
Parsha of Toledot

Parsha of Toledot

I really want to tell over the Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach coffee joke - 
but how to explain to even my closest friends about the holiness of Isaac our forefather. 

Today on the radio Rebetzin Yemima Mizrachi of Jerusalem was teaching how Isaac never complained about his son Eisav - even though he was not growing up according to "the plan". Isaac blessed him "see my son whose scent is the scent of the fields.(the nature)..". Just as things grow and develop – so to our children grow. 

Rabbi Carlebach used to say that “from Eisav were descended people who made trouble for Israel – but ALSO many great sages and leaders – like Rabbi Akiva – were descendants from Eisav who converted to Judaism!” So gotta try to fit into G-d’s plan and then look to the future.

Last Shabbat was the portion about Abraham buying the “Double Cave” in Hebron – a Jewish Holy Place where we were forbidden to pray by the Arabs until 1967! 

Very few people in history have ever even been it the cave – but there is a story about Rabbi Avraham of Gaza (yeah – Jews always lived there too!) who was ordered by the nasty sultan to go down into a hole in the floor of the great shrine built over the cave to find something – because any of his soldiers who went down there never made it back alive! Rabbi Avraham went down – and met some people praying there – our forefathers and foremothers who are buried there! 

They gave him back the sultan’s sword! But they said to him– you’ll be with us soon and we can expound on the Torah together and pray together for the people of Israel …and soon after getting the sword back to the sultan – and saving the Jewish Community of Israel – he passed on and was buried nearby… 

So remember – our holy previous generations – from Abraham and Sarah on down – are connected to our souls and are praying for us and all Israel to grow and follow as close as.possible to G-d’s plan. 

Maybe next week the coffee joke and a French Resistance story. 

Shabbat shalom 

Rabbi Andy Eichenholz