Portion of : Vayikra and Zachor (Remember)
- פרטים
- קטגוריה: Parashat Hashavua
- פורסם בשלישי, 01 דצמבר 2020 05:10
- נכתב על ידי Super User
- כניסות: 675
Portion of : Vayikra and Zachor (Remember)
It was the week before Purim and all through the house
there were costumes of butterflies and even a mouse!
The Almighty's poetry is better than mine - and it says
We see G-d "called to Moshe" with a little "aleph" at the end -
(Hebrew letter aleph meaning "champion" - a LITTLE letter here so as NOT to inflate our EGO_
And this Shabbat we read also
that we have to "Remember what Amalek did (and does) -
so wipe out the memory of Amalek
(whether their evil acts and intentions -
or the doubt and fear they sew ...
Yes - Moses our teacher STARTED the defeat of Amalek -
but evil and doubts and fears are still things we must contend with
but we can all realize
that the Almighty calls to the "Great but Humble Moses" within us all -
to be the CHAMPIONS of ANTI-EVIL in our world-
by celebrating AND SHARING the story of PURIM this week.
With blessings from Israel
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz