
Porton of AchRey and Kedoshim – and the Tooth Fairy

Porton of AchRey and Kedoshim – and the Tooth Fairy
At a restaurant one time my big girl said "my mouth s bleeding" – she had lost a baby tooth
My little girl said "oh – blood!"
The double header this week starts with Sacrifices of Yom Kippur
sprinkling blood towards the Holy of Holies
and then the second porton
teaches ways to connect deeply with G-d thru many Mitzvos
Now - Why in the Temple sacrifices in Jerusalem did the Kohain have to sprinkle blood
If you had to go to a Mikva to cleanse body and soul,
before bringing sacrifices
why deal with a place where blood might surely stain your clothes?
And why does the tooth fairy come and leave gifts when my kids baby teeth fall out?
The deep question s- 
What is real in this world (to YOU  anyway)
Your car
Your job
Video games
Or vacations
Or - hopefully -
Or maybe  your family
And living a positive life
If your Kid (or your Cat) scrapes a knee - what should you do? That's a part of life -
fix it and hold them to feel better/
If you need an operation do you go to a sorcerer to ask how it will turn out?
The Torah portion says - it will go against the truth and reality
The first portion comes to grips with
the Reality that trying to stay pure is he objective not always achieved
Blood sweat and tears- what a name for a BAND - why were they successful?
There was some DEEP MEANING in SOME of their music
The temple idea was to teach the reality of blood (and sweat) and tears
and that the Almighty wants us to face it all - and live a holy and productive life
not to sweat the small stuff
but to confront the blood and the tears and know that when we do so
it is the Almighty - not the tooth fairy or the sorcerer - who leaves us gifts under our pillow
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz