
Shabbat CholHaMoed - Blessings for 8 (or 7 in Israel) Days of Matza‏

Shabbat CholHaMoed - Blessings for 8 (or 7 in Israel) Days of Matza‏
Almost Shabbat here in Israel - and I want to share these blessings that I heard from Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach
He reminded us that Matza is a healing - a simple food to take away all the complications of life.
I was at the Moshav (farm community) he founded yesterday - 
for a day of music and dancing and seeing old friends from the US and Israel
(and their kids and grandchildren etc)
may sharing time with friends always be a blessing and a healing for us all.
Music is also a great healing - and may there be much music in all our lives.
I too want to bless us all  we should know the greatness in each one of us - 
that greatness that the Almighty sent with each of us to this earth when we were born
and I bless us all that our hearts and our minds not be separated in spirit or in action
and that we are able to act to do the right thing when we are confronted with the situations that test our resolve
Blessings of Shabbos and Matza and Music and healing
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz