

Portion of VayeyRa

Last night coming back from a Torah class one of the guys in the car recalled some old “outer limits” TV episodes. In one a guy’s love of reading leads him to hide himself away in a basement to read – and when he comes out - his city has been destroyed. What does he do? Goes back down to the basement to read some more. 

Ecstacy for him? Sure – but really! 

Abraham is visited by G-d in this portion- after his Bris at age 99! 

They are just sitting there in Abraham’s Ohel = his tent. 

Maimonides explains of souls in Heaven (as quoted by Rabbi David Aron of Israelight): They know and grasp the truth of G-d... this is the reward, no other reward could be better, this is the goodness, no greater goodness could follow. 

Abraham and ecstacy – so what does that teach the Jewish people and the whole world? Does Abraham stay in his tent to “study G-dliness”? 

The next thing you know is Abraham runs to help some lost travelers.
And later in the portion Abraham has more children – and DEALS WITH FAMILY PROBLEMS!
And then the big conflict over the suggestion to sacrifice his child …

But the Torah teaches us that G-dliness is a challenge, a commitment – and is rewarded in a spiritual way.
And also by eternity. 

That is the joy and challenge of Judaism 

Shabbat Shalom from Jerusalem at dawn. 

Rabbi Andy Eichenholz