
Portion of Va Yay Lech - Moshe Went (where?)

Portion of Va Yay Lech - Moshe Went (where?)
Some commentators ask " where did he go"? Why that language in the Torah?
Did he go - 
On His Way?
To the Tabernacle?
From the corporeal to the spiritual?
From the Tabernacle towards Mount Nebo (where he passed on?)
Where were his wife and children? Were they all still alive (we KNOW he had grandchildren from reports in the later parts of the Tanach - the prophets)
So here is a thought - 
That he "left" the teaching to Joshua his successor
and entered into a new dimension OF BLESSING AND SINGING 
(the next portion is HA AH ZEE NOO - the swan song of Moshe Rabenu - our teacher)
No longer speaking the words of the Almighty - 
but EMULATING THE ALMIGHTY - as we all are supposed to do
to make this world a bit more like HEAVEN -
to the best of our ability - especially as we approach Yom Kippur - a G-dly Day -
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz