
Blessing over the candles

Blessing over the candles

Baruch Atah Adonai Elohaynu Melekh ha'olam asher kiddshanu bemitzvotav vetzivanu lehadlik ner shel Shabbat

May it be your will, Hashem, my God and the God of my forefathers, that you grace me and my husband (and my sons and my father and my mother) and all my relatives, and give us and all Israel a good and long life.

That you remember us favorably and with a blessing that you recall us with salvation and mercy, and that you bless us with plentiful blessing, that you make our homes complete and that you should make your divine presence dwell among us. 

Grant us the merit to raise children and grandchildren who are wise and understanding, who love God and fear Him, mem of truth, holy offspring who cleave to God and who enlighten the world with Tora and good deads and with all word in the service of the Creater. 

Please, God, hear my pray at this time in the merit of Sara, Rebecca, Rachel and Leah our matriarchs and illuminate our candles that they may never be extinguished forever and ever and let Your countenance shine upon us that we may be saved, amen.