Portio Pinchas: Why Partyat the Temple
- פרטים
- קטגוריה: Parashat Hashavua
- פורסם בשלישי, 01 דצמבר 2020 14:23
- נכתב על ידי Super User
- כניסות: 750
Portio Pinchas: Why Partyat the Temple
The latter part of the portion describes the Public National Sacrifies for Each Jewish Holiday.
An interesting insight is that the
People are told
(but not here)
to Visit Jerusalem during our holidays and bring their own
Personal Sacrifices ...
and bar.b.que - and share with friends and family!
The connection is clear ... that we should have our parties in a place of sanctity
With connectedness to ALL our people, public and private sacrifices TOGETHER
In a surrounding of majesty love and hope for our TOGETHER FUTURE.
In the seventies and in college I remember seeing a lot of dark-side strobe light revolutionary gatherings
- and also the bright side of gatherings in Synagogues.
While youth in the crazy world around us sometimes joins in anti-this-and-that-
and protest and revolt
There is nothing more spiritually uplifting FOR ALL AGES -
and life enhancing
than being connected to majesty with wisdom as where we celebrated - and celebrate TODAY AGAIN
the atmosphere of the HOLINESS in Jerusalem-
around our whole holiday cycle
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz