
Vayishlach (send it out - like Jacob) - Really our Purpose here

Vayishlach (send it out - like Jacob) - Really our Purpose here

Aish Hatora reported this week about a Rabbi in Concecticut who found $98000 in a desk he bought second hand - and he returned it immediately. 

Rabbi Sholom Brodt wrote about a story told by the Kloisenberger Rebbe (who lost his family in the holocaust and re-settled in New Jersey). 

In the portion of the week Jacob is moving his family and belongings across the river - and alone has to fight someone for "some little items". This "someone" is the evil angel protector of Jacob's brother Esav. 

Jacob believed the "little items were his".
The Rabbi in Connecticut knew the money he found was NOT his. 

The Kloisenburger Rebbe explained from a Bal Shem Tov story - that before leaving an argument he had lost with the Holy Bal Shem, the Satan made one last attempt at knocking the Baal Shem Tov off – by trying to seduce his students with haughtiness - telling them "how great they were" - but he failed.
And this too was the intention of Eisav's arch-angel. Seeing that he was not able to overcome Yaakov, he made one more attempt at knocking him off with haughtiness, by telling him, "You are so awesomely holy – you will from now on be called "Israel".
It was already known in the supernal realms that "No longer will your name be spoken of as Yaakov, but as Yisrael, for you have contended with God[ly beings] and with men, and you have won." But Yaakov Avinu did not succumb to his attempt at tricking him to haughtiness - he just took care of his "little items" and went on.
May we know what is ours, and keep what is ours, and sanctify G-d's name by helping others hold what is theirs - and teaching others that is the way of G-d and the Jewish people.

Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz