
BeHa Ahloat-cha - about nudges and rich men and teachers‏ Leadership - somethin

BeHa Ahloat-cha - about nudges and rich men and teachers‏

Leadership - something so important that so few know so little about! 

In this week's Portion - Beha-Ah-loat-cha - Moses the Leader is pushed hard -
and happily branches out sharing his holy powers with 70 "elders" - but those complainers who nudged him out of ego didn't make it - their purpose was not holy 

Also on this portion, Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach Z"TZL quoted Rabbi Aron Karliner (3rd generation Hassidic founding-leader) saying Moses got EXTRA holy power from those Israelites who wanted to bring the Passover offering but could not because they were ritually impure on the 2nd Passover in the desert. They were insistent, though, for a holy purpose. 

Moses told them "your strong desire will warrant a direct response from Hashem" - which actually happened. G-d ordained the "second Passover - for those who could not participate in the first passover season. 

Rabbi Moshe Zvi Neria Z"tzl - educator and leader of Religious Zionist Youth wrote that we MUST BE WATCHFUL that leaders who start out doing public service do not become nudged or co-opted by the leaders of industry who often seek power for their own good only. 

everything we are or feel today 

actually existing in a spiritual 5th dimension (not the rock group) - 

It is best to think weather we are pushing for things that lead to the common good - and holiness or goodness - or power or greed - and may Hashem grant our prayers and wishes and protect the Holy Israelite People and its Land and Torah - 

so we may fulfill G-d's plan to make the world a holier and better place for all. 

Love and Shabbos from Israel 

Rabbi Andy Eichenholz