
Shabbat VaYakhel

Shabbat VaYakhel

Why all this detail about how to build the Holy Temple in the desert?
Isn"t the HOME supposed to be your PERSONAL Holy Temple?
THERE IS in both
An entrance
A Holy space
Holy of holies – where not everyone goes
And only in times of great closeness
When we are together we invite in people
Some times we share deeply with others
And some times and places it's only for our families.
But it works when we're together!

Reb Shlomo ztz"l used to emphasize the teaching that if even only one tiny peg was missing in the Mishkan, then the Shechinah would not dwell in it. The Mishkan was constructed with the t'rumot contributions of every 'nediv lev- every Israelite participated'
Shabbat shalom
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz