
Portion of MeKates

Portion of MeKates

What G-dly genius!
What a sense of Humor and Genius of Teaching! 

JUST Read between the lines - 

In this portion Joseph PLAYFULLY tries to teach his brothers about REPENTANCE 
and Forgiving Themselves and each other-
to overcome past mistakes (we ALL make them)-
by trying to teach them to REACH into the DEPTHS of their inner souls 

(they must REURN to Egypt...
they must try to get their Brother OUT OF PRISON
they must again seek out Joseph 
they must promise their father Jacob to be more careful in their brotherly relationships
so many BEAUTIFUL ideas for us all today as well!!! )

And like SO many things in life - we don't see 
the conclusion and the consequences (the brothers RE - UNITED) - until NEXT WEEK's Tora Portion!!!
(when we see the LIGHT)

So here's somthing from Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach sent me by Rabbi Sholom Brodt of Jerusalem,

and I'm relating this thought to Chanuka Lighting

Light is the level of the reaching higher than your 'self', deeper than everything in the world. 
You can learn something and know more or feel more. 

This is not the level of light yet.
Sometimes you learn a word and it gets very deep in your heart. (and) Suddenly 
you reach somewhere deeper than the deepest part of yourself. 

This is called light. 

Gutt Shabbos and Happy Chanuka

Rabbi Andy Eichenholz