
Portion Shelach - The "BUT's" of the Spies

Portion Shelach - The "BUT's" of the Spies

The Israelites in the desert sent 12 spies to check out Canaan before the people of Israel were to enter the land.

10 spies misled the whole 12 tribes to revolt against the Almighty's plan for them– while only 2 spies tried to convince the tribes how GOOD the land was and how it could be won.

The 10 were the fore-runners of today's negativity in social media!

The world admits Israel has given humankind morality medicine wisdom and hope.

"BUT", they say, that Israel has to …   the Jews have to …  BUT BUT BUT –

All of those "but"s today are the work of anti-semitism justifying evil.

The spies tricked the public by saying "yes the fruits of the land are great – see for yourself" and

then adding a big "BUT …." – which totally negated all the good words of all 12 "scouts".

I never heard Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach (zatza"l) use the word "but". He was the most positive in public and in private.
He said "Before I say anything I ask the Almighty to help me speak in a holy way."

The spies might have waited a moment before speaking their "buts".

Today the social media and anti-Israel crowd might be honest
- and ask for the Almighty to inspire them with TRUTH – rather than negativity.

To paraphrase something Hanna Pearlberger wrote in a message from "United with Israel" – one negative half-statement after a  "BUT" can destroy all the good of many positive statements!

If only the spies had said "the land was good enough for our fathers and mothers –
Abraham Isaac and Jacob and Sarah Rebecca Leah and Rachel!" they would have saved so much travail!

They might have avoided all the troubles which afflicted our people on the 9th of Av (like the punishment of those in the desert which happened on the 9th of AV).

They said " but there are giants … and a lot of funerals …" – and the people withered in their trust in the Almighty.

Can we all try to look at the positive in all the Almighty has given us – with no buts? That would be a great step for humankind.

It might be something to practice every Shabbat – and especially THIS Shabbat of Shelach!

Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz