Portion Matos-Masei: Killers and Soldiers and Daughters and Saints - and Israel and Ireland
- פרטים
- קטגוריה: Parashat Hashavua
- פורסם בשלישי, 01 דצמבר 2020 18:14
- נכתב על ידי Super User
- כניסות: 2384
Portion Matos-Masei: Killers and Soldiers and Daughters and Saints - and Israel and Ireland
This double Portion at the end of the Fourth Book (of the 5) has a prophetic message-
for Israel (keep trying) and Ireland (the country that voted this week to ban part of Israel)
and for Hamas (and Iran and Hezbolah) who continue to make war on the Reality of Israel.
As the Israelites prepare to cross the Jordan – And to
finish clearing out the Enemies of the East who attacked them (see the previous portions)
The Almighty helps Moses and Joshua and Elazar (new High Priest son of the deceased Aron)
To Lead the People and settle Canaan, home of Abraham Isaac and Jacob who lived PEACE-
and Live in Peace ( more or less for the next 400 years –
until the peace and security during the kingdoms of David and Solomon) .
The warriors who ALL returned SAFELY -are to PURIFY THEMSELVES and EVERY ITEM
They are to SET ASIDE PLACES for exile of people who may have Killed by Accident;
The people of Reuvain Gad and Menasheh chose where they settle – in the Golan to build a better life for their families thanthey had in Egypt - but
(but must help the other tribes if the Canaanites chose to fight the Israelites).
Rebbe Noson of Breslav wrote: the leadership of Israel is Chosen – to teach RENEWAL-
Israel means Belief in Renewal - the chance for a Better World!
The world must stop its many hatreds– years of slaughter – for years in Syria, last year in Iraq, just before then in Crimea-Ukraine – Turkey Cambodia Africa Ecuador and Peru etc
Evil haters of Israel – it is TIME! Ireland and Europe and Russia and Iran and ALL MOSLEMS-
Wake up and admit how much Israel and the Jews contribute to the world! Haiti knows Japan knows Thailand knows -
We give the whole world the concepts of peace, purification, ways to forgive and to grow –
And to Rest – the Sabbath – the Holy Shabbos which is for ALL – not just the rich!
And the Joy of the Holy Weddings of the Daughters of Zelafchad - that all Israel were at!
Let's a pray this Shabbat that the world learns these lessons and we can all grow in spirit!
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz