
Portion – Theory of Relativity - Baha Alote cha in Israel – Naso in the Galut (Outside Israel)- where are YOU

Portion – Theory of Relativity -  Baha Alote cha in Israel – Naso in the Galut (Outside Israel)- where are YOU
Last week Shavuote was 1 day in Israel, 2 days outside Israel with the second day on Shabbat. So in Israel we went ahead to the next Torah portion, and “outside” is reading what we read last week.

Not to sound too Kabbalistic BUT – this Shabbat should SPIRITUALLY “blow everyone’s mind”! Why?

In Israel we read the portion with its name meaning “Raising you UP” (Baha Alote cha);

In Diasspora (everywhere else) – we read Naso – from the root meaning “pick up - the BURDEN”.

Wherever you are, you need to try to connect to the Torah, to be insulated from worldly problems. It works!

In the Israel portion there is so much to learn from! And it takes you “on a journey” away from all the talk about corona corona corona – statistics and statistics – issues and issues.

I bring here just a little idea about RELATIVE CONTEXT.

(NO – NOT ABOUT THE in-laws ) – but about WHERE are YOU? Are you – raising up – or feeling the burden?

In this week’s portion it says 3 times in the fourth Aliyah (of seven): That the Israelites in the desert “camped by word of the L-rd” and “journeyed onward” by word of the L-rd”.

An idea from one of the teachers where I pray was expressed thusly:

Imagine a tiny child being held by it’s mother, what will be the answer if you ask “where are you”?

The answer will be “I’m with Mommy”. If you are in a store, in a playground, going on a bus, the answer from a child held by the mother has got to be, “I’m with Mommy”.

Wherever the Israelites traveled those 40 years in the desert – they were around the Tabernacle, and protected by the Almighty.

So too, this week's Israel portion teaches us to feel the protection – not the burden – of being near the Tabernacle and near the Almighty.  And to raise up the spirits of others – even if sometimes we think it is a burden.

Shabbat Shalom

Rabbi Andy Eichenholz