Useful Links

Shabbos Instructions - Links

Shabbos Instructions - Links

The Shabbat page 

Shabbat Checklist and Basic Laws - Aish Hatora

Shabat guides at

I really want to keep Shabbat but I'm finding it very difficult - Chabbad

Keep Shabbos - Divrei Chizuk

The Shabbat Gateway: How to Keep Shabbat

Hilchos Shabbos - Coloring Pictures

Shabbat an island in time

Shabbat - Aish Hatorah

Shabbat songs - Aish Hatorah


Shabbat Instructions and Guidline


The Shabbat Primer - Getting ready for Shabbat - Nechomo Greisman and Chana Ne'eman

Shabbos Secrets  - The mysteries revealed  - Rabbi Dovid Meisels  


Hilchot Shabbat



Be'ezrat Hashem - Making Jews More Jewish - THE KIRUV REVOLUTION

Torah in Motion