote:

Hashem Yisborach please open my heart, please help us to open our hearts..... to Yakov Avinu..... to Yosef and his brothers......
on one very special level 
these stories are about opening our hearts to our children 

opening our hearts to our brothers and sisters 

it’s the story about what happens when 
‘chas v’shalom’... may Hashem protect us and Bless us with ‘shalom’ 

when we close our hearts and ....
(and forget) the part of me which is an essential 
“cheilek Elokah mi’ma’al, mammash”..... part of Hashem "
So I went to visit a sick person this morning after 6:30 AM prayers,
did a few mitzvas - and now pray my "extra shabbos spirit" comes back tonight !
Because I know that what happened to Jacob and OUR family worked out well in the end - as Joseph tells them later on in the Torah "it was the All-mighty" that PLANNED all this - so that WE CAN SAVE THE WORLD"


Rabbi Andy Eichenholz


Vayishlach (send it out - like Jacob) - Really our Purpose here

Vayishlach (send it out - like Jacob) - Really our Purpose here

Aish Hatora reported this week about a Rabbi in Concecticut who found $98000 in a desk he bought second hand - and he returned it immediately. 

Rabbi Sholom Brodt wrote about a story told by the Kloisenberger Rebbe (who lost his family in the holocaust and re-settled in New Jersey). 

In the portion of the week Jacob is moving his family and belongings across the river - and alone has to fight someone for "some little items". This "someone" is the evil angel protector of Jacob's brother Esav. 

Jacob believed the "little items were his".
The Rabbi in Connecticut knew the money he found was NOT his. 

The Kloisenburger Rebbe explained from a Bal Shem Tov story - that before leaving an argument he had lost with the Holy Bal Shem, the Satan made one last attempt at knocking the Baal Shem Tov off – by trying to seduce his students with haughtiness - telling them "how great they were" - but he failed.
And this too was the intention of Eisav's arch-angel. Seeing that he was not able to overcome Yaakov, he made one more attempt at knocking him off with haughtiness, by telling him, "You are so awesomely holy – you will from now on be called "Israel".
It was already known in the supernal realms that "No longer will your name be spoken of as Yaakov, but as Yisrael, for you have contended with God[ly beings] and with men, and you have won." But Yaakov Avinu did not succumb to his attempt at tricking him to haughtiness - he just took care of his "little items" and went on.
May we know what is ours, and keep what is ours, and sanctify G-d's name by helping others hold what is theirs - and teaching others that is the way of G-d and the Jewish people.

Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz


Vayetze - this week's portion as viewed by our Holy Mothers

Vayetze - this week's portion as viewed by our Holy Mothers

Jacob is sent by his Mom (Rebecca) to her brother's home, and when he gets to town he inquires of the locals "how is Lavan (his uncle) doing?".

One of the ideas the Ohr Hachaim (who lived in Israel in the 1700's) discussed about this question is: why did they answer Jacob "Shalom lo" (peace is by him) “and here comes his daughter Rachel, tending his flock of sheep”.

Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach used to say "you know the sheep LOVED Rachel and were prancing around her" – not like your ordinary shepherdess. She had something special. And the Ohr Hachaim implies that the other shepherds were afraid to start up with her (not like the story later where Moses rescues the 7 daughters of Yisro who had to tend the flocks together. Moses had to protect the girls from the other shepherds - but not Rachel)!

Rambam – Maimonides - tells us (Mishne Tora) that the Greeks abused us AND OUR DAUGHTERS and our torah - and the Chanuka story happened because WE NEEDED TO PROTECT OUR FAMILIES.

Today we ALSO NEED TO PROTECT OUR FAMILIES - From twitter ABUSE and from internet and other abuse


So we need to learn from Mother Rachel to get to our innermost feelings and overcome competitiveness and the petty parts of our lives- and get ready with that strength to bring a new Holy Chanuka to our families and protect our children from the kinds of abuses that could G-d Forbid happen from over exposure in this internet-connected world.

Shabbat Shalom

Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

Parsha of Toledot

Parsha of Toledot

I really want to tell over the Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach coffee joke - 
but how to explain to even my closest friends about the holiness of Isaac our forefather. 

Today on the radio Rebetzin Yemima Mizrachi of Jerusalem was teaching how Isaac never complained about his son Eisav - even though he was not growing up according to "the plan". Isaac blessed him "see my son whose scent is the scent of the fields.(the nature)..". Just as things grow and develop – so to our children grow. 

Rabbi Carlebach used to say that “from Eisav were descended people who made trouble for Israel – but ALSO many great sages and leaders – like Rabbi Akiva – were descendants from Eisav who converted to Judaism!” So gotta try to fit into G-d’s plan and then look to the future.

Last Shabbat was the portion about Abraham buying the “Double Cave” in Hebron – a Jewish Holy Place where we were forbidden to pray by the Arabs until 1967! 

Very few people in history have ever even been it the cave – but there is a story about Rabbi Avraham of Gaza (yeah – Jews always lived there too!) who was ordered by the nasty sultan to go down into a hole in the floor of the great shrine built over the cave to find something – because any of his soldiers who went down there never made it back alive! Rabbi Avraham went down – and met some people praying there – our forefathers and foremothers who are buried there! 

They gave him back the sultan’s sword! But they said to him– you’ll be with us soon and we can expound on the Torah together and pray together for the people of Israel …and soon after getting the sword back to the sultan – and saving the Jewish Community of Israel – he passed on and was buried nearby… 

So remember – our holy previous generations – from Abraham and Sarah on down – are connected to our souls and are praying for us and all Israel to grow and follow as close as.possible to G-d’s plan. 

Maybe next week the coffee joke and a French Resistance story. 

Shabbat shalom 

Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

Life and Death of a Mother – Sarah/Rebecca

Life and Death of a Mother – Sarah/Rebecca

Why does the Torah tell us about Sarah’s burial but not her marriage to Abraham?
Why does the Torah tell us about Rebecca’s marriage to Isaac but not about her passing? 

My friend Rabbi Josh Hoffman points out in his discourse this week that the Torah-as usual-is teaching us the universal mission of the Jew and his unique character within the family of nations. 

Sarah dies in Hebron/Kryat Arba (where Jews have lived for thousands of years – only kicked out by the British in 1929 for a while) – and Abraham has to dicker with the local rich guy in order to buy a burial plot. Abraham does NOT get angry – just pays “top dollar” – in front of the whole town – who are won-over by his patience.

(Remember – Abraham and his troops had just defeated a group of kings (see earlier in the Torah) and could have taken over Hebron easier than in the Magnificent Seven). It's a tough act - but Abraham is the role model here. 

Then Abraham sends his servant Eliezer to find a good wife for Isaac. The servant – who believes in G-d too- is the go-between to bring Rebecca’s family (idolaters) to a recognition – that God is behind all events. 

Really Eliezer in those days could have just BOUGHT any bride – and the family would have been happy! But Abraham taught us that G-d wants PEACE in the FAMILY OF NATIONS – and hopes that the world will eventually drop their idols and become G-dly. 

And as Rabbi Carlebach used to say at weddings – when the groom places a veil over his bride before the Chuppa ceremony that the Jewish wedding goes back to a soul connection- remonding us of Rebecca and Isaac. It teachesus that our connections are ALL from a time “before the time that we ever saw each other in this world … “ and is “deeper than anything that can be seen in this world…” and (is a) “heavenly connection.”"
May the world learn these points from us in order to bring us all closer to a G-dly world.

Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz


Portion of VayeyRa

Last night coming back from a Torah class one of the guys in the car recalled some old “outer limits” TV episodes. In one a guy’s love of reading leads him to hide himself away in a basement to read – and when he comes out - his city has been destroyed. What does he do? Goes back down to the basement to read some more. 

Ecstacy for him? Sure – but really! 

Abraham is visited by G-d in this portion- after his Bris at age 99! 

They are just sitting there in Abraham’s Ohel = his tent. 

Maimonides explains of souls in Heaven (as quoted by Rabbi David Aron of Israelight): They know and grasp the truth of G-d... this is the reward, no other reward could be better, this is the goodness, no greater goodness could follow. 

Abraham and ecstacy – so what does that teach the Jewish people and the whole world? Does Abraham stay in his tent to “study G-dliness”? 

The next thing you know is Abraham runs to help some lost travelers.
And later in the portion Abraham has more children – and DEALS WITH FAMILY PROBLEMS!
And then the big conflict over the suggestion to sacrifice his child …

But the Torah teaches us that G-dliness is a challenge, a commitment – and is rewarded in a spiritual way.
And also by eternity. 

That is the joy and challenge of Judaism 

Shabbat Shalom from Jerusalem at dawn. 

Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

Abraham in the Lion's Den - wrong story?

Abraham in the Lion's Den - wrong story?

Yes we have no tradition that Abraham was thrown into a lion's den. 

Yet Abraham fought the general culture of his time when he introduced (at age 99) the Jewish Circumcision. 

What do we learn from that?
Let's see what an old person can do ...
(Based on a story from Israel Radio this afternoon) 

An old grandmother in Communist Russia convinced her kids to have a grandson circumcized.
The Authorities found out and brought her to a court.
"This is a brutal crime" said the judge!
"But you were also circumsized" said the old lady.
"That was before the Revolution" said the judge. "10 years in jail for you, and the cirumcision must be undone !"
The old lady said "the Bris does not seem to have kept YOU from being a good and mean Communist! Let the kid keep his bris!"
"Impertinant!" yelled the judge, "You will be Fifteen years in prison for that!"
"Wonderful" said the old lady. "My doctors say I have only 2 or 3 years to live - but you are giving me 15 years to live!"
A (formerly Jewish) lawyer present said to the judge "She's crazy - you can't waste your time with someone like that! It will embarass the revolution!"
And the woman and her grandson were set free!

You see what an old person can do ?
And you don't have to be ABRAHAM!

So Rabbi Ovadia Yosef passed away this week - he was a great leader and brilliant scholar.
He published most of his works - starting at age 74!!! (He was 94 when he passed away this week in Jerusalem).
You see what an old person can do ?

It is said that his parents were somple people who had a little store in Bagdad Iraq - until they moved to Israel when Ovadia was age 3.


Shabbat Shalom 
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

Shabbos of Noah and the Flood - and the New Month‏

Shabbos of Noah and the Flood - and the New Month‏

In tradition this Lunar month is named Cheshvan
and called Mar Cheshvan - a bitter month - because there is no Jewish Holiday this month

Rabbi Carlebach used to say
"The Holy Masters inverted the 2 Hebrew letters and called it
Ram Cheshvan - the High Heshvan

In the future - they said - the 3rd Temple will be rebuilt in THIS MONTH-

and bring Peace to the World

from Mar to Ram -
and make our month better
and make our lives and the world better

He doesn't seem to have made much of a big impact!

The Ein Yakov portion of the Talmud says -
that really Noah wasn't supposed to survive either!

But because he "found favor in the eyes of the Al-mighty "-
doing G-dly work despite the horrible environment of corruption and degradation-

his family and some animals were saved!

To start over! 

Think what a little kindness can save! 

Love from NY 

Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

Pre Yom-Kippur feast

Pre Yom-Kippur feast

Erev Yom Kippur and Shabbos-Shaboson 

Serious stuff - the Highest of the Holy Days - yet where are we spiritually the day before? 

So Hashem gives us a "gift" -and says - EAT TOGETHER before the fast (not like Tisha Bav -= when the Law is to sit on the floor before the fast and eat separate from one another ...) 

This is the Fast of Forgiveness - so we need to put our minds in a forgiving framework - so we sit together... 

As Rabbi Carlebach said
"the evil angel or the evil in our hearts tell us "who needs you?" or "maybe Hashem doesn't need me". 

I met today with an elderly person who KNOWS how he is needed-
and with a YOUNGER person who was afraid NOBODY really needs them ... WHAT A DIFFERENCE 

SO REMEMBER - as Rabbi Carlebach said 

"WOW - DOES G-D need you! Who will fix the world if not with your help?" 

and when we eat together before the fast - look around you and think 

WOW- do we all NEED EACH OTHER - 

and pray for all and everyone this fast day. 

Gmar Tov - may it all be proven to be good in the long run
and Shabbat Shalom - 
may we experience peace 

Rabbi Andy Eichenholz