
Portion TeTzaVeh - on Graft Negligence and Responsibility

Portion TeTzaVeh -  on Graft Negligence and Responsibility
Right now Israel news is mostly about police spyware checking telephones illegally
No judge or politician or police leader has opened up about how when and why it began
Was it negligence of 20 years that led to this loss of integrity, as some are saying?
Leadership is at a premium today in the world.
Statesmanship - always sparse in supply - seems to have given way to simple greed
What is going on with Russia, with Venezuela, with the new anti-semitic vice president in Honduras (a Palestinian), in the Yemen war - and Afghanistan - etc? 
So this week was Moses' birthday - and Yahrzeit (anniversary of passing).
What lessons can the world learn today from Moshe our Leader?
Was he a great leader because he followed Yitro's advice?
Was he a Statesman who kept the 12 tribes from clashing with one another?
Was appointing his famous brother as High Priest (a job Moses held until the Mishkan/Temple was built) a move approved by the masses - 
or simple nepotism (even though Moses/Moshe Rabaynu COULD have appointed his own sons - even to be priests - which he did NOT)
So my friend STUIE brough to our attention what Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach taught about Moses from this week's portion: (Reb Shlomo speaking:)
Parshas Tetzaveh, is the one Portion where Moshe Rabainu’s ( Moses) name is omitted from the Torah during his lifetime.
Tetzaveh stands as an eternal tribute to Moshe Rabainu, It is the Torah’s own testimony to Moshe Rabainu’s greatness in giving up every thing in order to preserve his bond and love with his people and restore them to their G-d.”
“Include Me Out*
See here my beautiful friends, Moshe Rabbeinu came down and brought us the Ten Commandments. When he came down it says that no one could look directly at him "Ki Karan Or Panav", gevalt was he shining like the sun. We realized that whatever he is telling us is only a fraction of what he really heard in heaven.
So here I want you to know something. What did Moshe Rabainu hear in heaven which he really didn't give over to us just yet? Humanly speaking, during the forty nights G-d was sitting with Moshe and telling him what all the laws really mean, mamesh what the whole Torah really means. Gevalt was it real.
So when did Moshe Rabainu give over to us this inside, the real meaning of everything?
After the golden calf, G-d says "I'm going to wipe out the Yidden -I'll wipe out the Yidden, and you will be the only one alive." So Moshe Rabainu says "If you wipe out all the Yidden, 'Mecheinei Na', then wipe me out from your book!" The way it's translated is "Take me out from your Torah." But here all the Rebbes say the same thing.
"Mecheini" comes from the words "Mei Noach", the waters of Noach. What's the connection to Noach? So everybody knows that Moshe Rabainu had a nitzotz (spark), a little part of Noach in him. So what was the problem with brother Noach? When G-d told Noach he would destroy his generation, Noach didn't pray for his generation. Here comes the tikkun (the spiritual repair); Moshe Rabainu says if you wipe out your people, then wipe me out of your Torah -"Mecheini" - "Mei Noach." Wipe me out because I'm not going to let another mabul (flood) come to this world. I’m not interested in starting a new world like you did with Noach. Moshe Rabainu learned to love the world, Mamash can we learn from Moshe Rabainu how to love.
Good Shabbos
So Moshe loved the people - and put his neck on the line for them.
But I would like to add how this week's portion with next week's - teach 
Moses is commanded to get together all the people
WITH WISE HEARTS - to build the Mishkan.
Leaders must lead - but also delegate responsibly!
And in this Portion the Priestly family is INDUCTED -
but with responsibility, not just privilege - to work for the PEOPLE
And Next  Week's portion The Almighty suggests 2 individual "chacham Lev" people
(wise hearts)
So the Holy One puts in place another layer of technical management-
and Moses and Aron and Joshua do not object!
And the priests and the judges (appointed with Yitro's advice) and
the artists and the wise-hearts who will construct the Desert Temple -
With no complaints from Joshua, or from Moses' family -
that worked in the desert, and upon entry to Israel -
And we can learn from this model for all time -
and maybe remind the world-
of this model of Statesmanship, coordination, and taking responsibility
Shabbat Shalom
תשובהתשובה לכולםהעברה