
shabos message based on Rabbi Carlebach and the Zidichoive​r‏


Rabbi Shlomo said of the Zidichoiver's teaching

why do all Jewish kids love chanuka and purim? 
it's not about presents like some other groups! 

Yakov said to Esau (when they settled down and agreed to be friends a while 
- after so many years and the red stew and the blessing and the running away) 
("By the pace of the cattle and the pace of the children") 
'Regel haMlacha' - the PACE - can mean 
"the holidays Pesach, Shavuos, and Succos. 
'Regel haYiladim' can mean "the holidays of the children", which are Channukah and Purim. 
Rabbi Shlomo said- It is a mind-blowing commentary. 

Chanukah and Purim are the strongest holidays for the children. 
Chanukah and Purim are Meshiach's Yom Tovim (holidays suitable for a Messianic time of peace and understanding and NO MORE WAR - like how Jacob and Esau made up!!!) 
When we celebrate the past (like Passover) , the adults know more. 
When we are celebrating the future, the kids know best. 
Chanukah is the light of the FUTURE and Meshiach. which belongs to my children. 

love and shabbos from staten island new york- 
where my CENTER - OHEL ABRAHAM - is a collection center and 
my poeple are doing great things distributing to hurricane sandy victims! 
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz