
Portion of Bechukotai - what's the worst thing - and what's the Best?

Portion of Bechukotai - what's the worst thing - and what's the Best?

Okay - think about that for a moment. 

Bechukotai – MY G-dly Rulings 

Rabbi Carlebach often would teach:
What's the worst thing you can do to someone?

To IGNORE them – and that is NOT G-d's way!

What is G-d's way?
We were taught by Rebbi Mendele of Vitebsk - who moved to Tiberias
- that it is to see the HEALING coming out of every TRYING situation-
to MAKE it a BLESSING ...

In this portion of Be chuko tai - the Almighty says to Moses on Mount Sinai –
They (Israel) will sin –they will REJECT me –and I can overlook for a while – but
eventually the land of Israel will reject them for ignoring MY land 
and the G-dly way of ife
They will ignore ME – and for that they will suffer –
OIY how we have suffered over the years ! –
But Hashem promises – to NEVER forget the Covenant with us
The Almighty NEVER ignores us – even if it SEEMS like to us –
"Because I am G-d – always remembering the BEGINNING of our Covenant."
So this Shabbat let's remember where it all started, how G-d took Abraham out of Iraq,
Through Syria, brought him in PEACE to Israel (Canaan) – taught him about Egypt
(so that later on great grandson Joseph could SAVE THE WORLD as Regent of Egypt)-
And eventually brought us out of Egypt to teach the world
"The One G-d remembers his Covenants" – and so
let's remember the Sabbath and keep it Holy
and dedicate it to our Covenant with the L-ord.
and studying HOW we can turn things around for the GOOD

Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz