Parashat Hashavua

Portion of Masei – the Travels Jews (and Travails) of Israel

Portion of Masei – the Travels Jews (and Travails) of Israel

You've come a long way (since Egypt) the portion says – and reviews all the stops along the way. 

But why does it single out that Aron died in the desert at age 123 and that the Canaanites attacked us then? 

A lesson for today – 

some groups in the world look to hurt the weak,
and Aron's death showed those evil people that "one who could stand up to Pharoah (with Moses)" could also die – and thus maybe Israel would succumb to Canaanite attacks. 

So RASHI from the 12th Century told us "Aron passed on with the KISS of the Almighty" – he reached his age with LOVE – and STILL the Israelites were PROTECTED and moved on!!!! 

Travels – Wars – in this portion they are recounted – but finally the Almighty tells Moses to teach the people how to INHERIT ISRAEL and divide the land IN PEACE. 

As the Gerer Rebbe the Sfas Emes - ewrote that for EVERY AGE this Portion teaches "Israel will always be in the middle of these travels and wars (spiritual and physical) – because the Almighty wants us to bring a FIXING to every little thing in the world. 

Rabbi Carlebach always said "and then we end here the first 4 books of the Torah WITH Moses going to 5 weddings –and so we also pray for the biggest wedding of all –
After Israel does all its fixing in the world-
Then Israel and the Almighty come together and the whole world comes to dance with us.
May it come soon
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

Portion of Matos – Tell the Leaders NOT to SWEAR – A Prophecy for Today

Portion of Matos – Tell the Leaders NOT to SWEAR – A Prophecy for Today

Moses (who usually transmitted the words of the Almighty) starts off by telling the leaders to keep their word, and then teaches about not making oaths, swearing, etc And then Israel has to go to war
And thank G-d none of our soldiers are killed.
Finally in the portion - 2 and a half tribes decide the Golan Heights is for them – and make a deal with Moses to stay in the army (with Joshua) until the rest of the tribes find their place in Canaan – Israel. It's a portion for us to read every day during the Gaza war.
Israeli boys are blowing up tunnels filled with explosives and armaments meant to kill
Our boys are destroying rocket launching pads aimed at families in Israel
Our people are trying to stop the constant rain of rockets sent against Israel by the Hamas terror government, voted into Gaza by a population that prefers suffering and hatred to making peace and growing prosperity.
That was the same as those who attacked the Israelites instead of saying "come on – we have lots of room for the Israelites and the Torah"
There's a lot of wars going on around here – Syria Egypt Libya Ukraine etc etc
Here's a quote from Rabbi Carlebach sent from my friend Rabbi Sholom Brodt of Jerusalem:
Reb Shlomo once said 'what's the difference between our soldiers and those of our enemies? When a Jewish soldier fires a bullet, deep inside he is praying that Moshiach should arrive quickly before the bullet reaches its target.'
Though we have no choice today but to fight for the safety of our people, deep inside we want Moshiach to come already.
May that dream be fulfilled
And may we have teachers and leaders who fulfill the words of the Torah
Love from Israel
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

How many clothes can you HIDE in your CLOSET

How many clothes can you HIDE in your CLOSET

In the portion of Pinhas five holy (unmarried) sisters confront Moses - 

"Why can't we get a portion in the Land of Israel when you divide it? What did (we or our deceased father) do (to deserve being left out)?" 

Did they want land - or to attract husbands? 

In the end - the Almighty tells Moses that they are right - and girls have a right to inherit land in Israel. 

Now (from Rabeinu Nisim Gerondi - lived 14th Century Spain) - in my study group we almost finished Talmud Taanis. 

It talks about the 15th day of Av - a day when girls would go out in borrowed clothes - TO FIND MATCHES 

it says "all the girls went out to dance in borrowed clothes - and many marriages were arranged.." 

The Talmud said all the clothes were REQUIRED to be washed in a mikva first -
and Rashi (12th Century France) and Ron (14th Century Barcelona) differ on why 

with Rabbi Nissim (Ron) saying - 
it was so ALL the girls - rich or poor - would pull out ALL their clothes from their closets -
so that all girls had an equal chance to build a new life when they were ready -
the Promise of the Promised Land! 

And the daughters of Zelophchad - they all got married - and Rabbi Carlebach said
that Moshe Rabbeinu - 120 years old - danced like fire at all their weddings!

May we be blessed to join each other at many simchas - happy occasions!

Love from Israel

Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

Balak - The portion of blessings, rebellion, talking donkeys, and holy vengeance

Balak - The portion of blessings, rebellion, talking donkeys, and holy vengeance

It's a hot week in Israel - in many ways - and we read a Torah Portion I've never understood 

Calls over the media for vengeance - coming from talking donkeys (Arab liars who also claimed the killing of a boy a few years ago - who got up and walked in a different video! - and was a libel case against French TV) - 

and RAMADAN Riots in the name of Islam (which means "peace" supposedly) - how
fitting for the week of a Torah portion about someone who tries to curse Israel- and is reproached by his donkey 

And who is forced by the Almighty to BLESS Israel instead !! 

Sometimes what your mind doesn't understand - your heart can understand through music 

So today on Israel radio they're playing Rabbi Carlebach's song from the Sabbath Zemirot
"to your Sanctuary return, and the Holy of Holies" 

And my friend Rabbi Sholom Brodt of Yeshiva Sinchat Shlomo is explaining the part of the portion that says
"How Goodly are your Tents oh Jacob" (Bilam's blessing in resonse to Balak's request for curses)

teaching that some commentaries say it means the tents of the Israelites
but there is a view that it means the Tent of the Sanctuary in the desert

We sing to the Almighty on Shabbat to return to a state of Sanctuary

and we pray every morning "How goodly are your Tents oh Jacob" as we enter our Temples

And may we learn to forever sing of holiness
to avoid the potential curses and revenge
and to ever enter the tents of holiness - and the holiness of the Sabbath 

and may the Balaks and the Bilams disappear - and the world be clear - of any evil 

Shabbat Shalom from the land where everyone is TRYING to work out the issues of the world 

Rabbi ANdy Eichenholz

Chukat - the great Mysteries of the World are never unlocked

Chukat - the great Mysteries of the World are never unlocked

That's part of what life is about
We know we're born, we can love, we can share, we can do things we never imagined we could accomplish - 
and all these are a Gift from the Almighty

We can never KNOW WHY -

But if we BELIEVE in the Almighty's GIFTS to us -
it becomes a starting point to life life on a more expansive level -
than to just be doubting everything.

In the portion of Chukat:
the well stops running
Moses hits the rock instead of talking to it
and Israel is attacked for asking to be able to travel in peace ...

sounds familiar? the past is repeated and

Water in the desert - ISRAEL has created a modern miracle
Moses at age 120 got a little hot under the collar - 
and (Based on Rabbi Moshe Neria) - is told he will some day bring all the souls of those who passed away in the desert into Israel- and look - NOW there are 6 million Jews is Israel

And if we believe the Messiah will come to fix and redeem the world-
it gives us more power to aim our efforts
first by following the laws and the mysteries of the Torah,
and then our every day lives.

Shabbat Shalom
Happy New Month of Tamiz

Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

Portion of Korach - What's Smoking There? and Why do Holy People Fail Sometimes?

Portion of Korach - What's Smoking There? and Why do Holy People Fail Sometimes?

Portion of Korach - Based on the Kuzari by Rav Yehuda Halevy and Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach's Wisdom

The stories from the age of the Talmud tell of a great rabbi travelling in the Sinai with a guide when he saw a column of smoke - and heard voices - rising from the desert floor. 

"What's that?" he asked - and was answered "That's Korach - burning way below - and repeating over and over "Moses was Right"!" 

The Kuzari King asks the Rabbi - how could the generation of leaving Egypt fail in so many tests - 
including the fight between Korah and his followers who fought with Moshe Rabaynu (Moses)?

So the Rabbi answered "They failed 10 times in 40 years in the desert - but MOST of US fail more than 10 times a DAY!"

But that doesn't really answer the question WHY is it that holy people sometimes fail?

WHY doesn't being holy protect you?

Rabbi Carlebach explained that there is a difference between doing everything right-
and DOING IT FROM THE INSIDE OF YOUR INSIDES - deep in your heart.

We can be holy, do the right thing - but what happens?
According to our sages "holy" people are tested over and over again - and sometimes fail ( we can call it the Murphy-o-witz rule?)

Korach did everything right - all the laws of the Almighty -
but deep inside there was maybe something that kept him from loving how he was following Hashem
from doing it from a deep love.

We need to LOVE the Almighty -
remember ALL the GOOD -
live with the difficult things as PART of a GREATER PLAN we don't understand -

and hopefully we will know ON THIS WORLD that "Moses was Right" -
and love our part in G-d's Greater Plan.

Shabbat Shalom

Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

Portion of Shelach - "Send out the Spies" or "Bring in the Clowns?"

Portion of Shelach - "Send out the Spies" or "Bring in the Clowns?"

These pearls of wisdom are based on Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach and Rabbi Shlomo Freifeld (both Of Blessed Memory) 

Ever see clowns with a "long frowning face" - while others have a "painted smile"? 

Why did the spies tell the Israelites that they could not conquer Israel from the evil people who lived there? 

Both "Rabbis Shlomo" have suggested it was : 

Because the spies (except for Joshua and Caleb) had low self esteem. 

NO confidence in ourselves - or in G-d's promise and message - will bring on fears. 

The Torah said Moshe Rabaynu (Moses) had a "shining" countenance. 

Despite the other spies' fears Joshua and Calev said "we can do what the Almighty said we WILL do." 

The spies don't believe in themselves - while we are commanded to love the Almighty with our "MEODEHA" (as it says in the SHEMA". 

And IF you believe in yourself - you will give that extra effort (the word is ODE in Hebrew - "more"). 

We need to love Hashem with ODE, and love the Land of Israel with our ODE. 

Shabbat Shalom 

Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

Portion of BeHa ahLote Cha

Portion of BeHa ahLote Cha

A short vort (word) of Torah – based on the Zohar-
The spiritual Book of Splendor (Zohar) states "The Torah is not just stories – but every sentence is to teach about the totality of our world – for example even the sentence "Noah's Ark rested on Mount Ararat … in the Seventh Month".

Zohar states that Ararat in Hebrew comes from the word Arur – cursed – and that the Seventh Month is Tishrei – when we are taught that it is OUR DUTY-
to pray AND blow Shofar AND fast - to remove the curse of the forces of evil which led the Almighty to bring the flood.

And so, too, it goes on to teach that all the "stories" in this portion of BeHaAloteCha –( and those which will follow in this Bamidbar) are not mere stories – but lessons from Hashem's eternal plan.

Shavua Tov
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

Portion of Naso - Why do Jewish leaders - and ALL Jews - argue?

Portion of Naso - Why do Jewish leaders - and ALL Jews - argue?

Gutt Shabbos and Blessings to all!
Why does the Almighty command us in this portion about the Priestly Blessing - Yevare cha chah? 

This portion gives out tasks to the Levites -
and we will read in a few weeks about Korach - the Levite who wanted to "be" Moses-
and causing a big fight ...

And later on the Presidents of all the tribes bring gifts to the Tabernacle -
after some rivalry amongst them -
and some sadness by Aron (who was NOT ordered to participate with the presidents of all the tribes) -

(ever watch kids argue about who has the best ... or who's better than ... ?)

So G-d tells all the presidents
"no rivalry - and each of you have to give the same gifts -
and some gifts are given by a PAIR of SHARING presidents ..."

and G-d tells Aron - " you have a special duty-
to bless the Israelites every day with the Priestly Blessing!
and thus -
to teach them how to bless EACH OTHER..."

But why do we need all that? Because it is NATURAL in the world that not everyone thinks alike -
but it is G-dly in the world to learn to cooperate and to give blessings.

So why is it that often we hear of Rabbis disagreeing and argueing?

Rebbe Nahman of Breslov wrote (see Ein Tzadik) -
If we see 2 Rabbi argueing - we should know
WE don't understand their SPIRITUAL debate -
but on a G-dly plane each of them
and each of us
has a task to do - 
and it is best to do it with blessings
with sharing
and for the sake of G-d's purposes - whether we understand them or not.

Love and Shabbos and Sweet Torah for ALL - 
Rosh Chodesh and Shabbat and Shavuote

Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

Portion of Bamidbar - Why count the number of the Israelites in the desert - they all perished there for their sins?

Portion of Bamidbar - Why count the number of the Israelites in the desert - they all perished there for their sins?

Book of Numbers : First Portion: 
1 to 12 - the tribes and later the Levites get counted - so what?
Okay - count the Levites - BUT
All the tribes - every one except Caleb and Joshua- perished for their sins in the desert - 
for not wanting the Land of Israel - so why count them?
Okay - so the men passed away in the desert - but NOT all the women.
Okay - so some tried to repent and go right away to Israel - BUT they were not allowed.


Hillel says "a bashful person cannot learn, and the impatient person cannot teach."(Pirkei Avos)
Ben Zoma said "who is wise? He who learns from everyone" (Pirkei Avos)
Elisha Ben Avuya says "one who studies Torah as a child is likened to ink written on fresh paper." (Pirkei Avos)
Hillel said "do not say when I will be free I will study for perhaps you will not become free" If not now, when? (Pirkei Avos)

when he led them INTO the Promised Land to make it ours for eternity!


Shabbat Shalom

Rabbi Andy Eichenholz