
Portion we read this week is the Passover Portion - and what about having Passover on a deserted island?

Portion we read this week is the Passover Portion - and what about having Passover on a deserted island?
"I am a rock I  Am an Island ..."simon.n garfunkle ...
If you are shipwreked on a desert island,
And some Matzas and horseradish was airlifted  on to you - a portend of maybe a rescue ....
Are you there with me?
And think about the Red Cross package my grandfather sent  - 

Can you imagine how my cousin Itzik in Auschwitz felt when the Nazi guard told him

"we got the Red Cross package for Passover that your uncle sent, so we are giving you a little more food forkeeping you alive a little longer."

What a little seder he must have had 

Think you could have been with our Israeli soldiers - 
 Jewish soldiers  - watching guard in Gaza to prevent terrorists from tunnels from attacking...eating their seder in the mud in the dark ?

Are you maybe with me and with the American soldiers who had a seder in WWII after conquering part of Gernany 
or our soldiers in vietnam or kuwait
Tonight we are in Egypt .. ALL OF US -
the place in the desert where I was arrested and imterrogated a whole day ...

Near Where our forefathers were enslaved 100-200 years ago
but thinking "we are going free in the morning!
Tonight : We Are All in Egyot and Going Free with Rabbi Moshe and Kohain Aron And Batya the Daughter of Pharoah -

going to freedom - and to Israel - SOOOO
Read That Hagada with a littke Reverence tonight!

Love and Shabbos and Prayers from the Holy Land of Holy People of Israel
Rabbi Andy Eichebholz