
now the big storm's over in NY what do we do?


Based on thoughts from Rabbi David Aron and Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach

(Rabbi Aron is author of a number of inspirational books


Everyone should have a few of Rabbi Carlebach's inspiring CD's)

So how do you get the most out of life the minute after a storm - or other disaster?


Rabbi Aron writes " make every day count?
Torah teaches that the secret to life is kavanah, Hebrew for “intention” or “attunement.”

Kavanah can also mean “focus” and “concentration.”

Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach said "JOY! It's what Mother Sarah put into every day of her life! (and into Abraham's)

Rabbi Aron writes: " the simply pleasures of our daily life are sacrificed by our inability to stay focused in the now.

How many times do we eat a delicious meal without enjoying even one bite because we are lost in our thoughts thinking about what will be tomorrow?

Why dream our lives away? Why suffer over what was but no longer is? How can we stop living in our fantasies of the future or in our memories of the past and start living in the now?

The Torah (Bible) tells us that Sarah lived for 127 years. ..

“And the life of Sarah was 127 years, these were the years of the life of Sarah.” ...

the Sages explain that the days of Sarah’s life equaled the days that she actually lived. In other words, a person may die at age 127 and even though their life lasting 127 years they did not live 127 years. They may have only lived 10 years of life and wasted the rest.

Most people... live now but our minds are on later or yesterday. We need to give our undivided attention to the present because this is when life is happening, right here and right now."


Love and Shabbos

Rabbi Andy Eichenholz