
Portion of Vayayshev - Jacob Back in Israel - and - OIY VEY what Happens!‏

Portion of Vayayshev - Jacob Back in Israel - and - OIY VEY what Happens!‏


I still have these 2 stories I want to tell you - but I woke up 5AM in NY and - like Rav Kook wrote - 
when you leave Israel (even for a holy purpose) - some of your spirit goes back to G-d the first night you sleep abroad - and it only comes back when you come back to Israel - and get to sleep in that holy Land! 

So my "extra Israel soul" left me and I woke up worrying!
Jacob comes home to Israel - and his sons are FURIOUS with Joseph - and SELL him as a slave!
Judah becomes depressed, marries a girl - and his kids are SO bad - that - oh -you can read the portion!

And here's the sad part about losing my extra-Israel-soul - because I think -
What should Jacob expect?
Abraham had Ishmael (still giving US trouble),
and Isaac had Esav - whose FIRST 2 wives were no hit with the family-
and then he marries a THIRD - a daughter of Ishmael no less!

Where's my sympathy? My feelings for our forbear Yakov (Jacob) Avinu?

Joseph - OIY Yosele - HE ends up in PRISON - for doing the RIGHT THING!

So I quote - or paraphrase - to you from what my friend Rabbi Sholom Brodt (student of Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach) wrote:

Hashem Yisborach please open my heart, please help us to open our hearts..... to Yakov Avinu..... to Yosef and his brothers......
on one very special level 
these stories are about opening our hearts to our children 

opening our hearts to our brothers and sisters 

it’s the story about what happens when 
‘chas v’shalom’... may Hashem protect us and Bless us with ‘shalom’ 

when we close our hearts and ....
(and forget) the part of me which is an essential 
“cheilek Elokah mi’ma’al, mammash”..... part of Hashem "
So I went to visit a sick person this morning after 6:30 AM prayers,
did a few mitzvas - and now pray my "extra shabbos spirit" comes back tonight !
Because I know that what happened to Jacob and OUR family worked out well in the end - as Joseph tells them later on in the Torah "it was the All-mighty" that PLANNED all this - so that WE CAN SAVE THE WORLD"


Rabbi Andy Eichenholz