
Have a Date With G-d


Have a Date With G-d

Modified this week by Rabbi Andy Eichenholz -
from Rabbi David Aron's teaching of Isralight
Jerusalem, Israel - 
and a word from Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach OB"M


All the Jewish holidays plug us into the (GOOD) drama in Jewish life.

Otherwise it's easy to forget.

Rabbi Aron likes to quote Henny Youngman's joke

"I became an atheist - until I realized there were no HOLIDAYS!"

So Jewish holidays return us to - what?

You can always CELEBRATE - but onnecting your celebrations to RELIVING

The "sharp turns and striking contrasts" in Jewish history.

It's like Having a Date with G-d -

Remembering what was meaningful in the past,

and thinking together with a significant other-

about what is in thepresent and what can be in the future.

Torah says "your holidays are HOLY-

and why?

BECAUSE THEY MAKE US us to recognize THAT-

G-d’s love is with us all the time.

Each holiday celebrates a critical ingredient in the recipe for a lovingrelationship with G-d and our fellow man —

freedom, JOY, responsibility, fallibility, accountability, 

forgiveness, spontaneity, integrity, wholeness,intimacy, anticipation, hope and trust.

Each holiday in the Jewish calendar is a date with G- d - TO TREASURE

and adapted from a recording to Rav Shlomo (from something I just received)

LAG B'OMER is the CELEBRATION of the SECRET LIGHT hidden in everything-

the Treasure G-d leaves for us in this world-

and it is in studying the secrets of the Torah

as well as the REVEALED and SIMPLER teachings -

that reveal that LIGHT for all the world