
The portion starts out "take for me donations", (Tikchu Terumati)

The portion starts out "take for me donations", (Tikchu Terumati)

and in the Kabbala work ZOHAR the portion explanation begins with the concept
"G-d has given every nation a king but
G-d has chosen to be the King of the Jewish nation (children of Jacob/Israel)". 

The Hebrew "teruma" can mean "raise up for me donations" (from the root TARUM)
or as Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach said of this sentence "it means SEPARATE and MAKE SPECIAL" for me. 

So that explains the ZOHAR - because (in brief) the Al-mighty takes a nation to H-imself -
gives us a task - a special task-
and as Rav Shlomo teaches us-

"therefore we learn that our task is to make those around us feel special and
to make our worship of Hashem special and
to raise up our children to know how special they are to us ... etc".

Have a special Shabbos! 

Rabbi Andy Eichenholz