
Portion Tzav – Darth Vader versus Aron the Hih Priest

Portion Tzav – Darth Vader versus Aron the Hih Priest
Searching for kid and adult costumes I found there were Cleopatra and Minnie Mouse and Darth Vader and Police Officer Outfits but-
 No High Priest Costumes for sale for Purim?
In this week’s portion the Torah continues with "sacrifices"
and then with Aron the Priest and his Sons-as-Part-of the community
"Take Aron and his sons” and inaugurate the JEWISH PRIESTHOOD–
So they are inaugurated in front of the Tent (Sanctuary) of the meeting – in front of all Israel
Judaisn is One Family community
They call us tribes – but we are the "OPEN SYSTEM tribes
We are the WELCOMING ALL tribe  and we say–
 join us for sacrifice to FIX THE HATRED IN THE WORLD or HATRED OF ONE ANOTHER –
 and learn holiness in our
“Bayti beit tefila Lekol HaAmin – our house of prayer is for ALL nations”
If only the world would understand that
Maybe there would be Purim costumes of Aron the High Priest and his sons the JEWISH priests!
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz