
Portion Lech Lecha

Portion Lech Lecha
Abraham is in Israel and seeks "  hospitality "  - in Egypt?
Been a lot of places - also Egypt - had tea with some hospitable beggars in Luxor...
but there is NO hospitality like last Shabbat morning ! 
with the Na Nach  (Rebbe)  Nachman (singing dancing) minyan in Elad!
I finished prayers early at my regular shul and went over there to see a friend - 
(turned out he was sleeping - works hard as a mechanic)-
and was invited by a couple of guys to stay for kiddush -
and when I tried to leave,
2 nice 20-something guys got up and gave me their seats!
One guy gave me some Burekas and  another poured me something that looked like seltzer - 
but ended up being a half glass worth of ARAK (licorice-liquor) (it wasn't bad - just strong)
Abraham and Hospitality are synonymous!
Na Nach s are known for spreading joy throughout Judaism and NOW for their hospitality too-
true children of Abraham!
So here in the portion it also talks about -
how -  Abraham's commandoes rescue a whole town from some warmonger kings - 
Not them, G-d forbid - but
The "NEUTRAL POWER" KING of Jerusalem! Who believes in the G-d of Abraham!
If only ALL the gentiles in the area believed in G-d - then and now - there would be a lot fewer wars
So - was Abraham a friend to the Egyptians and the Jerusalem Canaanites AND to the Philistines by the coast? 
Read more this Shabbat and next Shabbat and find out the TRUTH! 
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz (writing Tuesday in Jerusalem and sending out Thursday in New York)
תשובהתשובה לכולםהעברה