
Can Study of Maimonides End All Wars?


Chapter 6 of his 8-Chapters-Book

Understand that health and eating and sleep and EVERY moment can be FOCUSED

Focus on the HOLY PURPOSE of LIFE - and ALL things
(according to Judaism) become SPIRIT and Holiness

Not Easy? so - 
START with a prayer before you eat
and 3 seconds FOCUS that the 
food should bring you health
the health should bring you GOOD FEELING
the Good Feeling should bring you CLOSER TO YOUR MAKER

Rabbi Shlomo Carlebac would add

You GOTTA grab the HOLINESS of each moment

to turn an ISSUE into an EVENT to BRING YOU CLOSER

and to quote him on this week's Torah  portion

 The same is the 3 weeks these are the very days we can turn everything over the right way and fixour soul in the deepest way being one with every yid, bringing the ultimate redemption