Parashat Hashavua

Did Bilam's donkey really talk? (As The Portion reports)

Did Bilam's donkey really talk? (As The Portion reports)

What's the difference between an historian and an archaeologist? Basically
Historians make up theories while
Archaeologists DIG up FACTS.

The facts often disprove the theories.

Just read the bible about: Kings and more Kings
And Wars and more wars and Wars - can you trust what it says? It seems that nothing ever changes.

BUT Historians for a long time have claimed that Israel/Judea were always backwater little countries
from the time of King David.

While the bible says King David was a conqueror!

Lately the remaining fortified walls of a few cities from David's time have been discovered and

that proves the Biblical version:
that Israel was a powerhouse-
building and expanding cities back even in the early Kingdom! This of course is fact-based - not conjecture.

So maybe the donkey could get Bilam to think! FACT?

Unfortunately historians often use theory to discredit what they don't want to believe from the Bible!

WE CANNOT PROVE that the donkey talked.

But its clear that the Israelite Nation is still great.

Proofs bear witness also to our allowing diverse ideas that Do not stop our developing nation even today.

Among our people debate always exists and even allows some fools to call to "war for democracy" -

Truth is : Such is the foolishness of a small group of
Pro Palestinian Israelis,
Hiding behind cute organization names,
Talking iñ rhetoric like Communists-
Like Putin-
Like all the anti-Jews that fund them.

It's Like biblical criticism - implying a view that we Israelites were just a bunch of wild tribes-
And still are. Both are false.

Else how did we defeat all those kings and countries?

They were not like Canaanites in small city states-
Israelite Kings defeated real kingdoms. Like-
Edom Moab Bashan Emori.

And David modernized them - and so did Hezekiah.

Now- What about the empires of Charles And of Putin?
What do they do for the world? Pomp and - WAR.

We outlasted all civilazations and have see the demise of other supposed "civilizations".

So why the talking donkey?

And what say the prophecies in this week's portion?

The nations are supposed bless the goodness of Israel.
Even the donkeys of the world.
And maybe we should also - just
All Bless the Goodness of Israel.

Shabbat Shalòm

Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

Portion What? On the way to Where? NY! "Land of Korach"

Portion What? On the way to Where? NY! "Land of Korach"
This week in NY we read the Toràh portion read LAST SHABBAT in Israel.
Ashkenazi men getting married have an Aliya to the Torah the week before their wedding 
While Sepharadi men have their Aliya the week AFTER.
Confusion? Some times it helps!
Before I left this morning I gave a gift to a young neighbor getting married next week
I would have liked to be at this "RomeoJuliet" like wedding
 but it is in Israel and I will be in Staten Island (if thè plane makes it pleáse G-d)
R-J like?
Yes the groom's parents had a few objections - but it is said that " G-d mixed up the world's nations during history
In order to protect the Jewish people",and
Maybe there are also little "issues" before weddings to
Protect Young Couples from some other unseen and more Satanic interferences!
I didnt know the groom - just the bride"s family
But my 15 year old recognized the guy's picture
As a major "influencer" for Jewish religious observance!
And  today - there are so many interferences with people who want to be close to G-dliness
Sort of Satanic interferences may I say? 
Last Shabbat I was studying things with a rabbi friend I hope to quote during the next 2 Shabbatot - especially about the joy of
Shabbat Shalom
Rabi Andy Eichenholz

Portion Shlach : Send a few (good) Men...?

Portion Shlach : Send a few (good) Men...?
Why did the Israelites in the desert
Cry so much?
And wasn't it the MEN who cried, 
Fearing the upcoming battles
With the Canaanites who had moved into Israel?
Rabeinu Bachya explained
(A thousand years ago)
That of our male forebears in the desert
After hearing the 10 (of 12) spies
Who Feared conquerring the land:
Some cried,
Some complained,
Some demanded new leaders (not Moses)
and returning to Egypt
Their punishment was that
They all died in the desert
(But their souls weŕe kept as part of the Soul of The people of Israel
Grandma was 12 in Iraq.
She was part of the Jewish Underground
Trying to save our people from
Arab pogroms
Last night her daughter asked what a 12 year old was doing in the Underground,
And she told us:
She was delivering kosher food
To the prison
Where Jewish prisoners were being tortured!
Thank G-d for brave Daughters of Israel!
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

Portion BeHa Alowt Cha - the Holy Sephardic Rabbis

Portion BeHa Alowt Cha - the Holy Sephardic Rabbis
Moses is told by the Almighty in this Portion to
Tell Aaron his brother that he is to daily light the menora in the temple
And our tradition teaches that
Through the Chashmonaim kings-his descendents
Our People Will light holy Chanuka menorahs to remember the Great Temple menora
Until the Holy Teple is rebuilt again ....
Now hear This Story  - it is from an IsraeliSephardic former army chaplain:
The island of Gerba - near Tunis -has a Jewish  community dating back to the first temple period from about
2700 years ago.
About 100 years ago 
Its rabbi visited Italy and was friendly with the Italian king - who got the Pope to give the rabbi accesss to the Vatican storerooms!
There the rabbi reported seeing all the Jewish Temple artifacts that were  stolen to Rome!
Heartbroken, the rabbi got sick
And died a week later! From
see ing all our Temple's glory stolen to the basement of the Vatican.
Another famous interpretation- teaching-
And from a very famous Iraqui chief Rabbi a hundrd years ago -
Who explained the Mishna in Talmud Shabbat 
Which says ... we are obliged before Shabbat
To say:
Hadliku et ha Ner"
Isartem - help the poor
Eravtem - bring peace to those around you
Light the light of Torah and G-dliness
Erev Shabbat - before Shabbat 
Before you leave the world.
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

Portion Naso - and Shavuote - Murder on the Tel Aviv Beach

Portion Naso - and Shavuote - Murder on the Tel Aviv Beach
It could have happened last Frìday niģht.
The violent words and political hatred of today might have causeď it - murder of a socialìst leader in Israel - but it happened in 1933.
Was it really Stàvski?
Witnesses saw 2 figures running away òn the bèach- British police moved everyone off the beach,
and arrested 2 Jews-
But in the end Chief Rabbi Kook prevented the Brittish from hanging 2 innocent Jews.
Who was the murdered Arlozorov? 
He was a lèadér in the Jewish Agency.
There were plenty of motives. And it was a time of Arab riots - and their rising pro-Nazi sentiment.
It wàs sad. But justice prevailed in the end.
The ten commandments includes:
Thou Shall not murder.
Not thousands of years ago - not 1933 - not 2023.
There are many stories of courageous Jews -
Upholding all 10 Commandments!
Check ALL  the 10 out this Shavuote!
Lite 2 candles and your Yahrzeit candles - to honor your family -
Thursday before dark!
So what do I study all night until dawn Shavuote nite this year?
Talmud - and Laws of Conversions
And Laws of Honoring Parents
(Another of the Big 10)
 CHag Samsayach
Shabbat shalom
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

Portioñ Bamidbar - Capturing - the Desert?

Portioñ Bamidbar - Capturing - the Desert?
Tonight begins Jerusalem Day
Today 56 years ago was the Battle of Ammunition Hill against the Jordanians.
"Tomorrow 56 years ago" my Father in Law was one of the paratroopers who captured the Old City and the Temple Mount
(Where King Solomon built the First Temple nearly 3000 years ago)
On This Shabbat we read in the Portion
 how Moses was commanded by G-d to organize the 12 tribes into the First Jewish Army, in order to
Protect the Jewish people in the desert,
(And to conquer the land of Israel-
400 years before king Solomon.)
So hère we are - and half of Israel is STILL desert!  BUT WHY?
100 YEARS agò one Rabbi wrote :
"If someone is bòrn and bred to wealth,
They would not recognize that
It is the Hand of G-d that sustains them
The Israelites were in the desert 40 yeaŕs,
So they learned well how things dont always come easy, and that G-d takes care of us!"
Happy Jerusalem Day
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

Portìon Emor- Soup to Nuts

Portìon Emor- Soup to Nuts
In Short - I am back in Israel - still dealing with 
The fallout of the hit and run accident in Staten Island
Hey - the portion is ALSO still dealing-
With the "fallout " -
From many topics. 
Why So Many?
Generally Humans think LINEAR
Artists think a little Circular
G-d is ONE.
And another proof that G-d gave us the Torah,
Is : that the Torah cannot be understood LINEARLY.
There is a Talmudic Rule
From thousands of years ago:
Ein Mukdom U Meuchar baTorah-
There is no exact time of portions of Torah,
For humans it HAD TO be written Linearly.
And this portion Emor
Ties up some loose ends:
Laws of Kohains
Laws of Holidays
And other issues.
At the end it deals with
Prohibition to Curse G-d.
How could someone do that?
Like I said:
We cannot COMPREHEND G-d's Total Plan.
Frustration can lead to Anger.
And the Portion ends with
Never take that out on G-d!
All we can do is
Who for ALL history
Study and Teach the best way for us
To Comprehend the in-comprehensible-
The Torah that guides our lives to joy and power
Each of us on our own level and
According to our investment in G-dliness.
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

Portions teh Tza Veh meh and Tzora : the Illnesses we Don't Understand

 Portions teh Tza Veh meh and Tzora : the Illnesses we Don't Understand
This Weekly Double Portion teaching the Jewish People about connections between :
Temple offerings
As we see in a bit.
Yes, today there are still illnesses like blindness in Africa from infected water And other diseases :
G-d should only protect us from!!!
Why?  Who needs all those? 
And years ago - oil VEY! all the germs before someone invented SOAP!
Did you know the Kohain priests - sons if aron - were/are Healrs? and Doctors?
Someone sent me an anti-kabalist video pokiing fun at some ancient prescriptions for "healing".
But 1700 years ago the Rabbis Estimated "PI" - and maybe the Egyptians before them!
And Maionides 800 years ago incorporated Roman and Greek knowledge into his medicsl books! And:
The Talmud talks about how  they made Penicilin 1700 years ago !!!
So those  boors or fools poking fun at some old medical-practical theories in Rabbi Books were

Simply Not up to Date about HISTORY or Ancient Wisdoms - or RESPECT.
If some stuff sound odd to the modern what?
Boors make fun of things they are too foolish to undetstand or too lazy to put in perspective.
Studying in Yeshiva University High School we were taught not to follow all literal statements in the Talmud-
that not all old stuff works.
 It is sometimes just background stuff - not material for fools to use today to detract from essential truths!

At 430 AM I heard a class given by one of my favourite Rebbes-Teachers
In Israel (via computer miracle) on Talmud of Sota22 
(While I was getting ready to walk 5 kilometers to prayer - the shul where I am now making my AM turmeric tea)
The Talmud was warning against rabbis who may be knowledgeable but
Mislead others -
and it's because they never served and observed a holy scholar teacher -
something truly needed to absorb:
The reasons behind all of the Torah! and the TRUTHS of the Torah.
And how and why did all those African and South American people I met convert to Judaism,
And why did so many of them come to Israel to live a classical Jewish holy life?
AND: Why don't I just sleep later and pray by myself instead of pushing myself for 3 miles to get here on time for a 620 AM minyan?
Is it because of things like how
this Weekly Double Portion is teaching the Jewish People about
best medial/spiritual practices for
Childbirth - and connecting those practices to
Temple offerings
And the Healing Powers of the Kohain/Priest in dealing with ancient forms of Leprosy?
Or just because ALL the Torah - understandable or not - give MEANING AND POWER
We have a lot to learn from the INTRICACIES the Torah - 
and SPIRITUAL POWER to receive - 
Especially from this week's double portion...
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi A
In The USA

Portions teh Tza Veh meh and Tzora : the Illnesses we Don't Understand

 Portions teh Tza Veh meh and Tzora : the Illnesses we Don't Understand
This Weekly Double Portion teaching the Jewish People about connections between :
Temple offerings
As we see in a bit.
Yes, today there are still illnesses like blindness in Africa from infected water And other diseases :
G-d should only protect us from!!!
Why?  Who needs all those? 
And years ago - oil VEY! all the germs before someone invented SOAP!
Did you know the Kohain priests - sons if aron - were/are Healrs? and Doctors?
Someone sent me an anti-kabalist video pokiing fun at some ancient prescriptions for "healing".
But 1700 years ago the Rabbis Estimated "PI" - and maybe the Egyptians before them!
And Maionides 800 years ago incorporated Roman and Greek knowledge into his medicsl books! And:
The Talmud talks about how  they made Penicilin 1700 years ago !!!
So those  boors or fools poking fun at some old medical-practical theories in Rabbi Books were

Simply Not up to Date about HISTORY or Ancient Wisdoms - or RESPECT.
If some stuff sound odd to the modern what?
Boors make fun of things they are too foolish to undetstand or too lazy to put in perspective.
Studying in Yeshiva University High School we were taught not to follow all literal statements in the Talmud-
that not all old stuff works.
 It is sometimes just background stuff - not material for fools to use today to detract from essential truths!

At 430 AM I heard a class given by one of my favourite Rebbes-Teachers
In Israel (via computer miracle) on Talmud of Sota22 
(While I was getting ready to walk 5 kilometers to prayer - the shul where I am now making my AM turmeric tea)
The Talmud was warning against rabbis who may be knowledgeable but
Mislead others -
and it's because they never served and observed a holy scholar teacher -
something truly needed to absorb:
The reasons behind all of the Torah! and the TRUTHS of the Torah.
And how and why did all those African and South American people I met convert to Judaism,
And why did so many of them come to Israel to live a classical Jewish holy life?
AND: Why don't I just sleep later and pray by myself instead of pushing myself for 3 miles to get here on time for a 620 AM minyan?
Is it because of things like how
this Weekly Double Portion is teaching the Jewish People about
best medial/spiritual practices for
Childbirth - and connecting those practices to
Temple offerings
And the Healing Powers of the Kohain/Priest in dealing with ancient forms of Leprosy?
Or just because ALL the Torah - understandable or not - give MEANING AND POWER
We have a lot to learn from the INTRICACIES the Torah - 
and SPIRITUAL POWER to receive - 
Especially from this week's double portion...
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi A
In The USA

Make the Bitter times into Sweet

Make the Bitter times into Sweet
My friends, it is like
My Teacher Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach said often
Let's make this short and sweet ..."
And "
Who remembers those bad jokes Uncle X
Would say at the seder,
That was just a FamilyMeal with Matza?"
But Passover is the Holiday of the World!
In the middle of the Israel and Egypt story
The Torah teaches us the Almighty made
4 promises of Redemption.
And in the middle it says
"I bring you out of there with
Mishpatim Gedolim - 
Great Judgements"
My interpretation is
(Since RASHI doesn't comment on that)
That the exodus is SO GREAT
Can You Prove It? Asked one of my congregants once,
Who still believes we are all
Descended from OuterSpace Travelers
My abswer:
Our teachers traditionally taught that 
When the Red Sea Split For US,
And the congrebant added:
The Scientists say
There was a Tidal Wave Tsunami
At that time
From a Planet that Passed Close to Earth!
So you see, I said that
Whatever Happened it was just
By Following G-d's Command to 
The Greatest Miracle in History
if they just look up
Smell the Roses
See the Stars
Happy and Healthy and 
Meaningful Passover
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz